Small things that irk you in a session?

Past issues that have irked me...

- seeing the prior guy walking out after receiving the "running late" text
- seeing a used condom floating in the toilet when I walk in
- seeing the last donation on the desk when I walk in
- unmade bed and/or hot sheets when I walk in
- seeing that all the towels, handtowels, and wash clothes are used and on the floor when I walk in

I think of a restaurant analogy. When you sit at the table, you know someone was probably just eating there, however you expect it to be cleaned, set and ready for the next customer.
When a provider has no clock and stops what we're doing to get her phone so she can check the time.
When they give really loud blowjobs. It's hella distracting and I can't relax if she keeps sounding like she's chugging a large glass of water.
Providers who over exaggerate . Like I know my junk. Stop telling me I'm hitting your cervix lol. Originally Posted by Lenergeon
Charlie Brown's Avatar
" Are you in yet " ? I'm not that small, fuck ! What is this, a 30 gallon trash can ?

" Did you cum " ? Damn girl, my cock is in your mouth !

If she starts or keeps talking about RW topics such as her sister or mom as she begins to blow me.

If she completely stops moving when I begin to pop, then coughs or sneezes.

Immediately after the pop, she reaches for her cell phone and looses complete eye contact and says something like, " I had fun, call me " !.

She gets up implying she's going to bring you a wash cloth and 5 minutes later you're still laying in bed staring at the ceiling with no wash cloth.

My biggest pet peeve.........when you arrive and you're left sitting in the parking lot past your agreed meeting time that was just recently reconfirmed

Any hygiene issue such as bad breath or stinky pussy. Especially if you mount up in doggie and that odor hits you in the face ! JESUS !
I am still shocked to see ALL the poor hygiene mentions. I wonder if you guys tell this to whomever the lady is/was or if you actually put it in ROS if you write a review? Soap and water along with some toothpaste and mouth wash works wonders for BOTH sides. Thank goodness my friends are fresh and or open to using my facilities.

My irks:

Telling me how awful the last 3 ladies were that you have seen. Write a review, I can't help you. I'm sorry for your bad time(s), but NOT my business and it honestly makes me want to end the session. I then feel like I will be your next lady trashed. It makes me uncomfortable and it's very difficult to get into my awesome GFE mode when all you are focused on is past experiences. How about focus on the here and now. YOU are your own Bonner killer. IJS.

Be on time. I understand some things come up...traffic, wreck...totally cool. If you are constantly late...its a YOU thing. Don't be super early either. That just looks suspicious to everyone else who may be milling about.

Having a check list of activities and how long each one will last. It's great to know what is expected and you should get what you pay for. However, I feel that going with the flow turns out better and is a lot more fun than being so rigid.

This doesn't necessarily apply to me, but a few ladies and I have discussed it...if you go over on time because you were generally having a great time or started chatting NOT put it on the review. Scheduled an hour but went way over. For crying out loud. Now you have let every time abuser, they know who they are, think they too are entitled to extra time. It happens, but it's not the norm. Be respectful and appreciative. Easy concept.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
what kind of ladies are you guys picking out there ?
TV should be off when you get to the room..
wash cloths should be put out of the way so not seen .
So paying for a session with a bag of nickels or quarters is frown on? Originally Posted by pyramider
Lol I mean, I will take it. But I'm too lazy to actually verify that 400$ worth is in there. If it were nickles.
I didn't complaint, we actually had a great time and he was a sweetheart.
I don't count money in front of my guys. You can usually tell it's all there when it's in hundreds though. So yeah...

I paid a provider once with 3 bundled stacks of brand new $1 bills, each stack was $100.

Got them at a strip club a day or so before and never used them.

She took them without complaining. Originally Posted by CG2014
CG2014's Avatar
Money is money as long as it's in US dollars.

It's like going to the store and handing them a bunch of coins. They still have to take it.

I've been to the self check out at the grocery store or at Walmart and on many separate occasions, drop in anywhere from $5 to $90 worth of pennies, nickels, dime, quarters or a few times, paid everything in $1 bills - inserting them one at a time - not my fault the machine is set up to accept one paper bill at a time.

Sure it drives the people in line crazy but hey, I am paying for this stuff, not them.
what kind of ladies are you guys picking out there ?
TV should be off when you get to the room..
wash cloths should be put out of the way so not seen . Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
You would be surprised how many sisters out there forget where they left their razor, their dirty laundry/racing stripe panties/towels/washcloths, cheeto bags, takeout boxes, deodorant, toothpaste/brush, hairbrush or how to set an alarm clock or who the hell they're texting."Oh, I got you confused with someone else" is not a confidence builder. Background music is negotiable. Sometimes it shuts us up so we get to the point. Sometimes it's like "Girl you wanna listen to that shit go drinkin' in a bar or eat something greasy where it's popular."

I heard K4U back there, too. Checklists? WTF? Bitching about appointments? I mean this is a whine thread, but that's the opposite of ladies bitching about their last one. One on one, now. See what happens. Nobody likes a whiner.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I got all $5 once and it smelled like Mary Jane =))

well my incall is always clean and set up after each appt
so you never know any one but me has been here ..
yes we need to put our things alway , so some gent's don't use my hair brush or my make up lol..
I put out clean washcloth out and a towel so that means use it please not my towel hanging on back of the door ( gotten so I have to put my towel in a hiding place or it get's used by a
guest ..

well if you don't book back to back you should be able to clean things up ..
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Maybe you're just really bad at it and they're trying to just get through the experience. SO many men think that they're fantastic with oral sex and they're simply not. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
SafeHarbor's Avatar
When dreams and promises meet reality and they do not match! Although partially it is my fault too..

Awesome posts, thank you all.
johnclark's Avatar
When they mistake me for a psychologist.

What Jackie said about the dookie stains was funny as shit....pun intended
Brandofan's Avatar
No clean towels. Inconvenient on one hand but also a big clue that DATY should be avoided.