Cock ring

I rather have a painful wedding ring on than someone banging me with that thing.
I rather have a painful wedding ring on than someone banging me with that thing. Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
Just curious from your female point of view, what's painful about it on the female side. I definitely get it from the male side. I'm guessing you either have a very sensitive clit and/or your experiences just included too much of that rubber they are made of slamming against you?

I've literally only had sex while wearing a cock ring, to completion, that one single time I mentioned above. I don't know too much about 'em. I wouldn't even use it, not even once, after that. To play around maaybe once or few times but only for like a minute, or b/c it helps to engorge it, but definitely not to completion. Uh uh. We put them in the bedside drawer and about 4 years later when we moved to pflugerville area they were still in that same nightstand. Haha. Then one morning one of our kids somehow found them and they were playing with these old dusty pink things, and asking, "these are weird rubber bands mommy".... LMAO. Doh!

Story for another time. That also happened with "another toy" too (girl toys left in her nightstand side). OMG. LOL. And one of them wasn't just the innocuous looking long hard plastic lipstick like thing you can play off as a "mommy's massager". LOL. It was a big fucking fat rubber purple cock. Hahaha. Damn good thing my son was like 3 or 4 at the time. Oh jesus. The stuff I remember
Dev Null's Avatar
Try a different size next time? It's not a contest to see how blue it can get. If it hurts when you squirt, then maybe you went too far. Very possible. But wasn't adjustable like you were saying. That would be better definitely. At any rate I don't really use 'em but I guess many people like 'em.

I was however a little curious what the ladies meant. If any don't mind sharing? B/c ArielRae said a couple times she doesn't like the feeling and a couple things were mentioned about it here so just interested to know from the female perspective
Dev Null's Avatar
Yeah, I was curious about that too. Maybe someone with a monster cock made it more monstrous.

For most of us, it's just a way to keep things hard and normal, when we have a lapse in ordinary excitement.

Or maybe it's just that the cock ring was an irritant all by itself.

We have no way of knowing what things are like from the lady's point of view. That's why we ask, if we give a rat's ass. 
To answer your question. It’s not my clit it’s the part closest to my ass that gets irritated. Lol. Maybe the person wearing it does not have a clue. I will no longer see the guy because of it.
To answer your question. It’s not my clit it’s the part closest to my ass that gets irritated. Lol. Maybe the person wearing it does not have a clue. I will no longer see the guy because of it. Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
Does he know that or did you just cut him off and he's like "wtf?". LOL. I just wonder b/c wouldn't he just not do it if you don't like it? Haha. The perenium and any area around it can be sensitive. I can see what you mean in that case. Maybe he was doing it too hard and using some kind of cock ring that had bulging appendage items on it?
Whatever floats his boat. As long as he meets all my other criteria, cockring or not. As long as it’s wrapoed up!
John Philip Sousa's Avatar
Well, that all escalated slowly then quickly.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Cock rings are not sexy and scream, " i can't stay hard."

Not sexy. Nope. Pass.
Cock rings are not sexy and scream, " i can't stay hard."

Not sexy. Nope. Pass. Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
Awwww....Kitty that's not nice

What about the guys that can't help it? Fuck 'em eh? I mean don't fuck 'em


I don't need them. I don't even like 'em. You can sit on my cock any day. No ring needed
Dev Null's Avatar
I don't think most guys really use cock rings to stay hard anymore. There are pharmaceuticals these days that are much more effective.

I think it's more about enhancing pleasure, but everything has it's pros and cons. If your manscaping isn't up to date, they can be a royal pain in the groin. And the irritation can lead to zits as previously mentioned.

I guess that can apply to the ladies too after a certain amount of pounding, so there's that feedback from the ladies. Also the bit about them being anti-sexy and a turn-off.

No big loss, it's been ages since I've used one in session anyway.
Latin_ATX's Avatar
I’m scared to use a cock ring, there just something that worries me and I could t be that brave to try one on.
sue_nami's Avatar
I have a wide variety of sizes and the skill to put it on right for anyone that is curious about this. I like cock rings and ball rings and have a sure fire technique to get them on painlessly. I think they are a fun toy option.
That's ok! Not every woman wants one. Personally, I hate them.

I’m scared to use a cock ring, there just something that worries me and I could t be that brave to try one on. Originally Posted by Latin_ATX