What states get more from the Federal Government than they pay?

Grace Preston's Avatar
Grace....you hear these hillbillies griping about liberals, welfare and the like ....yet 9 out of the 10 states they pay more in are blue states and Texas and Florida brag about not having a State income tax and it turns out that California and New York are subsidizing their country bumpkin asses! Originally Posted by WTF

Its not exactly as simple as you want to make it. Texas has two VERY large (one of them the largest in the nation) military installations that are funded entirely by the Federal Government. That counts towards the in vs. out dollars. Florida? Yeah-- I'm happy to point and laugh at that one.. they're super high on the "takers" list... particularly for a state whose governor likes to hang his hat on how fiscally conservative he is.

I wouldn't come talking about debt load, though.. Texas is #3 in the nation for that one as well... right behind California and New York. Debt is almost exclusively tied into population-- as the debt list follows the population list almost line for line. Now-- debt ratio, which is the number that TWK quoted-- is another matter. Texas has the best debt position in the nation right now.

The whole point is-- some of these things really aren't anything to hang an argument on. They are largely irrelevant to most discussions in the political realm other than attempting to gain "points" while simultaneously not understanding the causes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Its not exactly as simple as you want to make it. Texas has two VERY large (one of them the largest in the nation) military installations that are funded entirely by the Federal Government. That counts towards the in vs. out dollars. Florida? Yeah-- I'm happy to point and laugh at that one.. they're super high on the "takers" list... particularly for a state whose governor likes to hang his hat on how fiscally conservative he is.

I wouldn't come talking about debt load, though.. Texas is #3 in the nation for that one as well... right behind California and New York. Debt is almost exclusively tied into population-- as the debt list follows the population list almost line for line. Now-- debt ratio, which is the number that TWK quoted-- is another matter. Texas has the best debt position in the nation right now.

The whole point is-- some of these things really aren't anything to hang an argument on. They are largely irrelevant to most discussions in the political realm other than attempting to gain "points" while simultaneously not understanding the causes. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

yep. and let's also discuss the pork barrel spending problem which makes this discussion even more complex and wasteful.

both sides load up these spending bills with wasteful spending. i'll claim no one does it better than democrats but both sides want money to go to their own states for shit that isn't needed.

Ronnie The Great wanted a line item veto on spending bills for this very reason. or let's just outlaw it all together.

then let's crunch the dole in/dole out numbers and see who the "needy" really are.