Need Advice on Navy ...

atlcomedy's Avatar
You guys brag more about your security clearances than TTH does about how much money he makes....well maybe not more....but getting close...
Mazomaniac's Avatar
You guys brag more about your security clearances than TTH does about how much money he makes....well maybe not more....but getting close... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Actually, in the corporate world security clearance does equal money. I've heard it said that having TS will boost your income by at least 50%. That's not necessarily true for my company as the people I hire are already so specialized that they command top dollar anyway. I can see it for a lot of other places though.
topsgt38801's Avatar
Nothing to brag about. Just trying to inform the lady how tough the higher level clearances are. The job her son is after falls into one of the ones that I had dealings with and just want to explain the situation. I am just an old worn out soldier trying to supply an answer.

I also hope that her son can appeal and get approved.

But, I am extremely proud of my military service, but I am even prouder of my fellow soldiers and all the military I worked with over the years. Many of them have much more to talk about than I do and the ones that did not come home and are unable to answer the question are the ones I really tip my hat to.

Just bantering again.

You guys brag more about your security clearances than TTH does about how much money he makes....well maybe not more....but getting close... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
And we are all just as impressed.
OneHotMale's Avatar
And we are all just as impressed. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Speak for yourself PJ about TTH earnings.

(insert sarcasm)
Speak for yourself PJ about TTH earnings.

Originally Posted by OneHotMale
Is he sharing it? No? Then I'm not impressed.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Is he sharing it? No? Then I'm not impressed. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Heck if I know and really could give two chits less about it. All I know is that he sure likes to brag about it which to me usually means that it is probably inflated significantly.