Open carry from Jan 1st 2016... Who's ready ?

Super Head 713's Avatar
Lol back to the western days
Woodduck82's Avatar
Your Houston Police Chief has stated that his officers will stop and ID anyone they see open carrying a handgun (which is against the law on their part). Originally Posted by O'Mike
You're an idiot. It is not against the law to verify your capacity to legally carry a pistol in plain view. Let me know how that works out for you. Everyone else here will be watching the news of you being shot by a police officer because you don't actually know the law.
Super Head 713's Avatar
I wonder if we can take them inside of clubs lol
nando9263's Avatar
I wonder if we can take them inside of clubs lol Originally Posted by Super Head 713
Don't blame you on that lol but you can't carry in a place if there's a 30.06 sign (concealed carry), 30.07 sign (open carry) or if it it has a 51% sign (51% or more of the businesses income is from alcohol sales).

Not to say that there's some that probably still carry either way. I love my guns too much to risk them getting taken up. Maybe the reason why I don't hobby much lol
boardman's Avatar
I'd venture to say that the vast majority of people currently with a permit will not open carry. Sure there will be some wanting to make some kind of stupid statement the first couple of months. Like most of you probably, I've seen way more YouTube videos of guys open carrying their long guns to make a statement than I've ever seen in RL. I expect OC for handguns will be the same.

There will be a period of getting used to it..Cops learning how to approach someone open carrying, OCs learning how to respond to lawful detention. Dispatchers learning to deal with the opposition of OC who have already threatened to call in every time they see an OC and claim he is being suspicious or threatening in some way and people carrying finally getting tired of being hassled or detained every time they turn around. It'll take about 90 - 120 days or so and this too will pass and become a normal part of life.

My thoughts on carrying in general
1st off I would never OC. I prefer that no one knows I have it on me. I think it makes me a target in more ways than one. I like the law because it does away with the imprinting or accidental exposure problems I am always concerned with.

2nd...I wouldn't carry a larger capacity handgun just because I could OC it. Try climbing in and out of your vehicle several times a day with a 1911(my fav BTW) a Glock 19 or a 92FS on your hip. That's where it has to be BTW or in a shoulder holster. Who wants to wear a shoulder holster?
I much prefer a S&W Shield or LC9 in a ITWB holster and even that takes some getting used to. If you haven't done it expect to have back aches at first because you will sit and stand differently because the shit digs in, it just does and you change your posture to accommodate it. My Chiropractor has made a good deal of money from me looking for the perfect holster.

3rd, if you think it will be easy to pull regardless of how you carry, you're fooling yourself. Look up some of the stuff they are teaching about Gross Motor skills for self defense. Once you look it up, study it some. It'll really make you think.
Once the heart rate reaches a certain limit and the adrenaline starts pumping there is very little if any fine motor control, much like an infant, . Unless you are trained and conditioned to stressful life and death situations it will hit you like a ton of bricks. We all think we know what we would do in that situation but until you experience it for real you can't. There is no simulating it either. It's real or it's not. There is probably a handful of people on this entire board that really knows what it's like either from military, LE or a chance civilian encounter. It's why military drills constantly. The hope is that muscle memory can override the lack of fine motor skills.

I carry for self defense. I am aware that if I get in a situation I may be limited. That's a great incentive to diffuse if possible or even retreat not to mention the legal ramifications of shooting someone even if it's justified. I carry because I can and I prefer to have the option available to me. If 8 shots, more or less, isn't enough to stop a one on one threat I'm in trouble any way. Other scenarios like an active shooter...I don't have a clue how I would actually react. I like to think I do and I run it through my mind every time I put my weapon on but again, I realize there are physiological limitations and I think about that part of it too. If you don't at least consider it you probably aren't nearly as prepared as you think you are.

Finally, if you carry to a session...Well, that's just stupid.
pyramider's Avatar
Stupidity is the name of the game ...
Having a CHL - I don't see a need to openly carry (and never during a session)...
Slitlikr's Avatar
What boardman said +1
One thing that pisses me off is to hear local news report about this situation and refer to "licensed gun owners" in Texas or similar incorrect referencing of various "licenses"....

I heard it yesterday again.

First of Texas, there is no such thing as a license or a permit to own a gun. The State of Fuckin Texas doesn't ask you or require you to tell them if you own a gun....unlike those communist states. It is really none of the states fucking business.

The only license I know of is the CHL which is a license to conceal a qualified handgun on your person. I do not know for sure...but it seems like the new license will be called LTC, or "License to Carry" as I see this new language on the home page:

"All Original License To Carry a Handgun (LTC) applicants are required to submit fingerprints to DPS as part of the complete LTC application."

I'll hold back on the "second of all"....and so on."
Who wants to wear a shoulder holster?
.... Originally Posted by boardman
I want to, for my 686 and maybe soon a 629.

And don't forget about these guys:

or this guy:

Super Head 713's Avatar
This is only a set up for anyone with chl that decides to openly carry a weapon. This will be a reason for cops to pull out there weapons and say that they feel threatened or they seen a weapon
It could certainly be confusing. I already double take when i see plain clothes LE open carry.

Can't wait to see Candice model her nickel plated 1911 at the grocery.

Edit: her new handle can be SH1911
john353's Avatar
OC is nothing new. Texas is just late to the party.

The only thing I'll change is going from IWB to OWB...but I will still wear a cover garment.

I may have said this earlier....rarely do i plan to fully expose. I plan to stay concealed.....just wont have to worry so much about printing.

So EDC might go from g26 to g17 on more days.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-31-2015, 10:51 AM
If a place has a 30.06 but not the 30.07 can people open carry there?