Aprill's stupid PIMP is attacking me

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-31-2017, 10:05 AM
Maybe it's a WK calling the OP? But how would he get the number? If the story is even true?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Its not just April you have to trust me thats all I can say on this forum. There is more. Originally Posted by j4j4
Got no reviews and you're going this hard? What a maroon.

Even the ladies telling you to chill and you're still going on. Jeez
SoleMan's Avatar
But j4j4 why do you even care?

You being so protective and defending her the way you are could cause more damage than a silly "no" In fact it's kinda creepy imho Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
You are spot on Laura!
A one-off No review is not going to keep me from seeing someone who I want to see.
But knowing there may be some creepy person stalking her reviewers and PM'ing them will definitely make me think twice.
Originally Posted by j4j4
I do not cuss him out and only sent him one PM and simply ask him three question that any one who had ever been to Aprils place could easily answer and he would not reply and you can see he has lost his premium access and probably can"t answer the mods. I think his days are numbered!

Sorry, but that shit was driving me crazy...
Thanks j4j4. I will never visit April now. Not because of the review, but because of you. Knowing that you are protected from negative reviews creates a unfair advantage to the provider, whether right or wrong.
txexetoo's Avatar
Ummmm I read his review and see nothing wrong with what he wrote. It's was just his recommendation which he explained in ros. But maybe I'm not getting all the info but Donald just stick to ur choice and man up what u worried about with cyber harassment for just laugh at them I'd be sending them gay pics or something disturbing back lol.
Enjoy ur time here and maybe do some photo reviews to have a better rep. Originally Posted by noober

What he said
txexetoo's Avatar
But j4j4 why do you even care? Why are you so butt hurt that she got a no? Her reputation speaks for itself. Everyone that has ever met her knows, she's greatness. Tall beautiful, great sense of humor and down to earth.

You being so protective and defending her the way you are could cause more damage than a silly "no" In fact it's kinda creepy imho Originally Posted by Laura Lynn

Double ditto
txexetoo's Avatar
Look.. I know your intentions are good-- but

You are doing more harm than good. Anyone who knows Aprill knows that she does NOT have a pimp.. but those who don't know her might wonder why you seem to have such a vested interest, and might assume that the "pimp accusation" is real.

Aprill is legend-fucking-dary. Her reputation speaks for itself and anybody who even remotely knows her knows that the thought of her having a pimp is laughable. I'd lay my reputation on the line for this particular provider. Originally Posted by GracePreston

Well said.
This would be a discussion not an alert.
You can RTM any eccie pm if someone is harassing you by pm, local mods and admins will receive it.
You might want to rtm that Pm from mojojo as well. Originally Posted by Namssa
I have reported one message from j4j4 and two messages from mojojo. Mojojo is really upset and threatened to kick me off the boards if I didn't answer him.

At least now I know not to post a no recommendation. Geez, I get attacked by her pimp J4J4 and then a moderator mojojo wants proof. I guess it's true, providers and pimps do run the board.

I am baffled. What is a moderator's job? isn't it to only enforce the guidelines? Why would he intervene in a No review of a provider?

If I had issued a yes would he be questioning me? If this is the case change the no recommendation to a yes. Damn. Have it your way this is out of control.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What is going on is simple. She is claiming she hasn't seen you and since you're being asked for proof-- it means she must have some form of proof on her end that the visit could not have taken place. If you provide proof to the contrary... then you win. Pretty simple.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I have reported one message from j4j4 and two messages from mojojo. Mojojo is really upset and threatened to kick me off the boards if I didn't answer him.

At least now I know not to post a no recommendation. Geez, I get attacked by her pimp J4J4 and then a moderator mojojo wants proof. I guess it's true, providers and pimps do run the board.

I am baffled. What is a moderator's job? isn't it to only enforce the guidelines? Why would he intervene in a No review of a provider?

If I had issued a yes would he be questioning me? If this is the case change the no recommendation to a yes. Damn. Have it your way this is out of control. Originally Posted by TheDonald
Missy, to issue a yes or no in this website is a prerogative of people born with a penis.

You do not qualify, we know who you are. I suspect most people can connect the dots by now. Fold it while you are ahead.

The estrogen is strong with this one.
The Donald,

When you have an issue, you handle it privately like an adult. Some sage words were passed on to me when I decided to join this world. The Indies (indy's depending on who you talk to) I learned from said there will be times where people question you. The moment you feel the need to prove yourself (in this type of manner) is probably the time you need to be silent, walk away, and let the issue die.

What is going on is simple. She is claiming she hasn't seen you and since you're being asked for proof-- it means she must have some form of proof on her end that the visit could not have taken place. If you provide proof to the contrary... then you win. Pretty simple. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I wrote an honest review of Aprill. I gave her a NO based on my own experience. This guy j4j4 is now cussing me out and harassing me through ECCIE pm.

Now I am getting a pm from a mojojo requesting my p411 ID and communication. I was told not to give out my p411 by them.

What is going on here? A guy cannot share his honest experience? Originally Posted by TheDonald
So nobody else is wondering why a moderator would ask for p411 ID. Is this protocol when a lady disputes a review the mods ask for p411 ID ? Assuming The Donald is telling the truth.
So nobody else is wondering why a moderator would ask for p411 ID. Is this protocol when a lady disputes a review the mods ask for p411 ID ? Assuming The Donald is telling the truth. Originally Posted by MaximumFun

That's what I was wondering. It's no one's business what his p411 ID is...hell, we ladies can't even give an ID if a guy does something awful to us. Wth?

Btw, Aprill's stalker sure isn't helping her case. I'm surprised she hasn't bitch slapped his ass yet. She doesn't need him running to her rescue. She's more than capable of handling things herself. Stop already dude!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I can't speak for the mod, but I'm assuming by P411 ID.. he means his "handle" over there... assuming the OP is being honest.