Encounter: Great Find MiMi

My personal rule of thumb , I won’t share privately with anyone who has no activity and before I share I look up the guys profile for my own peace of mind to validate if he actually visits spas, AMPs what have you. There was a lengthy discussion on a different site I was a member of concerning this topic . You never know who’s on the other side of a private message . I share, therefore I feel as though a fellow site member Wouldn’t mind sharing with me. This actually happened in the past where a guy privately message me asking for Intel he was new on the site , although he said he had been to many local spas, so I asked him to give me some details seems like when I asked he always avoided my question yet he kept messaging me he finally rattled off a few names mentioned some girls names said he had recently been to a particular shop one of which I am very familiar with and the providers his. feedback did not coincide with the current roster so I simply ignored him. Not saying that everybody is of this caliber but at the end of the day I trust my gut instinct. Originally Posted by mikemendez
Current roster? LOL, these women move around to different places if they are Chinese. You were probably drunk and got pissed off because he wouldn't GIVE YOU more information about places that you haven't been to. I say start calling numbers and start driving around. All this info feedback shit is for losers. These women aren't UTR nor are they indies.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you hobby then you have encounters that you can share too. It’s not my problem if you don’t hobby enough to have premium access to read the ROS. Originally Posted by frankocean187
I've paid for "premium access" for years. I had paid "premium access" when the site shut down with at least 8-9 months left on it after having paid for the entire year of my membership.

I no longer have "premium access" and have attempted to communicate with someone on here who might know what the deal is and why I no longer have "premium access."

So, it's not always about not "participating" .... sometimes it's about being the victim of an arbitrary and capricious insider's informal policy!
frankocean187's Avatar
Your case is special since you are known in the community and your posts outnumber that guys posts 785 to 1 in the same amount of years being on here. Call me crazy but I just don’t trust someone that doesn’t put in effort to be a part of this website.

I have never paid for premium access but you sure as heck can divide my number of reviews/to the number of weeks I’ve been a member and it is the bare minimum effort on reviews to be able to see the ROS. So cost to see the ROS varies for me depending on the provider:/agency I go to.

If the guy isn’t smart enough to just do the bare minimum of writing a review every 6 weeks, then I’m not spoon feeding him info. Just like SOULMANIKE warned about sharing info without private tags/etc because of how public this can be. https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2398043&page=2
Originally Posted by allusionfusionillusion
So - please explain because I am dumb

You don’t say why I am dumb - I would like to know

I don’t think anyone said these women are Indy’s - they are women from Asia working in an amp.

As far as screening it’s across the board with providers amp, Indy, agency - one day they want references - couple days later you just say we pm’d last week and they say come on over