Dealing With The "Stereotype" Of Being In The Sex Trade Professions

From South Park Butters Bottom Bitch:
Butters: Kyle, every boy pay for kisses, do you know what i am saying? if you've got a girl and she's kissing you, sooner or later, you are paying for it. you gotta take her out to lunch, take to a movie, and then spend time listening to all her stupid problems. look, look at there, he's got to sit there and listen to her stupid motherfucking problems because she kisses him. If you ask me, that's a lot more than the $5 dollars my company charges. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
That is my FAVORITE episode....
Cpalmson's Avatar
Stereotypes taint one's perspective. Originally Posted by pyramider
Finally the taint comes out, but I had to wade through 1.3 inches of dangling death responses to get there
A very interesting thread with so many questions and very few answers. I feel in is crass to ask a provider why she is doing what she does. From my limited time in the hobby I have found one that dropped out of school because she was lazy and liked the fast life. I was with one that had the brains to be any thing. She just liked the freedom to do her thing and she liked sex. I have been with one that is a professional in another field she also likes sex. Two could not hold a job where they had to get there on time. One has decided late in life she was missing out on some thing and has become a provider. Several started as dancers but migrated to provider status for the money.
I thought before I met some wonderful women that they all were led to the profession because they were abused as children. It does not stand to reason that all of them were abused but some have had a rough younger life.
There is one thing for sure the caliber of women posting here are a big step up from the street walkers.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Before the advent of the internet, you would of been
1- Streetwalker
2- worked for a agency
3- worked at a bordello
4- worked bars and lounges
There wasn't a lot of independent "upscale" ladies as you call it today. unless you worked for a agency you were not considered elite
so the sterotypical view of providers are of the SW of the last i'll say 30 years, SW's were a lot different before the 80's when cracked kicked in and the primary SW's became drug users, I remember back in the 60's and 70's when you would see the SW's and they were dressed up and strutted, yeah there was some flakes but for the most part, it was a fashion show of sorts. and they weren't on dark streets and alley ways, right out on the main drag.
Zimmie6942's Avatar
Never underestimate the stupidity of men. They will fuck every thing up if you let them. If you erase all the BS society programing and assimilation that has been done to you your whole life then you might see this as I do. The sterotype of a whore or slut is the stupidest thing men have ever dreamed up. Why the fuck would you tell a young sweet girl who slept with a man that she did anything wrong. Why the fuck would you make it harder for the next guy to sleep with her. All men are doing is cock blocking each other making it harder and harder for a girl to feel comfortable to sleep with another fucking stupid man. You dumb mother fuckers. You should be rewarding them, giving the girl who sleeps with the most men trophies and I would go as far to say the government should subsidize there expenses or discount their taxes for there job. Instead if a guy sleeps around he is praised by his peers - He dosen't need to be praised he will sleep with anyone anyway so call him the slut or whore. What is everyone scared of - a women enjoying herself, sleeping with someone else, realizing that you suck in bed, finding someone better. Why do so many of us find the need to put them down versus building them up. Maybe if we protected wemon instead of trying to destroy them physically and emotionally we would have no need for this industry. Good job guys you fucking idiots. This industry is needed and providers are patriots saving our lives. Protect our last hope and bring some happiness into the world.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Let it all out, brother.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This industry is needed and providers are patriots saving our lives. Protect our last hope and bring some happiness into the world. Originally Posted by Zimmie6942
Hell ya on the last part, plus I liked the part about tax breaks for providers....
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
This industry is needed and providers are patriots saving our lives. Protect our last hope and bring some happiness into the world. Originally Posted by Zimmie6942
If this is your life view, then i feel for you. certainly not my last hope. patriots? saving our lives...Really? if that's what's happening for you, more power to you, but my life is much more than this. let us agree to disagree on this one.
Zimmie6942's Avatar
I work 80-100 hours a week, every week and love my business but managing 50 locations can be stressful. Some days I just need a break and Providers take all the stress away and make life more enjoyable. Whats wrong with acknowledging there true worth and viewing there profession as a well needed service that I'm sure if all men were required to see one provider once a month the world would be a much better place. Why demonize them when all men want to see them but are too scared to admit it. Be honest what do you really think of providers. I love them so I want to praise them. What is wrong with that.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I work 80-100 hours a week, every week and love my business but managing 50 locations can be stressful. Some days I just need a break and Providers take all the stress away and make life more enjoyable. Whats wrong with acknowledging there true worth and viewing there profession as a well needed service that I'm sure if all men were required to see one provider once a month the world would be a much better place. Why demonize them when all men want to see them but are too scared to admit it. Be honest what do you really think of providers. I love them so I want to praise them. What is wrong with that. Originally Posted by Zimmie6942
Providers are a commodity, and their worth (when I say worth I don't mean as a person but as a provider) is depended upon each individuals needs, for some men, they are a very valuable commodity, with other they rank very low, for example let's take a guy like Jay-Z, he's super rich, runs a very successful business, is talented, and is married to Beyonce, I don't really think a provider worth is high on his list, he has beautiful women that will give it to him for free,

Now let's look at average joe, same profile as you zimmie, maybe doesn't have a wife or SO, maybe not even a cool female friend to hang out with, so yes this would be a very valuable high worth commodity.

Zimmie don't ever forget these women are here for business, sure for most they enjoy what they do, and do it well, but they're not doing it because they like you,
they're doing it because they are getting paid, to make you feel good, to relieve your stress to make you feel like the man you want, no should be treated,

But it's done at a price, and they are not doing you any favors.

They are lovely women yes, but they are business women first and foremost in this part of the world, so no matter how you romanticize, it's a business transaction first then pleasure later. don't pay and the rest goes out the window.
I just like to keep things in perspective myself.
just remember at the end of the day, what you truly are to a provider. the bottom line for them and what purpose you serve, maybe that will bring you back to earth, it just business