Colin Kaepernick refuses to stand for National Anthem

  • DSK
  • 08-28-2016, 11:56 PM
Read more at: Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Basically you are calling the Republicans and their supporters cowards for heroically resisting Obama's attempt to be a dictator.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Opposition to the President is treason? You're a dangerous sick fuck, Fisting Chap. You don't understand freedom at all. Bush tried to pull that stunt and Hillary rightfully called him out on it. But it doesn't apply to Obama or Hillary, huh?

You are committing treason by taking a stand against freedom of speech. You are dangerous and un-American.

Silence the opposition, cries Fisting Chap! Much in the style of Stalin, Hitler and other tyrants. You are disgusting.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-29-2016, 01:00 AM
Saluting a flag is about political correctness not love of country or patriotism because if the latter were true then most of you along with Congressional republicans would not have taken your Presidential losses in 2008 and 2012 with such bitterness till you decided to obstruct and be treasonous. Most Trump people support him because of his anti-political correctness; yet they hate anyone else who they think is politically incorrect as in this case.

Let's be clear there is a big difference between Patriotism (Kaepernick) and Nationalism (Trump Supporter). What Colin is doing is extremely Patriotic. To many of you on the far right freedom really only means the 'freedom' to walk in lock-step with your idea of nationalism, which is being nothing but a mindless drone just like the North Koreans that support Kim Jung Ung or whatever the fuck his name is. You folks are always so passionate about personal responsibility and the right of the individual freedoms but are so quick to lose your shit when someone exercises their actual freedom. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
His team lost you dumb ass. You cant win against Karma. I know that's over you're head. Home slice is has converted to a Muslim and is engaged to a Black Lives Matter activist. Those people have poor values. I won't be surprised if next week you are praying to Alluh. Don't give me any shit about him being oppressed either. His parents are white.
kaepernick refuses to stand for the national anthem until the oppression of black people ends

the worst oppressors of black people are other black people

At first glance, I wanted to say, "here's another ungrateful, over indulged spoiled brat".

Granted, he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. His interviews seem like he has a vocabulary of about 25 words, including, "uh", "duh", and "ya know".

His early success as a Quarterback was based on the primis that 250 lb linebackers who were just as quick and fast wouldn't catch on. They did.

But being stupid still does not strip one of their Constitutional right of freedom of speech and expression. Of course, I think his reasoning is flawed, but it is his reasoning, so thank god that the flag that he dismisses as representing racism and repression also represents the idea that he can refuse to honor it while benefitting from all of the opportunities and freedoms it represents. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Kap supposedly scored 37 on the Wonderlich but you're correct, LBs could have hit him on the head too many times.

very well said- I could care less if he refuses to stand or national anthem- as long as he doesn't disgrace the flag. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Speaking of head injuries....

But I have the right to inform the nfl that I am not amused. Being offended is a two way street. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
THIS! In spades.

Looks like Kaepernick is engaged to a Muslim woman who is a Back Lives Matter activist. In the off season he converted to Islam. Originally Posted by R.M.
Thanks. Probably the most informative post I've seen in the last couple of days on this issues. Kaep, was a big Christian before. I wonder what he's going to do about Bible verses tattooed on his body. Noticed that he had grown his hair and beard out, this explains it.

kaepernick refuses to stand for the national anthem until the oppression of black people ends

the worst oppressors of black people are other black people Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Strange in that Kap doesn't know who his black father is and some white devils raised him.

I had Kap on my fantasy team last year and he tanked. He was eventually benched and it cost the coach his job. Kap regressed as a QB and it was well documented in the media. Now the word is he won't start and he had all the skills to thrive in a Kelly offense.
kaepernick refuses to stand for the national anthem until the oppression of black people ends

the worst oppressors of black people are other black people Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
But watch the derision and scorn thrown to a white businessman if they don't give their employees the day off on Martin Luther King's birthday or time off WITH PAY to let the march in any of the parades the Dindu Nuffins have for " civil " rights.
Opposition to the President is treason? You're a dangerous sick fuck, Fisting Chap. You don't understand freedom at all. Bush tried to pull that stunt and Hillary rightfully called him out on it. But it doesn't apply to Obama or Hillary, huh?

You are committing treason by taking a stand against freedom of speech. You are dangerous and un-American.

Silence the opposition, cries Fisting Chap! Much in the style of Stalin, Hitler and other tyrants. You are disgusting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
At one point in this country it was viewed very disrespectful and borderline treason if you talked bad about the President, but laws specifically the first admendment allows you to speak your mind.

In Texas, there were people(guess who) who wanted to us secede from the Union- if you don't call that treasonous what do you call it?
If Colin doesn't want to stand for the flag that's his freaking right- he's not the first nor will be the last. There's quite a few christian denominations that don't allow pledge of allegiance.

Getting upset at Colin for not standing is very hyprocritical - are you guys saying he MUST stand up? If you believe that you are not supporters of democracy, but rather a dictatorship. In dictatorship countries you HAVE to follow koran, women HAVE to cover their faces. In North Korea, talking bad about Kim Jung- Un is instant death. Do you guys want that kind of country here?
I B Hankering's Avatar
At one point in this country it was viewed very disrespectful and borderline treason if you talked bad about the President, but laws specifically the first admendment allows you to speak your mind.

In Texas, there were people(guess who) who wanted to us secede from the Union- if you don't call that treasonous what do you call it?
If Colin doesn't want to stand for the flag that's his freaking right- he's not the first nor will be the last. There's quite a few christian denominations that don't allow pledge of allegiance.

Getting upset at Colin for not standing is very hyprocritical - are you guys saying he MUST stand up? If you believe that you are not supporters of democracy, but rather a dictatorship. In dictatorship countries you HAVE to follow koran, women HAVE to cover their faces. In North Korea, talking bad about Kim Jung- Un is instant death. Do you guys want that kind of country here?
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You really ought to open a book, Lubed Wide-ass, Washington is the only president that was universally respected, you ignorant fraud. Most every other president has been subjected to virulent, public ridicule, or does your ignorant ass mendaciously chose to not remember how your ilk hyperbolically denigrated LBJ, Nixon, Reagan and Bush43?
There's quite a few christian denominations that don't allow pledge of allegiance.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
the only one I know is the Jehovah's Witnesses and they aren't considered Christian in most if not all Christian circles
Looks like Kaepernick is engaged to a Muslim woman who is a Back Lives Matter activist. In the off season he converted to Islam. Originally Posted by R.M.
Well heck, that explains a lot. He's doing this shit for the most important reason of all........getting pussy.
the only one I know is the Jehovah's Witnesses and they aren't considered Christian in most if not all Christian circles Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What do you mean they are not rue Christians? Who are real Christians? No offense, but why is this your business if a religion tells someone not to say the pledge? There are Christians who don't believe in celebrating Easter, don't eat pork, are against Christmas trees etc... Why should that matter? If a religion tells her not to do something that you do, how is that affecting your life. A person is supposed to be able to freely practice their religion or freedom of speech in America.

What US law requires anyone to recite this pledge? It is an affront to common sense. I One does not have to salute the flag either. I believe the US naturalization service requires immigrants who are seeking citizenship to recite it. I think an oath to obey the law, including the constitution, should be enough. People don't have to prove my patriotism with hollow rituals.
You really ought to open a book, Lubed Wide-ass, Washington is the only president that was universally respected, you ignorant fraud. Most every other president has been subjected to virulent, public ridicule, or does your ignorant ass mendaciously chose to not remember how your ilk hyperbolically denigrated LBJ, Nixon, Reagan and Bush43? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You need to re-read what I said- no where did I ever mention that Obama was the only President disrespected- however, many years ago it was surely frowned upon when people for whatever reason bad mouthed the President. Labels were put on them like commie - do you remember that I B?
Read more at: Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
More stupidity on your part. Obama can't make any treaties unilaterally. They must be ratified by the Senate. There's nothing wrong with letting Obama and the mullahs know they are wasting their time. That's politics shithead.

And what exactly is treasonous about Congress inviting Netanyahu to speak? They are an independent branch of government and make their own rules. They don't bow to the executive.

Even your citations are idiotic.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What do you mean they are not rue Christians? Who are real Christians? No offense, but why is this your business if a religion tells someone not to say the pledge? There are Christians who don't believe in celebrating Easter, don't eat pork, are against Christmas trees etc... Why should that matter? If a religion tells her not to do something that you do, how is that affecting your life. A person is supposed to be able to freely practice their religion or freedom of speech in America.

What US law requires anyone to recite this pledge? It is an affront to common sense. I One does not have to salute the flag either. I believe the US naturalization service requires immigrants who are seeking citizenship to recite it. I think an oath to obey the law, including the constitution, should be enough. People don't have to prove my patriotism with hollow rituals.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
There are two things hollow here, Lubed Wide-ass: 1) a second-string QB earning $19 mill annually complaining about being oppressed, and 2) your head. Kaepernick insulted the flag when he refused to respect it, Lubed Wide-ass.

You need to re-read what I said- no where did I ever mention that Obama was the only President disrespected- however, many years ago it was surely frowned upon when people for whatever reason bad mouthed the President. Labels were put on them like commie - do you remember that I B? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You need to re-read what I posted about you getting an education from actual history books and realize that you're a dim-retarded hypocrite that employs a double-standard when it suits your agenda, Lubed Wide-ass.
What do you mean they are not rue Christians? Who are real Christians? No offense, but why is this your business if a religion tells someone not to say the pledge? There are Christians who don't believe in celebrating Easter, don't eat pork, are against Christmas trees etc... Why should that matter? If a religion tells her not to do something that you do, how is that affecting your life. A person is supposed to be able to freely practice their religion or freedom of speech in America.

What US law requires anyone to recite this pledge? It is an affront to common sense. I One does not have to salute the flag either. I believe the US naturalization service requires immigrants who are seeking citizenship to recite it. I think an oath to obey the law, including the constitution, should be enough. People don't have to prove my patriotism with hollow rituals. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
what the hell are you ranting about?

you said made the claim that many Christian denominations don't" allow the pledge of allegiance"

not me you buffoon

im not making it my business to tell anyone what to do, how the hell are you inferring that?

all I said was the Jehovah's witnesses don't allow that, and that most Christian circles see them as a non-christian cult

what "quite a few" denominations are you talking about? name them if you can.

the rest of your rant is even more a non sequitur