Thinking about just being done with eccie

This thread has gone two pages without Taint being mentioned..... What is the world coming too?
You're always going to run into those types no matter where you are, cheer up an push on
Thanks to all for the awesome advice between talking with truly passion and jillian im getting some great advice from both girls!
One thing I'm going to note on this. Some girls advertise lots, answer lots of ISOs, draw lots of attention, and get questionable reviews and clients. Other girls advertise less, screen more, get to know the client a bit before meeting (pm, e mail, convo, coffee, etc.). The latter types of girls may have less clients, but they get better clients. They also have mire opportunity to ease off if their spidey senses kick in.

Tiara, I'm tempted to meet just to show you there are nice guys out there. And then there are some guys nicer than I am trying to help you.

TP has a lot of experience to guide you. Jillian is a marketing genius. Jessica is a sweetheart that screens and doesn't advertise a ton. All 3 can help you. Take some time off and just be a 2x year old girl this weekend and have some fun. Then re evaluate and make a goal, any goal. When you hit that goal, re evaluate again. Goals could be buy a car, save x dollars, take a college class or two, find two good regular clients, etc.

When you do meet good clients treat them accordingly and they may come back.
A vacation is well needed this weekend ..i have my regulars and i love them they are sweet and respectful of me and i take care of them! Maybe a break will clear my mind
One thing I'm going to note on this. Some girls advertise lots, answer lots of ISOs, draw lots of attention, and get questionable reviews and clients. Other girls advertise less, screen more, get to know the client a bit before meeting (pm, e mail, convo, coffee, etc.). The latter types of girls may have less clients, but they get better clients. They also have mire opportunity to ease off if their spidey senses kick in.

Tiara, I'm tempted to meet just to show you there are nice guys out there. And then there are some guys nicer than I am trying to help you.

TP has a lot of experience to guide you. Jillian is a marketing genius. Jessica is a sweetheart that screens and doesn't advertise a ton. All 3 can help you. Take some time off and just be a 2x year old girl this weekend and have some fun. Then re evaluate and make a goal, any goal. When you hit that goal, re evaluate again. Goals could be buy a car, save x dollars, take a college class or two, find two good regular clients, etc.

When you do meet good clients treat them accordingly and they may come back. Originally Posted by pfmtony

Aww thanks!

Tiara will be just fine. She is a strong beautiful girl!
elgato111's Avatar
Tiara, you are still young and it takes time to get "used" to this business. I have been around for more years than I care to admit. Met all kinds of great ladies and some not so great. Unfortunately in this business there are some guys that will really test your limits and disrespect you as a person. You seemed to have gotten some pretty good advice from some great ladies here, heed what they tell you and you will be fine. Take care of yourself and your confidence will grow and mature with time. Relax and enjoy this great weekend.
Aww thanks!

Tiara will be just fine. She is a strong beautiful girl! Originally Posted by Jillian Price
TP has been very helpful and of course jillian shes the one girl i always talk to first !! Love herr!!!
timothe's Avatar
.....Tiara, I'm tempted to meet just to show you there are nice guys out there... Originally Posted by pfmtony
I'm not tempted at all. Who wants to spend their hard earned money on a provider who will likely provide a half-hearted session? That's how I read this thread.
Well im sorry you feel that way but im not half hearted in anything i do but thanks for your opinion!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I have never seen you but dont let one a hole stop you from being a atf to many guys. take a break if you need it and listen to the great girls that have given you their exp. screen for the type of guys you want to see you should be able to tell by the reviews they have posted and dont see the guys you wish not to
I'm not tempted at all. Who wants to spend their hard earned money on a provider who will likely provide a half-hearted session? That's how I read this thread. Originally Posted by timothe
Unfortunately, there are many hobbyists who will prey upon new and/or inexperienced providers in hopes of getting discounted sessions or doing "activities" (see the OP's initial post) that an experienced, sane, and sober provider would not allow.

89Tiara, if you need any advice or help, please let it be known privately. There are ladies here who are more than willing to help. Even if no one lends you an ear, there is a plethora of information regarding your safety, security, and success in this industry as a provider.

Otherwise, I wish the best for you!
muffin101's Avatar
This chick needs a mentor... I can't tell you how many things I read above that SHE should have prevented.

Any volunteers?

*takes step back* Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Can this mentor have a dick?
Boltfan's Avatar
She should probably leave now before she becomes the next Mercianna. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Post of the year material right there
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Stole a car, stole a horse, collects donations to help another gal out and then keeps it, gets choked the fuck out at least twice a week, comes on here begging for help all the time, etc.... vs talking about some problems she's had in her 3 1/2 months on eccie.

Lets no exaggerate now