Get your poppcorn ready!

You guys are awesome...great job, Matador. I know I'm guilty of jumping on the bandwagon too soon and was suckered in to this story by FunL.

I also remember some of us wondering aloud with Torito's assessment of FunL's post being Alert worthy...doesn't matter now but it did bring up a decent discussion of what should or shouldn't be considered Alert worthy here.

And Aliona, I apologize for not giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Very sorry this happened to you.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
And Aliona, I apologize for not giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Very sorry this happened to you. Originally Posted by Prolongus
The real question prologus, is HOW do you plan to make it up to Aliona ?
GinaXXX's Avatar
I initially believed the complainant was very credible (long time member, many Okays) while the provider was not (young, new, brought third party into the room).

Matador brought some of the Eccie information he had found to me, so I went digging a little deeper.

I found yet another unrelated situation (making it his third) where he had reported a problem with a provider and her "black pimp". I also found other little things that, by themselves wouldn't have given me much reason to pause, but coupled with Matador's findings, I think the are very concerning.

I believe he is using "throw-away" identities, probably to take advantage of younger or more naive providers, while working hard to keep his P411 profile clean and free from alerts. For this reason, P411 will be parting ways with this client.

Aliona is under suspension for her decision to bring another person in to deal with the dispute, but it will not be a permanent suspension.

Thanks to Matador for pushing this investigation, since at first I was pretty sure what had been presented to me at first was the truth. It's a great reminder for me to try to keep an open mind, everything isn't necessarily as it seems at first blush.

Texasquest's Avatar
The real question prologus, is HOW do you plan to make it up to Aliona ? Originally Posted by luiz7667
Prologus isn't the only gent that needs to "make it up" to Aliona.

Thanks Matador and Gina. For keeping an open mind And seeing threw the BS. and holding someone accountable for their actions. Is people like that that make it hard on everyone. OUTSTANDING JOB both of you!!
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Wow, nice job Matador! (claps)
The real question prologus, is HOW do you plan to make it up to Aliona ? Originally Posted by luiz7667
Gonna bring her milk and cookies.
pyramider's Avatar
Wow I bet Matador is exhausted ...
LovingKayla's Avatar
How bout a bj on the house matador!!

I'm down with taking that bad review down too. You've got to just know missy, you got a break here but if anything like this happens again, it will give much pause to those that hold your hobby life in their hands.
What a detailed info by Matador, got to appreciate the time and effort there. I knew Highwayman was POS, but damn, this much drama and duplicity is a surprise. I sort of jumped to conclusion in Men's lounge and got suckered in by story. So my apologies too to Aliona.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 10-22-2012, 07:38 PM
KUDOS to Matador for investigating and reporting the findings! This lets the hoodlums know that they are not welcome on this board! I have been a mod on another adult board, so I know there are ways to check up on members that appear to misbehave.

Kudos also to GINA for co-operating and helping Matator on this case.

Karma will catch up to Highwayman, or whatever he calls himself....
Matador, pat yourself on the back for rooting out some of Mr. B's fake handles. Good job!

I wish there were an easy way to keep these guys away but unfortunately, there is not. Just when you think they are gone for good, they come right back like a bad case of athletes foot.

Aliona is under suspension for her decision to bring another person in to deal with the dispute, but it will not be a permanent suspension.

Thanks to Matador for pushing this investigation, since at first I was pretty sure what had been presented to me at first was the truth. It's a great reminder for me to try to keep an open mind, everything isn't necessarily as it seems at first blush.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Open minds are always good, Gina!

For future reference, should a lady be involved with a situation where she is forced to defend herself, how should she address it so that her defense would be an acceptable one?

This isn't about screening, but more or less the integrity of the people involved. And as a long time P411 member, and a lady that has never had any drama associated with her, what I saw in this situation is that it could have happened to me.

WWTD? From my point of view, no one was going anywhere until the video was erased. Pretty sure he could out-man me, but he'd have a hard time out-boxing me if it were to come to that! Just kidding.

It seems we are relatively alone out here. It's situations like these that make gents that seek to take advantage of us feel like they can do what they want with us because there's no consequence. I can't call any of my big black brothers into the situation without having a big black pimp in the end, and there goes my reputation.

I would really love to know how she could have gone about diffusing the situation with the video on HIS phone, without him having the upper hand on all fronts, without losing her P411 privileges...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I would like to know too Tiffani. I think it is very sad that this chick had to go through what she had to do and people TURNED ON HER when it was HIM who was in the wrong.

Thank goodness, there is a MOD who cares enough to check into this other wise this provider would have been screwed (in a not so fun way).

Any who, I think the review should be taken down as well (if it hasn't all ready).
Ghostrider's Avatar
Just a question related to the topic......

What if she did not bring a 3rd party into the picture...would the movie and or Pics been deleted? Would the investigation been the same? There are two sides to the coin... Everyone tends to get excited regarding the "Pimp" situation which happens more often than is reported on this board. I can not disagree with what she did and if I had advise to other providers is to do the same...Life is too short to deal with Scumbags like that and there is more where he came from..even on this board....

I do not think anyone will disagree that by playing nice tends to get more results than the opposite....

I don't care who is right or wrong...I will never see Aliona.