Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally. Who says racism doesn't exist?

Basically what she is saying, is she has no reason to live. She'll end it herself one day.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Definitely be an improvement to the gene pool.
It's apparent you have an agenda against Blacks and anyone Democrat- you are supposed to be this pro-gun ultra conservative republican yet you see nothing wrong with the police drawing their weapon on someone who was was a law abiding citizen and not committing a crime. The only crime he was committing was being black in america. I hope Ben Carson, Herman Cain and other of those Uncle Tom House Negroes who view that video will know that no matter what political party you have an affiliation with - America will always so you as an inferior human being. I wouldn't be amazed if Sins of the Flesh has an NBA policy- what a disgrace! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Oh, so Dr. Carson and Herman Cain are Uncle Toms, and I am the one with an agenda.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Do I have an agenda against Democrats? Not really. I just think they have alot of really, really bad ideas.

Much like WTF and many others on this board, you seem to have a penchant for reading words that just aren't there. Where did you get this idea that I am supposed to be a pro-gun ultra conservative Republican? Try again son

Here we have another good example of why debating with you is a waste of time. But it is somewhat entertaining!

Oh and PS. No, I do not have an NBA policy. I have a no AA policy - no arrogant assholes
Your Typical Liberal Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What's the old saying about putting lipstick on a pig ? She probably couldn't standup long enough to work the drive thru lane at a burger franchise and got fired for it, so now she wants "free" money from those of us that WORK for it. Typical freeloading liberal.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh, so Dr. Carson and Herman Cain are Uncle Toms, and I am the one with an agenda.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Do I have an agenda against Democrats? Not really. I just think they have alot of really, really bad ideas.

Much like WTF and many others on this board, you seem to have a penchant for reading words that just aren't there. Where did you get this idea that I am supposed to be a pro-gun ultra conservative Republican? Try again son

Here we have another good example of why debating with you is a waste of time. But it is somewhat entertaining!

Oh and PS. No, I do not have an NBA policy. I have a no AA policy - no arrogant assholes Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Look Sins of the Flesh- I don't know what your agenda is and quite frankly I think your handle is actually a blasphemy against God- but that's another story.
So do you think Republicans have the solutions and perfect ideas? I think you are a hypocrite - if God forbid something happened in one of your sessions and the condom broke- I bet you would become pro-choice in a heartbeat.
Do you realize that every Republican in the senate voted against equality pay for women?? That in itself should make you run away from the GOP.
Do you realize that over 90 percent of the republicans opposed raising the minimum wage? Try quitting the hobby and living off minimum wage.
I find conservatives to be quite hypocrites - aren't you people suppose to be the ethical God fearing faithful Christians- so the fact than any of you so called Republicans who are suppose to have Christian values are commenting on a whore board is very funny.
Budman's Avatar
[QUOTE=wellendowed1911;10567297 28]Look Sins of the Flesh- I don't know what your agenda is and quite frankly I think your handle is actually a blasphemy against God- but that's another story.
So do you think Republicans have the solutions and perfect ideas? I think you are a hypocrite - if God forbid something happened in one of your sessions and the condom broke- I bet you would become pro-choice in a heartbeat.
Do you realize that every Republican in the senate voted against equality pay for women?? That in itself should make you run away from the GOP.
Do you realize that over 90 percent of the republicans opposed raising the minimum wage? Try quitting the hobby and living off minimum wage.
I find conservatives to be quite hypocrites - aren't you people suppose to be the ethical God fearing faithful Christians- so the fact than any of you so called Republicans who are suppose to have Christian values are commenting on a whore board is vert funny.[/QUOTE]

What? This coming from our resident pastor. You really are a fool.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Look Sins of the Flesh- I don't know what your agenda is and quite frankly I think your handle is actually a blasphemy against God- but that's another story.
So do you think Republicans have the solutions and perfect ideas? I think you are a hypocrite - if God forbid something happened in one of your sessions and the condom broke- I bet you would become pro-choice in a heartbeat.
Do you realize that every Republican in the senate voted against equality pay for women?? That in itself should make you run away from the GOP.
Do you realize that over 90 percent of the republicans opposed raising the minimum wage? Try quitting the hobby and living off minimum wage.
I find conservatives to be quite hypocrites - aren't you people suppose to be the ethical God fearing faithful Christians- so the fact than any of you so called Republicans who are suppose to have Christian values are commenting on a whore board is vert funny.[/QUOTE]

What? This coming from our resident pastor. You really are a fool. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Budman I don't what your issue is- you seem to have a problem with everything I post as if it's a personal attack against you. I have told you that I am over the alleged bet please just let it go- but you keep having this agenda with me as if you get a buzz at attacking me.
Also, look at your avatar- isn't that some type of demon or gargoyle type creature? No wonder you have issues with my faith.
Look Sins of the Flesh- I don't know what your agenda is and quite frankly I think your handle is actually a blasphemy against God- but that's another story.
So do you think Republicans have the solutions and perfect ideas? I think you are a hypocrite - if God forbid something happened in one of your sessions and the condom broke- I bet you would become pro-choice in a heartbeat.
Do you realize that every Republican in the senate voted against equality pay for women?? That in itself should make you run away from the GOP.
Do you realize that over 90 percent of the republicans opposed raising the minimum wage? Try quitting the hobby and living off minimum wage.
I find conservatives to be quite hypocrites - aren't you people suppose to be the ethical God fearing faithful Christians- so the fact than any of you so called Republicans who are suppose to have Christian values are commenting on a whore board is vert funny. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
See Sparky, this is where folks like you fuck up. You have made an awful lot of ASSumptions here.

Lets see....

If the condom breaks (which does happen every once in a great while) I am backed up by Depo-Provera, a once every 90 days injection that has one of the lowest fail rates (less than 0.1%) of any form of birth control. I don't fuck around. I have no children, and at 41 years old, have no intention of changing that. So you best believe that at precisely 90 days, my ass is in my Doctor's office with my sleeve rolled up saying "Hit me!"

Having said that, you ASSume that I am pro-life. Guess what? I'm not. I support access to safe and legal abortions. So try again.

So, moving on. Lets talk about so-called "equal pay". I tell you what, you open up a new thread about equal pay and I will be delighted to regale you with a dissertation on all the different ways that the idea of "equal pay" is stupid. More specifically, the idea that equal pay does not already exist is stupid.

To make it even more simple: STOP PATRONIZING ME and trying to sell me on the idea that somehow having a vagina makes me any less capable than you, or in greater need of protection than you, or that I am somehow helpless and need gov't to do for me what I cannot do for myself.

Next topic, minimum wage. Yes I'm aware that the majority of Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage. So do I. I haven't earned minimum wage since I was a teenager. There is a reason for that. Oh wait. Hold up. What's this about quitting providing and trying to live off minimum wage? Did you just ASSume that the only job I am capable of outside of providing would be a minimum wage job? Pardon me for a moment. I'm going to go have a good laugh......................... ..............

.............................. ........ Ok back now. I tell you what. You come to my incall. On you way to the bathroom, you will walk through my den, and up on the wall you will see my "ego wall" of my degrees and certifications. Do you know what the best remedy to earning minimum wage is? Education. You should try it. You might like it.

Last point. Aren't "you people" (I ASSume you included me in this statement) supposed to be God fearing Christians? First point that I just can't help but make - haven't you professed a belief in Christianity? Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Yeah, you did. So, although this is something I would never consider bringing up myself, you DID open the door, so I just have to ask - what the fuck are YOU doing on a whore board?

Yes, many Republicans are Christian. I would say that I am the exception to the rule since I am not a Christian, but since I am not a Republican either, I can't actually be the exception to the rule. Like many, you have confused social conservatism with conservatism in general. One may be one without the other sugar lips. I am a fiscal conservative, I am a Constitutional conservative. I am not however, a social conservative. I have been a passionate supporter of gay rights for years, I support abortion, I support legalizing most illicit substances, I support stem cell research, believe that the Theory of Evolution is a sound theory based on science, and as stated earlier, I support safe and legal abortions.

Like I said, you really need to stop making assumptions and reading words that just aren't there. You really look like an idiot when you do that. Not that looking like an idiot is much of a stretch for you.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
See Sparky, this is where folks like you fuck up. You have made an awful lot of ASSumptions here.

Lets see....

If the condom breaks (which does happen every once in a great while) I am backed up by Depo-Provera, a once every 90 days injection that has one of the lowest fail rates (less than 0.1%) of any form of birth control. I don't fuck around. I have no children, and at 41 years old, have no intention of changing that. So you best believe that at precisely 90 days, my ass is in my Doctor's office with my sleeve rolled up saying "Hit me!"

Having said that, you ASSume that I am pro-life. Guess what? I'm not. I support access to safe and legal abortions. So try again.

So, moving on. Lets talk about so-called "equal pay". I tell you what, you open up a new thread about equal pay and I will be delighted to regale you with a dissertation on all the different ways that the idea of "equal pay" is stupid. More specifically, the idea that equal pay does not already exist is stupid.

To make it even more simple: STOP PATRONIZING ME and trying to sell me on the idea that somehow having a vagina makes me any less capable than you, or in greater need of protection than you, or that I am somehow helpless and need gov't to do for me what I cannot do for myself.

Next topic, minimum wage. Yes I'm aware that the majority of Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage. So do I. I haven't earned minimum wage since I was a teenager. There is a reason for that. Oh wait. Hold up. What's this about quitting providing and trying to live off minimum wage? Did you just ASSume that the only job I am capable of outside of providing would be a minimum wage job? Pardon me for a moment. I'm going to go have a good laugh......................... ..............

.............................. ........ Ok back now. I tell you what. You come to my incall. On you way to the bathroom, you will walk through my den, and up on the wall you will see my "ego wall" of my degrees and certifications. Do you know what the best remedy to earning minimum wage is? Education. You should try it. You might like it.

Last point. Aren't "you people" (I ASSume you included me in this statement) supposed to be God fearing Christians? First point that I just can't help but make - haven't you professed a belief in Christianity? Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Yeah, you did. So, although this is something I would never consider bringing up myself, you DID open the door, so I just have to ask - what the fuck are YOU doing on a whore board?

Yes, many Republicans are Christian. I would say that I am the exception to the rule since I am not a Christian, but since I am not a Republican either, I can't actually be the exception to the rule. Like many, you have confused social conservatism with conservatism in general. One may be one without the other sugar lips. I am a fiscal conservative, I am a Constitutional conservative. I am not however, a social conservative. I have been a passionate supporter of gay rights for years, I support abortion, I support legalizing most illicit substances, I support stem cell research, believe that the Theory of Evolution is a sound theory based on science, and as stated earlier, I support safe and legal abortions.

Like I said, you really need to stop making assumptions and reading words that just aren't there. You really look like an idiot when you do that. Not that looking like an idiot is much of a stretch for you. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Look Sins of Flesh- you don't know me from Adam's house cat so I have no idea why you have an agenda with me- I see you are from the same neck of the woods as Cute Ole Guy so I see you two are like peas in the pod.
I also think you are very confused- you can't be Republican and be pro-choice. Apparently you are obsessed with $$$ which the Bible states the root of all evil is money. It's sad that you have degrees and don't put them to use, but yet rather engage in a lifestyle of sin- hence your name. I have already repented and given my heat and soul to the Lord.
I will pray for you that you seek guidance and I really mean that- I have no intentions on having agenda with you or anyone else- I want to do God's will- apparently you and others don't want me on this site or forums and perhaps I am fighting a losing battle, but I'll let God make that decision for me.
I would really like an apology from you in the way you have attacked my character, perhaps you think just because you are a woman you can get a free pass and verbally attack me- but I know my rights. You will have to stand in front of God one day and be held accountable for your attacks against me.
Honestly, I have no idea where you came or who is pulling your strings and telling you to attack me. I really think it's COG instructing you to verbally assault me because he likes to hide and have other people fight his battles.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, you are simply beyond bizarre. Delusional. Get help.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you fucking blind stupid or just retarded? First of all the white was carrying something in his hand as well and what the fuck does looking "nerdy" have to do with this shit? Did you see the photos of the idiot who shot all those people in Aurora Colorado??? He could have easily passed for Napoleon Dolemite's brother?
Second, if the law states that a man can carry a weapon- doesn't matter what he had in his hand- when the black man was on the ground he repeated several times that he has a concealed permit and that he had a cell phone recording the incident. The Black man wasn't hostile and it wasn't like he was pointed or aiming the AR-15 at people he was walking casually and exercising his constitutional right.

You are a flat out racist if you can't distinguish the difference between the 2 situations. I thought the GOP was pro gun and upheld the constitution - if you don't see any issue with the black man's scenario perhaps you need to re-think your political position. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I'll keep this short. My comp went down hard. I never said whether I believe it or not. I just pointed out some problems. Now this is interesting, some claim that I don't see something but those same people accuse of something I didn't say.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't you go get raped by group of homosexuals- you POS!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yes. That's EXACTLY what Jesus would say.
LexusLover's Avatar
...some claim that I don't see something but those same people accuse of something I didn't say. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Simple put, "they" want you to see everything their way and when you don't they accuse you of saying something ridiculous so they can still be correct ... in their narrow minds. That is because "they" cannot rationally justify their position and cannot rational refute the one you actually asserted, so "they" have to create the illusion that YOU cannot comprehend theirs and the one they assign to you doesn't make sense. That's the only way they can remotely appear to prevail in the discussion.

Does it remind you of everyone else is wrong?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'll keep this short. My comp went down hard. I never said whether I believe it or not. I just pointed out some problems. Now this is interesting, some claim that I don't see something but those same people accuse of something I didn't say. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who fucking knows with you JDIDiot?

Did the dog eat your homework, too?

Backpedaling on the back of your computer, now... I don't really give a shit about what it is you're frantically trying to deny. It's just that this bullshit is really fucking comical!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2015, 12:11 PM
No one said racism does not exist. People like you see it everywhere. It's called a delusion. You're sick in the mind. You need a rest to get some prospective.

As for "your" video, something wrong with the playback. Keeps stopping and starting. Here is what I see; the situations are not identical so any "scientific" facts are not in evidence. Was this the same town? Were these the same cops? The first man had nothing in his hands and he was part of a pair walking side by side. Other than the rifle was he non-threatening. His mannor of dress was nerdish as well. The second man, besides being black, had a phone in his hand but who knows what it was a distance (pistol, grenade, something bad...). He was alone for all practical purposes (the woman was to the rear and not at his side) carrying a weapon. When was this taken? Before or after we watched large numbers of armed black people burning buildings and attacking cops. Yes, some of the them were armed with more than rocks and bottles. I'm only up to 2:26 but that is what I see as a difference so far. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And that is the basic problem.

Each side of the argument is preconditioned to see things a certain way.

Some need iron clad proof to see someone as having been the victim of prejudice or they will assume "they got what they deserved".

Others need iron clad proof to see someone as having deserved what they got or they will assume they were the victim of bias.

And too many change their assumed starting point based upon race. JD, reread your post: "they were dressed differently", "they had something in their hand", etc. You are predisposed in this post to see it a certain way, to LOOK for flimsy justification to doubt one of the people.
LexusLover's Avatar
Each side of the argument .... Originally Posted by Old-T
For years I have heard that "THE cops are racially motivated" when dealing with young Black men, but during all of that time I have not heard the 180 degree difference of anyone saying "NO cops AT ALL are racially motivated."

Even cops will acknowledge that SOME are "prejudiced" in dealing with citizens. That does not translate to ALL COPS.