**Official MOTHERFUCKING NBA Playoffs Thread**

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One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
JAVALE MCGEEE Originally Posted by TheDon
yeah that! WTF did I just see?? A big man schooling the Lakers??

Looks like Kobe's doin work again.. just 1 shot short. but still another 40+pts playoff performance.. Lakers will be fine,,, but again....

TheDon's Avatar
It's Gods will, man. It has to be!

Lets see if the Denver "JAVALE MCGEE" Nuggets can take this to seven tonight.

I originally wanted Denver to win, but then I wanted LA to win because I think they would beat OKC, but now I flat out don't care about OKC, I see them losing either to the Spurs or the Heat. So go Denver!

TheDon's Avatar
Lets see if history can be made tonight In LA. Hopefully, it will be one to remember..
kerwil62's Avatar
Lakers got it! Denver tried by coming back to mke it close, but couldn't close the game. When Kobe hit that last 3, it was over.

Like I said, Chicago was done when Rose AND Noah went down.

Spurs sweep Utah. Y'all need to look out for these muthafuckas! Ain't nobody talking about them as much as the Lakers and OKC! There may be a surprise waiting in the wings in the Western Conference Finals. I don't see the Grizzlies or the Clippers beating them in the next round.

Easter Conference Finals will be Boston and Miami.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Honestly, the 1st round has been quite boring to me. Of course my Rockets self destructing at the end of the season had some to do with that. However, now the Lakeshow face OKC. I think this series will be quite interesting. Although Kobe may be the best closer since MJ, OKC is one hell of a challenge... In my observations, the Lakers (other than Kobe) got worse this year and OKC got better. I think this match will be the one to watch. I don't particularly favor one team over the other but with ex-Rocket champ, 09-10 NBA Coach of the Year, Scottie Brooks leading the way, I guess I'll jump on the Small-Market-Expansion Team's bandwagon to win it all this year.... hehehe...

Looks like Vegas has the point spread in this match also favoring OKC. Whats surprising is that it is almost exactly the same as Heat vs Pacers... http://sports.bovada.lv/

TheDon's Avatar
Fuck yeah Willy, great stuff.

Just missing the "Snatch"

Should be a good one tonight!

Strongly considerd putting some paper on LA. I think La wins the series
TheDon's Avatar
Blake can't guard Westbrook..
kerwil62's Avatar
Lakers better wake the fuck up! OKC came to play!! That 29-point asswhupping wasn't no joke!! The trifecta of Westbrook/Durant/Hardin were on fire tonight!

Philly & Boston series may be interesting, it can go either way.

With Bosh out indefinitely, Miami will have to handle Indiana without him. That should make LeBron and Wade a lil' hungrier.

The Clippers ain't gonna be able to handle the Spurs. No way I see them winning that series.

The Lakers aren't going anywhere. If anything. I think OKC Thunder will do the deed this time around. Plus with all that world peace in LA......Gonna be hard to focus out there......lol

Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
The refs ruined this game Originally Posted by NaturesFreak

Satin, yeah, I can take some of your money on this series. Just say what you want to lose bro!..

Opened up a can of WHIP ASS on the Lakers last night. THink things are going to be like that the entire series. The Refs are going to be on their shit this time and that BS that Artest pulled the last time won't be happening this time. Kobe can't and won't do it all.........Durant/Harden/Westbrook will not be denied this time out.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar


"Can you guys guard them?"

Kobe: "no" and walks out... classic!!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Wow the Playoffs are great this year.. so far..

Here are some highlights...

Satin must be on Vacation or something...............WHERE ARE THE LAKERS>>>>>>>>
It is not that I have any special affection for the OKC Thunder, but it sure as hell feels good that they are up 2 games to none against the only sports franchise in America that I despise as much as the DULL ASS Cowboys!


I hope it is a 4 game sweep!!!!!!
kerwil62's Avatar


"Can you guys guard them?"

Kobe: "no" and walks out... classic!! Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
Damn, Kobe is basically saying "Fuck it, we're simply cannot beat OKC. These boys are too good defensively and offensively!"

There were some folks who actually thought it would be and all LA Western Conferece Finals. That AIN'T gonna happen as both LA teams will lose this series.

Satin - Sorry playa, not this year!