Mexico takes a US Marine

Munchmasterman's Avatar
a lot of common ground Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

Yeah, you.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Maybe if he had given his gun to a drug cartel to use on innocent Mexicans and Americans, Obama would have an interest in him. But an American crossing the border with a gun he intended to keep? Nope, that's a crime.

Isn't it amazing how the Obamatons on here will defend absolutely ANYTHING Obama does or does not do? I'm starting to think it is a genuine mental disorder. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you know it's a crime, why flap your gums?

Isn't amazing how everything is Obama's fault?

I suppose it's Obama's fault you can't get it up unless you watch gay porn too, right?

What is amazing is what a tool you are. I thought someone like you near death had maximised their potential.

I stand corrected.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Its an unfortunate situation indeed. Welcome to Mexican government corruption, this happens every day at all levels, notice the ransom demand the family received. If anything is going to happen it will take some diplomatic intervention by the US.

With that said, the Mexican authorities are ultra strict on firearms AND ammunition coming into the country, and the forms this guy filled out are routinely dismissed/disregarded. These signs are posted prominently all over every border crossing I have ever been through, on the US side.

Its no different bringing a weapon into Canada, except they honor their importation forms. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Thank you for pointing this out.

Hey cog, is it Obama's fault you and your ilk can't read?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2012, 12:04 AM
A no-name congresswoman from FL isn't going to be able to throw around the influence necessary. A few phone calls to Nieto from Obama or Clinton would likely resolve this pretty quick. If not, then a well placed threat of retaliation and hostage rescue (such as JD suggests) would most assuredly get the desired result.

However, I doubt the current administration has the nads to initiate that contact. i.e. those hikers that were held in Iran for so long.

To refresh memories, the Oman King and Swiss diplomats had to get involved and a $500,000 bail for each was paid. Obama's response? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

maybe the Mexicans think that has some weight
Munchmasterman's Avatar
CBJ7, why do you insist Americans in Mexico obey Mexican law, when you don't demand that Mexicans in the US illegally obey American law?

And why do you defend Americans giving Mexicans guns, but get upset when an American wants to keep his?

Why is that, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You bring up stupid points. No one here has insisted anyone follow Mexican laws.

You are a true asshole. If you stopped putting words in others mouths maybe they wouldn't put their dicks in yours.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes they are, just answer them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Shut the fuck up. Your questions reflect your mind. Both are stupid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchie, I think you have anger issues. Just sayin'.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie, I think you have anger issues. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Don't try to change the subject.

You're an asshole whether I'm pissed off or not.

Everyone knows that. But you blame Obama for you being an asshole.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie, I think you have anger issues. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Staff edit. This is one on the topics we will be staying away from. CC
Chica Chaser's Avatar
C'mon CJ, we will keep this one on topic since it looks like Munchie is off on a temporary tangent
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps Jon Hammer read the advice of one of the posters in here in another thread that ...

.. one could take any kind of firearm wanted into Mexico.

"Originally Posted by CJ7
I certainly can take an AR15 into Mexico.. or a shotgun, or a pistol, or a rifle.. and the ammo specifically for that or all of those weapons"

Just saying.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If he took advice he got here then he is lucky he is only in jail.

Perhaps Jon Hammer read the advice of one of the posters in here in another thread that ...

.. one could take any kind of firearm wanted into Mexico.

"Originally Posted by CJ7
I certainly can take an AR15 into Mexico.. or a shotgun, or a pistol, or a rifle.. and the ammo specifically for that or all of those weapons"

Just saying. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
If he took advice he got here then he is lucky he is only in jail. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
.... He is not "only in jail" .... and as for all of the defective advice on here ....

"....the Customs and Border Protection Agent said, “All you have to do is register” the gun, and gave them a registration paper to give to the Mexican authorities."

The CBPA was U.S. The signs says:

En Ingles, hombre. No intiendes, Ingles?

Now, what mom and dad and all his friends don't know is that ...

.. being insulted that he is a Marine .... if he didn't brag about it himself...

... will end up getting him an ass whipping he may not survive....

... just to see how "tough" he REALLY IS!

"The Law" in Mexico, and farther South, IS... "La Mordida"!

Now what some dumbass customs agent, hobbyist, Reader's Digest article, or hunting webside fresh off the Tourist Bureau pamphlet.

Unfortunately for the guy the wimp we have in office ....

.... ain't gonna lift a finger to piss off the Government down there.

If he does (actually does), then I will owe him an apology.
What am I missing here?

I'm sorry that Mr. Hammar apparently is unable to read. It's against the law to take a firearm into Mexico. Literally every crossing point has the signs that you've seen in this thread. What's hard to understand? I suspect he knew he was breaking the law too. Probably why he had the gun broken down, making it easier to hide in his vehicle.

The signs don't say "NO firearms but grandpa's shotgun is OK." If you disagree with Mexican gun laws, immigrate to Mexico and vote to change those laws. In the meantime, DON'T BE A DUMBASS and take a gun into Mexico.

Would you be gnashing your teeth and whining for Obama to do something if this guy had transported an assault rifle into one of the states, like California, where they are illegal, and was subsequently arrested, charged and incarcerated for violation of state law? What's the difference?
joe bloe's Avatar
Nobody should go to Mexico, with or without a gun. It's not safe. The cartels are running the country. If the world has an economic collapse in the next couple of years, Mexico will probably have a civil war.