The most successful female Republican ever?

DNinja69's Avatar
I mean former Gov Haley really hasn't had much trouble gaining support. You can keep talking about the scoreboard its still Trump 0 Biden 1 so unless anything that happened Super Tuesday changes that outcome this time around the person who can't get elected is Trump.

I do appreciate how much people love to believe in votes when it suits their agenda.

Her standing up to him like she has shows she is ready for something bigger. It just burns Donald that she doesn't think of him as a step up anymore
winn dixie's Avatar
Iam very proud that I voted for Nikki haley. I knew years ago she would get this chance. Stellar career. Solid person!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I mean former Gov Haley really hasn't had much trouble gaining support. You can keep talking about the scoreboard its still Trump 0 Biden 1 so unless anything that happened Super Tuesday changes that outcome this time around the person who can't get elected is Trump.

I do appreciate how much people love to believe in votes when it suits their agenda.

Her standing up to him like she has shows she is ready for something bigger. It just burns Donald that she doesn't think of him as a step up anymore Originally Posted by DNinja69

if Nikki tits had support why did she lose in Nevada to

‘none of these candidates’

quite impressive show of support yes?


Iam very proud that I voted for Nikki haley. I knew years ago she would get this chance. Stellar career. Solid person! Originally Posted by winn dixie

what chance? to be the next Jefferson Davis?

Nikki Haley went from Confederate flag removal to omitting slavery as Civil War cause Former South Carolina governor and presidential hopeful Nikki Haley was responsible for bringing down the Confederate flag in her state — but failed to identify slavery as the cause of the Civil War .Jan 8, 2024

have you forgiven Nikki tits for removing the stars and bars from the SC state flag?
DNinja69's Avatar
From the article:

"While Donald Trump is still dominating in GOP primary polling, Haley presents the most credible challenge to the former president"

I appreciate you proving my point about Haley being a contender.

If Katie Britt is important enough within the Republican party to give its rebuttal to Biden's SOTU address then they are in trouble. Nikki Haley isn't perfect and no candidate is going to be right on every issue. And of course she is a woman so some within the party just won't hear of it.

Hey if you are a Republican and think things are fine as they are stay delusional. Not even close to ok from what I see. Trashing people like Haley because Trump maintains a lead in the polls is a good way to bring about more of the same. Democrats are driving the bus. That needs to change.
Precious_b's Avatar
If she was "First Class" she would have beaten Trump as badly as he beat her. She stayed in the race because she figured Trump would have been convicted, Banned from multiple State Ballots or anything that would have given her a substantial edge at winning the Republican Nomination. That's how "Classy" she is. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Could be construed that she stayed in the race to show everyone just how fractured the repubs are. That is a wakeup call. They tend to ignore the fact that donny is having to practically suck off anyone to get votes when he should be a shoe in. And they have a stick in their collective craw that joey is on cruise control getting 90+% of the voters in most of the Primaries.

Y'all donny crowd was lucky enough to get the brass ring *ONCE* without the benefit of the majority of the voters.

Are you all betting on that again? If so, you are well on your way to the minority.

Nicky lost because she has no loyalty, no vision and no plan. Her plan to stop the invasion, is Trumps plan . Quite frankly she is done and that’s on her. Debate? Why would Trump debate someone who has/had zero chance from the onset? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
She has loyalty. She was a Public Servant. She refused to be a Party Servant.

If she is as smart as you claim, she will endorse President Trump, if not she will fade away Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Ace, obviously you aren't to swift. If she endorsed the Big Cheato, she would be treated like every other person who the orange tick feels slighted by. And if he loses, she has lost face. Her constituents can be better served.

Well, there’s the difference between you and I then. I give a fuck when politicians are on the take, even more so when who they’re bribed by entities that profit from death and destruction. That money comes with expectations, they don’t dole it out because they like her pantsuit. Apparently, that’s ok with you. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Really? Just like your avatar? True definition of hypocrite.
HoHound's Avatar
This is all you need to know about Nikki Haley.
DNinja69's Avatar
Lol.. For anyone not just looking to disparage Nikki Haley cuz Trump says so..

“The reason I actually ran for office is because of Hillary Clinton. Everybody was telling me why I shouldn’t run: I was too young, I had small children, I should start at the school board level. I went to Birmingham University, and Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker on a leadership institute, and she said that when it comes to women running for office, there will be everybody that tells you why you shouldn’t but that’s all the reasons why we need you to do it, and I walked out of there thinking, ‘That’s it. I’m running for office.'”

“President Obama was awful the last eight years — a President Clinton would be disastrous,” Haley said.

Trump picked her as UN Ambassador after he won that election so he didn't seem to hold it against her then again he was a Democrat when Obama won the White House so maybe there IS more to the story lol
TechPapi's Avatar
Check the scoreboard Republicans don't win elections like they used to. Hurling RINO at anyone who dares to stray outside the playbook is a pretty sorry way to promote a party.

Nikki Haley shows me a lot more ability to get support from outside the echo chamber which is much needed when it comes to getting things done as President. Maybe Trump is planning on disbanding the Senate or 'correcting' some seat assignments there to stack it to the R side otherwise he isn't going to get much done so maybe she should sign on as VP to try and bridge the gap a bit. I would rather see Haley middle finger her way to a 2028 run she definitely gets my vote over anyone else who bothered to show up for a debate Originally Posted by DNinja69

It's really too bad. I'm an independent and would vote for a pile of rancid dog shit before trump. I know that speaks poorly of dog shit so I apologize to dogs everywhere.

I would have been open to voting for Haley, Hogan or any other adult from the right.