Guys, it's time to stop commenting on "fees"

ShysterJon's Avatar

Get it right. You are rude, unwashed rednecks. Hillbillies are from Kentucky Originally Posted by DecemberLove
See, I already received constructive criticism. Thank you ma'am, may I have another?

diud-diud's Avatar
Well put Dodge,r but is it necessary. I just see this as another post telling others what to think or what to post or not post. I find no value in complaining about a lady's fees. But find even less in complaining about people complaining about a lady's fees.

I find no value in complaining about a lady not wanting to see you cause you are too old, too young, too heavy, too ethnic or whatever. I however Iam not one to go on that thread and slam them for feeling that way or for them wanting to publicly vent their frustration. If I do venture on to one of those threads I actually find it more annoying to see the repeated refrain about it is her right to see who she wants etc., or the even more empathic "get over it and move on." I'm sure the OP isn't suggesting that someone holds the provider down for him, he is just getting something off his chest. It is a discussion board. If that is what someone wants to discuss let'em. If you don't like, click to one you do like.

But just like we exclude ladies from our lists based on their posting habits, they do the same with us. So the guy that constantly complains about x providers rates will find that even if she lowers them to free, he will find that he is persona non gratis(a pun) .

No the irony of this post hasn't missed me at all, I just have never read where any one has had this same sentiment, so I decided to go ahead and post anyway.
Man ... I hate posts complaining about posts complaining about posts which complain about (insert personal pet peeve here).

Its the weekend ... lighten up (or light em up) and enjoy!

Note, this posting does in know way refer to activities prohibited under eccie rules or any federal, state, or local regulation. Well ... except that you can't smoke in restaurants, bars, offices, federal buildings, or pretty much anywhere inside or outside in New York City.
elgato111's Avatar
I like this thread. I totally agree with just about everything said by all.

I love the metroplex for the great variety of ladies who offer great service at reasonable prices. I too play with a budgeted limit for what I will or can pay. And with the hundreds of fine ladies in this area I can always find one that fits my preferences and my budgeted limit. and I most always enjoy my time with them.

Ladies, you will not hear a complaint from me about your rates as long as I continue to partake of your wonderful services.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
As we can all tell, providing "input" about rates really works.....
dodger's Avatar
OK .. it's one thing to say "I won't be seeing this lady because I limit myself to $$". It's another thing to say, "who does this newcomer think she is to request $$$.5 when my ATF requests $$.5". But it's quite another thing to say, "so I PMd her and told her to contact me when your rates are down at some reasonable number".

Fact is's fair to comment about rates and services, quality of incall location, etc. It's another thing to criticize a provider for the services she does or does not offer, or her rates. And another thing to haggle.

Anyone who has been in chat for some period of time will tell you that there are providers who have decided not to tour DFW because they heard the guys are cheap. Not saying that's true. I am saying that you will hear out of town providers saying that. Personally, not an issue for me because I support my local providers. But it really is not a good thing.

Part B, every provider I've spoken has the "you wouldn't believe the number of emails (PMs) I get asking me to do yah dee dah for this amount, when all my services and rates are published".

So, what I'm saying is ... I read a review today .. and realized I was tired of seeing the criticism of the lady's rates. Thass all ....
Chevalier's Avatar
But . . . but . . . if those other guys (who haven't seen her) don't reply to a review to tell me they wouldn't spend that much to see her . . . how am I supposed to know whether I should pay that much to see her???

What do y'all expect me to do, anyway? Think for myself? *shudder*
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
But . . . but . . . if those other guys (who haven't seen her) don't reply to a review to tell me they wouldn't spend that much to see her . . . how am I supposed to know whether I should pay that much to see her???

What do y'all expect me to do, anyway? Think for myself? *shudder* Originally Posted by Chevalier
LOL Yikes! Not that!

Lots of beautiful ladies at lots of rates. Something for everyone.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
So, in a board designed to discuss services provided in exchange for payment, it is wrong to discuss the payment?

That makes absolutely no sense.
dodger's Avatar
Lots of beautiful ladies at lots of rates. Something for everyone. Originally Posted by Abraham
a comedy, tonight!!!
If all hobbyists keep collectively complaining about high hooker access fees, hookers as a whole will lower their access fees. This will keep the price of meat affordable for hobbyists in the metroplex.
  • Sami
  • 03-05-2011, 12:05 AM
If all hobbyists keep collectively complaining about high hooker access fees, hookers as a whole will lower their access fees. This will keep the price of meat affordable for hobbyists in the metroplex. Originally Posted by Bannedito
Do you really believe that?

Did you ever think about provider's have there incall rent,deposits that has electric,water,cable,their cell phone bill.(That's the Basic incall)

The Provider has to have there hair,nails,toes,cosmetics,perf umes,gym memberships,tan . (To please you)

The incall cost to keep it in top appearance, clean linens, clean period!
(So you can enjoy with no worries)

Some of us offer wine, mix drinks, dinners, deserts.
(Whatever makes our gentleman comfortable).

Then providers have their lingerie, shoes, toys.
( That excites you)

Then we have our advertisement.
(That excites you because we all have something to offer)

Providers have to be stocked with oils,lotions,soaps,shampoo's,m outhwash,protection.
(For you and me)

Providers that have hotels have the same expenses,just on the road.

Then the Provider goes home and has every expense in their personal life.

I am sure I missed something, but that's the basic.

I can't ask my apartment complex every month will you take $200 off because I think it's unfair and overpriced. Hell No!
I wear short hair ask my stylist well you didn't cut to much today how about a discount? Hell No!
Can I call electric company and say my bill is to high can you knock some off? Hell No!

If you show up and my place is a mess, and I am not looking and smelling good.

Than that's Overpriced!

Thank God for you gentleman that understand what it is we do to give you a great time
Captain Caveman's Avatar

Get it right. You are rude, unwashed rednecks. Hillbillies are from Kentucky Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Oh, DecemberLove... I am from Kentucky and I now live in Texas... I HOPE you are not calling me an unwashed redneck... because I have strived so hard to be unlike my Kentucky brethren...
Iaintliein's Avatar
If all hobbyists keep collectively complaining about high hooker access fees, hookers as a whole will lower their access fees. This will keep the price of meat affordable for hobbyists in the metroplex. Originally Posted by Bannedito