whats so wrong with a fat chick????

BigBaldBlk's Avatar
It it wasn't your weight, it would be something else... Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Just about to say this Skylar. Anytime someone feels rejected, they act out in some way, shape or form. To the OP, if anything I've learned in the two and a half years I've done this is NOTHING surprises me. Like others have said, there is something for all.

As far as rates go, this has been beaten to death. YOU (or providers) set your rates at the rates you want to. WE (or clients) decide if we want to pay said rate. The two are mutually exclusive of one another, but it's oh so sweet when they are in rhythm with one another! Good luck to you!

Sami, you do have a fine ass...LOL
I thought Sami was black. ( Nice booty nice! ).
bladtinzu's Avatar
This all boils down to everyone is different. Some guys like bigger women. Some guys don't. Some guys can be assholes, and some can be more "tactful".
since i have been on here i have ran across some great women great men and of course the asshole... i find when somebody ask me whats my rates or what i do or dont do and they dont like the answer the first thing i get is... kinda high for a fat girl... wow!!! where is the common respect of thanks but no thanks. i find different strokes for different folks but where do u draw the line. i have never tried to be anything that im not. i am beautiful 5'2 and 200lbs but that doesn't stop me sucking a watermelon thur a straw.. im new here to the site but not to mutual respect.. hope everybody is safe and having a great day... and also... i will not do a free session for a review>> luvs and kisses" the fat chick" Originally Posted by kanadakane12
If some idiot is rude enough to say that to you then he isn't worth even considering as a client. Beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes.
Think of it more as a screening issue than a jerk issue. Refer them back to your website, tell them how to get you the screening information you need and thank them for calling you in a sweet and professional manner and voice.
  • anita
  • 04-10-2012, 02:23 PM
Don't worry about the jerks because they will always be there. I like that song by Mika. The title is "Big girls [ you are beautiful ]". So, Kana, you are beautiful :-).
Wakeup's Avatar

lol love the glitter ass.. gave me some ideas i love brain storming
The originol question was "what's so wrong with a fat chick"?

Doesn't the question answer its self?
funny i never go thru this on my day job. i would love to see a client come into the er and i say " sorry cant be ur nurse cuz your too fat. but if u pay me double i will save your life." lol... but on a serious note i became a nurse to help people in their most time of need. i became a women of leisure lol because i enjoy the company of a man from time to time. i enjoy being a double agent!!! i just want to enjoy the ride..
We know your face, your location, and now your occupation.

U no scurred?
We know your face, your location, and now your occupation.

U no scurred? Originally Posted by BlackMistress

yea i say that was def not a good move dear...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
funny i never go thru this on my day job. i would love to see a client come into the er and i say " sorry cant be ur nurse cuz your too fat. but if u pay me double i will save your life." lol... but on a serious note i became a nurse to help people in their most time of need. i became a women of leisure lol because i enjoy the company of a man from time to time. i enjoy being a double agent!!! i just want to enjoy the ride.. Originally Posted by kanadakane12

Your other job is admirable, and people in pain tend to be more grateful. (Just ask any mistress.) However, providing is a profession that deals in illusion and glamor, and a certain body type and age is expected in line with what is considered "beautiful" by current society and culture. I fight on two fronts; I'm 52 AND a BBW. My rates, when broken down by the hour, are lower than what a young and slender gal might ask, but I make up for it by offering more leisurely longer sessions of GFE extraordinaire, and I'm absolutely dependable. Strive for consistent quality of service, and as you build your reputation, you'll build a following.

Yes, I did have to develop a thicker skin, and I've had my share of rude comments, but I expected it going in due to size and age. I found a niche. You better "woman up" for membership on ECCIE, as there are fellows here who make their disdain of "fat chicks" known. But as others have pointed out, those that drop negativity don't deserve your companionship, or the least bit of attention to their body bigotry, but I know it's a hard thing to ignore, sometimes. Be assured that providing is a buffet, and there's someone hungry for every dish on it.

P.S. -- The last couple of comments are correct; best to not let too much of your personal life out in public. Safety and discretion, two words that should became a mantra.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
A question and some unsolicited advice: Do you have a website? If not, get one. You can set a site up for free with many hosts online. I didn't see a webpage noted on your profile, but you're still building your Showcase, I'm sure. To be honest, with size as an obstacle, you're going to have to be a wee bit more creative to attract clients, and a website will allow you the room to do that and show off your best assets and personality. Also, join Preferred411 for more "legitimacy" and help with screening.

Since you do live a "double life" and have a VERY public job, think about at least partially obscuring your face in your photos, or wearing a wig, or something. The next guy you see in ER might have seen you on here. I show my face because I have nothing to protect; this is my occupation and most of my family is either gone or aware of what I do.

Irish luck in lust!
whitechocolate's Avatar
ER nurses tend to all be nymphos and when you go into the ER in Dallas you are expecting a hotttt nurse to save your life. Being recognized is probably a plus. Like in the ER in Grey's Anatomy. I think being overweight is not a deal killer if you have a very feminine, seductive and submissive personality which are all essential nursing qualities.