You have no game sucka, keep paying for play!

DustyHands's Avatar
1. Be attractive.

2. Be good looking.

3. Don't be unattractive. Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung
Yep! That's about the criteria to get some real tail. I don't think ugly confident or "honest" guys get much pussy... in fact I know they don't...

That's life. Originally Posted by slims099
Wrong. (well, maybe except for the top and bottom 10-15% of the attractiveness bell curve.)

I still remember this guy i went to law school with, he was better looking than me, and would wear his lawschool t-shirt to the late night bar (well, maybe just once and then we gave him such a hard time about it he didn't again but was sure to bring up the fact he was in law school almost immediately in conversation with women) and ask me why the hotties were paying so much attention to these drunk "douches" instead of him.

I have game (or had) and i'm no brad pitt. I get in trouble for flirting at the grocery store, waitresses, and wife's friends. Part of the reason I turned to the hobby was in response to the temptation of an affair. (well, and a slippery slope following responding to an ad for a sexy haircut, but that's another story.)

Can't understand why married men would be worried about how to pursue an actual affair with all the entanglements associated with it when they are obviously hobbyists -hence- the posting here, but... if for some crazy reason you are, here are my tips:
  • Smile- it really goes a long way toward making you appear more attractive.
  • make it about her- listen! find out what she's interested in and talk about that. (not dungeons and dragons) unless...
  • it's in humor - humor is not an aphrodisiac, but it opens the door to conversation, which is a prerequisite.
  • Have a positive attitude and don't complain about anything. (women like winners)
  • open up, in a way that she knows you're trying to open up, but never in a sad/vulnerable way- again humor and a positive outlook are your friends. Super cheesy illustrative example- she talks about being fat. She's fishing for a compliment so give her one. Then open up- "But i understand. I'm self conscious about being bald." said with a sincere look-wrong! "But no one's perfect, I'm bald. Guess other guys don't have the same testosterone levels I do!" said with a grin- much better.
  • brag, but make it subtle as if it slipped -a fine line -in the example above don't wear the t-shirt or tell her you're in law school, but say you've got to leave early because you have to prepare for blah blah... "what's that?" then explain.
  • although this obviously doesn't apply to picking up someone on a hotel parking lot bench, it sure makes it easier if you've established a personal brand or reputation ahead of time. -like the assistant on the other floor who's heard of you, or the newbie who's not met Neotek but associates his name with ninja kitties.
  • when the time is right, don't hesitate or ask or be wishy-washy, but pull the trigger. Act confidently to close the deal.

Go ahead and laugh, make fun... it admittedly sounds a little obnoxious to write this and and I know some girls like bad boys or the direct approach but generally, this advice is the stuff that's gotten me in trouble. If trouble's what you want... her's my late night ramblings on how to get it.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Well said girl !!!

I was at a very nice hotel downtown last week...I was sitting outside the hotel waiting on some friends who were very late. I noticed a very good looking guy walk by, I checked him out, he kept walking, not much thought of him after that. UNTIL he walked up about 20 minutes later and asked if I minded if he sat down next to me (HELL NO I didn't mind, LOL!). I really liked how straightforward his approach was. I am pretty shy in RL social situations so I like when guys are assertive. Anyway, he sits down next to me and starts talking about the football camp he is coaching, he's from Philly, he starts showing me pics of the camp on his phone, him at the new stadium, etc. Nice, light conversation but all I can think about is that I can't believe this guy is giving me the time of day. He's so.....well......NORMAL. So my friends have pissed me off at this point and I decide to go back to my room. He decides it would be a great time for a swim (it's about 2 am) and as we are walking back to the elevators, he is pressuring me to go swimming with him. He's almost begging. After the 10th time saying "no", I'm starting to get irritated with his inability to hear me say "no". I would have totally seen him the next day and I probably would have fucked his brains out and sent him back to Philadelphia with a sore cock (I've always wanted to do that to an Eagles fan ) BUT, he managed to talk himself out of the panties. I told him I would meet him at the pool in 10 minutes and then I went to my room and went to sleep.

His initial approach was awesome, and if he would have just let me go to my room and go to bed, I would have gladly called him the next day and gave him some action he would have never forgotten.... I prefer a straightforward, no bullshit approach.
I guess the moral of the story is, don't talk yourself out of the panties. Originally Posted by Dannie
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dannie, the guy that asked you 10 times to join him in the pool, I suspect has missed out before because he wasn't persist enough with another gal. We guys have all been there before (at least the nice ones), where we gave up too early when one more, "pleeeeease!" and the lady would've caved in (she wanted to say 'yes' all along, anyway). So now, he thinks he has to be overly persistent because the guy he hangs with that always get laid told him to do so.

The nice guys.....ohhh, they (we) have it so rough. They watch other guys get laid simply because they're breathing, yet they try like madmen and come up empty 99% of the time. They try to be a gentlemen, but juuuust enough of a bad boy (sometimes) to get into the panties, but to no avail.

Then it hurts even worse to hear ladies say, 'Oh, I love nice guys. I'm not like the kind that likes bad boys.' Maybe so, but for every 1 lady that likes nice guys, there are like 80 that don't (try weeding through that jungle). It's rough out there. Thank goodness for hobbying.
pmdelites's Avatar
... Anyway, Jasser you are very sexy and handsome, I don't see why you would have a problem as long as you don't play games and only go for the women who you think just want a sex partner and not a relationship. Originally Posted by reese foster
reese, a very great post. and i've heard from those in the know that you are one fabulous woman!! hopefully we'll met one of these deliteful afternoons!
however, what i bolded and italicized is where the problem is. even if a guy has got some sort of honest game going and knows what to do, attempting to determine which women just want sex, which will want to get married the next day, and which will go "fatal attraction" on you is darn near impossible!!!

now, if any of you guys or women have developed a sure-fire technique or a new 99 cent app that'll turn my iPhone into a get-it-on deterctor [like a star trek tri-corder], i'm all ears.
pmdelites's Avatar
Has anyone paid a visit to shelly over in Ft. Worth yet? I'm dying to know. Originally Posted by Shawason01
does she have a swimming pool or jacuzzi at her incall??? :^) :^) :^)
me thinks you posted in the wrong thread.
reese, a very great post. and i've heard from those in the know that you are one fabulous woman!! hopefully we'll met one of these deliteful afternoons!
however, what i bolded and italicized is where the problem is. even if a guy has got some sort of honest game going and knows what to do, attempting to determine which women just want sex, which will want to get married the next day, and which will go "fatal attraction" on you is darn near impossible!!! Originally Posted by pmdelites

Thank you very much, PM. Unfortunately, I do not have an answer for you. Hell, in RL, I can't find a Booty Call. Guys these days want to settle down and call and text uncontrollably the next day. Trial and error, I guess. I am sure most women aren't like myself and Dannie, but I am guessing that the odds are better the older the ladies are.

I assume that most ladies in their mid 30's and older, that are mom's and stressed out are the ones to "target".(horrible word, I know) We just want to have fun and and a couple of orgasms. Hell, if I didn't have an army to feed on a daily basis, I would probably call one of the fine gentlemen escorts.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Dannie, I guess that "unattractive by society standards" makes me a candidate?
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
........ The ladies do talk............. Originally Posted by cpi3000
You fuckin A better believe it!
Why, oh why? Why would anyone who is married and can afford the hobby try to bed down a civilian?

The beauty of this hobby is that we don't have to worry about the dangers... Look - hooking up with a civilian usually requires time away from the SO that requires explaining. I can't think of many times when I have met a girl, charmed her, went to bed, had sex, wrapped up the encounter with some good-bye conversation, got in my car and then went home... ALL IN THE SPACE OF AN HOUR.

Not only do the wonderful providers here stay quiet about our time together, they also do it in a small chunk of time that can easily be explained.

I love seeing girls out and about - and I have no doubts about my confidence, sense of humor or "game". I love thinking "I would love to fuck that girl". Because it means that I'm backed up to the point that it's time to make a phone call and schedule an appointment with a woman who won't let me down and will let me leave worry free!



Eccie is like the greatest restaurant of all time. It serves every kind of food that you have ever craved.

It is served up hot and fast and incredible prices.

I'm going to finish this long assed post by saying...

This hobby has made my marriage better. I can be happy with my SO without having to worry about trying to form any emotional bonds with another woman. I really can have my cake and eat it, too.

Thanks to the girls here, I love my wife more than before. I don't resent the constraints a marriage puts on my time or my fidelity any more.

That last part sound strange... But it's true.
If a man comes up to me and says, "hey baby, I think I really like you and might want a future with you, wanna f*ck?" I laugh and walk away. If a man walks up to me and says, " I think you are hot, I want to f*ck you." I just might consider it. Only because he was honest in his approach. I have to respect a man that is honest about what he wants and doesn't have to lie to get it.
The marriage factor wouldn't come into question with me, if I considered giving him what he wants..which is a booty-call. No ask, no tell. Then again, I am older ( I hate that word) and more experienced with men and how they behave. My ex-hubby has given me some great lessons lately on how men shouldn't act when trying to get free tail. Anyway, Jasser you are very sexy and handsome, I don't see why you would have a problem as long as you don't play games and only go for the women who you think just want a sex partner and not a relationship. Originally Posted by reese foster
Reese, you're hot as fuck and I want to fuck you...did that get me in the door?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Picking up civilian girls is an art form that few guys have mastered and it is something that you need to keep honing and refining all your life because life keeps changing.

There are 5 essential stages in the art, although some PUAs argue that it's 3 or 7 or whatever, but my system has 5 steps, but they must be executed in the precise sequence. But in all systems, the goal is the same, it's a gradual build up of intimacy.

1. The approach.
You first must make eye contact and discern if there is some level of interest even if it is only minimal at first. Some guys use canned lines, but they will usually sound canned and turn the girl off. I go in not knowing what I'm going to say except to talk to her. One key point here is not to be too concerned about the outcome. Your only concern at this point is to have tight game and make the approach. Just make the approach.
Another important point is not to wait too long to approach the girl you're attracted to.
I limit myself to less than one minute and then it's lift-off!
It's like jumping off the high board, if you wait too long, you'll talk yourself out of it with excuses and objections.
Don't think too much!
At this point, action is what is needed, not thought.
Thought now is counterproductive and will only slow you down.
You want to be graceful and casual in your approach.
Remember too that any approach is better than no approach!

2. Build rapport. You do this with small talk about whatever she happens to be doing. Having confidence is a big advantage. Don't talk too long. Girls are looking for reasons to disqualify you so limit this stage to about 15 minutes to minimize that hurdle.

3. Ask for her phone number
and expect to get it. If you sound whiny or unsure of yourself, you probably won't get her number. Ask her when would be a good time to call her.

4. Call her on the phone
. I usually call her that same night, but if she doesn't answer, I won't leave a message, but she'll know I called. Wait a day or two and call her again, but you must have good energy when you talk to her and be in an upbeat mood. Ask her what she likes to do and set a date.

5. Take her out on a date, but don't make it a lavish affair or look like you're trying to impress her. You must be attentive to small details to determine her level of interest. If her pupils are dilated that is always a good indicator. Try to kiss her after the date. If she won't kiss you then you have an uphill battle and you have to decide if she's hot enough for you to invest any more of your time.

Remember, it's much more time consuming to get sex from a civilian than from a provider and there is also the real chance that the girl will fall in love with you and may latch on to you so you have to be careful about that danger. Nothing less than your freedom is at stake here if you're looking for the exit later on.

A key point to bear in mind is that if you see an attractive girl, but don't approach her out of fear or doubt then you will condemn your own cowardice for days afterward and berate yourself for not being a man.

Remember it's only a game, albeit an exciting game, but still only a game. Treat picking up girls like an adventure and even if she says no, you will still feel more satisfied about having done your part and it will get easier and your game will get tighter.

With persistence, you will get laid, but don't be impatient or appear needy. Girls will sense that and even though they want sex too, but it's a bigger risk for them so factor that into your game plan and always have several girls you're working on.

Have fun and report back on your success!

SASpurfan's Avatar
I think it is time for me to go swimming with Dannie and call Reese to have a nice conversation. Just kidding. This is an interesting thread and one that is full of wisdom on today's social setting. Keep it up.

pmdelites's Avatar
Why, oh why? Why would anyone who is married and can afford the hobby try to bed down a civilian? Originally Posted by sirliamscross
first of all, people do all manner of things for all kinds of reasons. so, all one has to do is think for a minute to come up w/ an illogical, logical, silly, sound, or even stupid reason why a man would want to hook up w/ a woman. there are billion of reasons.

that said, i believe there is a BIG difference in attempting to meet and do the horizontal mambo with a woman when one is single and when one is in a committed relationship [SO or married].

and yes, this sub-culture we are in makes it easier [not easy, for sure] for a man and a woman to meet and be intimate. but, the dating and/or getting-it-oin scene is totally different.

i'm just glad i'm not in the dating scene right now. but you never know.....
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Walmart!!!!!!!! Have you ever been to Walmart at 6pm any day of the week???? It's like a Vegas buffet...
Originally Posted by Precision45

I can't be the only one to find that funny. Funny, but so true.
morefunat38's Avatar
Awesome Post..
I keep in great shape and get flirted with all the time.. I just suck at pulling the trigger...