AT&T sucks balls

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-19-2018, 01:02 PM
They are going to let iptv get popular through the black market first. Then sue the users and then take it mainstream and charge the outrageous rates all over again. If you are using iptv now you better protect yourselves. If not, one day you will get the letter in the mail.

I believe slingtv is legit but their rates are no cheaper and maybe more in many cases Originally Posted by dallasfan
I have VPN hooked up for all my devices including my android tv box, it's a cheap peace of mind investment, all the current IPTV mentioned above get expensive once you start adding premium channels.
Att does suck. I got tired of fighting with them every time they raised my "special" rates so I switched to spectrum cable and wifi. So far so good at more than $100 a month savings from AT&T that sucks
As a shareholder of AT&T I agree it does suck balls, but they are a giant and will be for a long while Originally Posted by Snafu75
ATT was dying when steve jobs came along with his iphone to save their ass (after being rebuffed by the myopic asshole management at VzW) during the last big cycle. no such white knight on the horizon this time around. soon they'll be relegated to a distant third in wireless after t-mobile/sprint merger and are already getting their asses kicked by spectrum etc, only matter of years before they wither and die. couldnt happen soon enough.
Randall Creed's Avatar
You ever go to an apartment complex and try to hook up to Wi-fi?? The list looks something like:


Then...multiply this times 5.

And these are just the ones within range. They make a KILLING off people, and still charge these ridiculous rates.

Shit, weren't they broken up from being a monopoly before, which led to many of these smaller companies?
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Shit in the house its like that.

Funny how you can ONLY use 1 or 2 companies in most cities .Always AT&T and somebody else , I lived in a apartment that u only had AT&T Just how is that allowed ??????????
rexdutchman's Avatar
Done deal spectrum internet unbelievable FAST , stream TV very good ( took my old ass a little time to work but great) SO AT&T SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Funny how you can ONLY use 1 or 2 companies in most cities .Always AT&T and somebody else , I lived in a apartment that u only had AT&T Just how is that allowed ?????????? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Seems grossly unfair to the customer to only have two options where ever one is located.

I'm not fond of ATT and haven't been for decades.

Had no idea that a topic was presented here about the ATT outage last week. It was a pain in the ass.

Mostly because I spent a few hours on the phone, thinking that my service was simply having issues, before finding out about the outage. (A shout out to our own Willow for telling me about the outages in her area last Monday!)

When I was in Garland, loved having Vios. Never had issues with the service.

Since ATT has returned on Monday night week before last, my internet is slower and sometimes (especially if I'm in another part of the house), can't even download a simple youtube video or news channel.

Very frustrating.

Where I live, Vios isn't available.

Drats. Considered switching.

Oh. And did anyone else notice how the statement ATT put out about the issue said something along the lines of, "A few of a customers might be experiencing an outage" instead of admitting millions did?

So annoying to be placated to.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-24-2018, 11:27 AM
Done deal spectrum internet unbelievable FAST , stream TV very good ( took my old ass a little time to work but great) SO AT&T SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Run a speed test and see if it matches what you pay for. I use to have them and the speed is determined on your neighbors use

I had a tech out installing cat 5 cable into/through the house in order to run 300mbps speed

He lives out in the sticks and tells me that he watches Netflix with his 1.3mbps speed which is the only thing offered in his area.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ I ran speed test ( late afternoon most people home) Via WiFi 30/31 mbps down / 10 up. When I hooked to LAN5 wire across room ( SO s placement of furniture Whole issue) 190 mbps down up 90
NOW AT&T same placement 1.2 down .7 up even with LAN5 3mbps , hell at the junction 4 mbps at the street, one of the att techs said it best "you don't get what the sell" and U-vers yeah 1 box at a time.
So far I have had 3 tv s going Xbox one , computer and tablet all works fine.just saying
OOOO I thought AT&T stepped up their service. My mistake the title of this thread deceived me.

rexdutchman's Avatar
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, And AT&T customers ,Direct tv just lost HBO and a lot of channels ?????
Freakaholic's Avatar
I dearly miss Verizon FIOS, but Time Warner / Spectrum have been getting me by (knock on wood) for the past 2 years. Never have had AT&T for home entertainment, but in college I had their cell phone service, and lets just say that I won't ever be a contract customer of theirs again.

Cable TV in and of itself is antiquated as fuck now IMO. Easier for the networks individually to offer their catalogs a la carte (HBO Now, Showtime, etc). No need for the networks to have middle men (big cable) anymore.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-04-2018, 11:56 AM
Well see when you guys get with the program and go IPTV, shove it to the big overpriced cable providers and cut the cord
As I posted before in this thread. I switched from AT&T to sprectum four months ago and AT&T that Suks is already begging (wasting money on mail n email) begging me to come back with specials lol.

Speaking of mail I can't wait for the election to be over and a Beto win. The special interest GOP supporters are filling up my recycles with their bs mailers
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Funny you say that I cancelled them (AT&T) 2 weeks ago and I have got 3 mailers and 2 e-mail wanting me back , they should have worked on keeping customers ?