what do you like after a session


Don't know why, but I love me a good greasy burger after sharing a Chik-Fil-A w/ Reese (lol) or a vanilla shake w/ Lexy (you should have told me, I would bring you one to put in the freezer!)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
have a "wind down" glass of wine as I am usually very energized afterwards, once the shaky leg syndrome has abated, that is...LOL
mikahranae's Avatar
Frantically clean up ...myself and the room so that my next client who is arriving in 10 minutes won't notice. I KID! I KID!

I usually head over to my fav spot Chick Fila and order my favorite with a large SWEET tea. Lots of Chick fila sauce!! Then I call my sister to check on her, on my way home. Pretty routine stuff. Originally Posted by reese foster
Mmmmmm....Chickfila sweet tea is the best! I hate when i'm craving it and I go all the way over there and forget it's a Sunday and they are closed. It's happened several times.
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 06-04-2010, 04:39 AM
Food is usually the last thing on my mind. Nap comes to mind first and when the shaky leg syndrome goes away kinda like Max gets. I start thinking about the next sweet juicy lady on my list. I'll eat during my next session.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
What I like the best is after the session the provider says she has never felt that good before and gives me the donation back and ask when I can come back and do it again.

Since that won't happen how about a nice cooling down about ten min with the lovely lady laying on my arm stroking each others body softly.

Then stopping and getting a greasy cheeseburger with a milkshake to wash it down with.

Dam this sounds like a perfect afternoon now I need to find a fine lady and have some fun this afternoon.
gatewayloco's Avatar
A cold beer.
Im with Gatewayloco... a nice cold beer.
ANONONE's Avatar

Maybe a fresh vodka and tonic to sip as I drift off into the bliss. . .
I think the best after BCD moment was after a session and damn near at the same time, word for word, we both expressed a hunger for cheeseburgers and ice cream. So off we went for food and some great conversation. Then unexpectedly the words "I'm clocked out for the night, care for a nightcap"? The next thing I know I was waking up to the smell of breakfast. I liked that evening quite well.
A nice glass of wine to relax...
Mmmmmm....Chickfila sweet tea is the best! I hate when i'm craving it and I go all the way over there and forget it's a Sunday and they are closed. It's happened several times. Originally Posted by mikahranae

I hate Sundays for this reason alone! I live on sweet tea now....lol. Hey Mikah, their new Spicy Chicken sandwich is available now. Haven't tried it yet, but I plan on it.
Go on Sat. and get a gallon....

Always good to plan ahead....


Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-09-2010, 04:26 PM
I don't remember...guess I'd better fix that!!
Spikebaby's Avatar
More Sex!!!!

It's always a steak. Sometimes upscale (Bob's, etc...), sometimes everyday variety (Outback, etc...).