Why We Are All Here... Small Rant?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
You know WHY some of us don't have game and cannot "pick up a girl in a bar" one more?

Most of them girls are too heavy for us to be picked up and the tiny ones, well those young testosterone dudes beat us to them. Ain't the fastest no more either.

Some may not have game any longer (damn hernia), but some got $$$ (them testosterone dudes usually not so much), so we pick the young tines ones up here. Originally Posted by fun2come
Can I get a fuck yes

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Allow me to elaborate a little:

I didn't mean to imply that everyone is here because they have no game, or that having no game somehow implies that everyone is pathetic (as the other hobbyist inferred). What I wrote about in the other thread is that the vast majority of you are married and as such have been out of the dating world for a very long time. People get lazy/complacent in their relationships and don't feel like they even need game anymore because, hey, I'm married, it's all good. (Hell, if wives had game, most of the guys wouldn't be here, right?) As I said in my other post, most of you wouldn't be able to pick up a chick in a bar even if she was wearing an "I love to fuck" t-shirt. Hell, even I don't have game when it comes to the bar scene. I can't pick up a guy to save my life. Not in a bar, not at HEB, not at the gym. The irony, I know! ...

My apologies for not elaborating in my earlier post. I truly wasn't trying to imply that y'all are a bunch of pathetic losers with no game. Just inherently lazy men ;-P Ha! J/k! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
No you said what you said , no back peddling . Own the fucking ugly shit you said , because my guess is you will be held accountable for it , as have been said plenty of times , think before you press submit , because you can't back peddle and take them back , or spin it nicer . Nobody will ever hear anything but your first and likely true feelings . Originally Posted by rockerrick
Yep, sugartits, whut he said.

All ya did, sugarbooger, is list a bunch o' reasons WHY ya think all o' us pathetic, fat, ugly, old farts don't got no game. Still don't change the facts that ya think we don't got no game.

And if'n ya think all o' us old horndogs really believe that ya couldn't pick up some guy in a bar if'n ya put your mind to it, when ya got menfolk a-linin' up to pay, well, Ima guessing ya think we're big ol' idjuts, too. Now, I ain't sayin' yer wrong on any o' the stuff ya brought up. Ya jus' might be right on target, speakin' as a pathetic idjut with no game, my own damn self. But jus' stand up and put on yer big gurl drawers and stand by what ya said.
Hmmmm....sounds like "Talk Like a Pirate Day" has come a little early. Okay, sorry, now what were we talking about here?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-18-2013, 09:35 PM
After a year of being on my own, and trying to integrate into various social clubs, I decided that I didn't want to act my age or direct fund raisers to save whatever! Actually some LE friends of mine suggested I pick up a copy of the local "times" (internet was just picking up steam back then). Via a few dancers I worked my way into the "hobby".

It was a conscientious decision on my part. I felt like I was at an amusement park. Many different rides to choose from. A high from a slow moving ferris wheel to the flying turns white knuckler.

Sometimes that comparison is, at least to me, humorous. Everytime a park opens up a "new ride" the line goes on for days.

Can I get an AMEN Brothers??!!! Originally Posted by riday
3daygetaway's Avatar
People ask me if I'm on Facebook; I say No, ECCIE. I'm here because this is my social network; you guys are my people.

I disagree with a ton of stuff you type here, and recently the confrontation between "sides" has been really off-putting, but it is reflective of what is going on in the rest of the world: lots of posturing, saber rattling, threats, and politics. It may be something cosmic or tied to the doldrums of summer.

I applaud people for being honest here, as that is one of my chief attractions: not hiding anything in this aspect of my life. You who are frequent contributors keep the board active but lately are not putting your best selves forward--and I dare say, not your honest selves. I believe from your posts, that you are allowing a line to be drawn and representing YOUR side, without proper cause to be so extreme. Like allies in war, you may not be affected or even offended with the other side, but because an ally has chosen to go to war, you will find/create a reason to hate.

I must also say that the recent trend of referring to the hobby as a source of Pussy and Cash and isn't fair to the hobby. If you were to look at the hobby as a contractual exchange, yes, the Conditions are Pussy and Cash, but the Terms are the excitement, passion, and energy of connection between two people. No one would disagree with this assessment, but to take the means of transfer out would not be a fair representation of the experience. Have a little more respect for the other party; otherwise a fleshlight will do.
When they make a moaning heated fleshlight in a bigger size , I'm out !
chupataco's Avatar
You know why I go to McDonald's? because I can't cook.
You know why I come here? Me personally? Because I have no game. Others as demonstrated here have other reasons.
expresso's Avatar
[QUOTE=VictoriaLyn;1053998242]Why are we here? thats a great question ..there has to be a million reasons why we are each here..the range is endless... from a first time true virgin to a widowed older man both just looking for a healing touch...
a full time student who is fully focus on his studies and is smart enough to hold off on a girlfriend and the drama that could throw him off track..or a business man on track thinking the same

A super busy doctor who has almost zero free time leaving a Rw hookup just a thought and not because he couldnt have any girl he wanted just doesnt have the time for the RW bs...
Then there are sex addicts and those who just dont see themselves as others do and feel this is the only way...to those who want to go outside the norm without any type of judgement..

Totally correct, the reasons are plentiful why people engage in this hobby. Think about this some people are in a sex-less marriage. So now the choices are to
A. cheat on your spouse with another woman by picking them up.
B. Engage in hobby or
C. date Palmala Handerson exclusively.
The problem with A is, you may actually love you marriage and your wife and A has a higher chance of destroying you marriage because the woman you hook up with may then have feelings for you etc. etc.

With B. It gives you a chance to scratch a biological itch and gives you a memorable experience, without worrying about drama.

C. Well c really sucks, if you're in your 40s at this time you're talking about another 20+ years of not engaging in pretty much the best act you can engage in.

People like Micheal Phleps has been seen going to a strip club. That guy is pretty much a national hero. I am pretty sure he can get whatever woman he wants just about. But he also wants drama free womanly affection.

So if a national hero feels the need to pay for some stringless affection, I think the rest of us have no reason to be ashamed of our "game" or lack thereof.
  • Annef
  • 09-19-2013, 06:37 PM
I will confess - I am here because I most definitely have no game - never have, likely never will. If it is possible for someone to have negative game, that is what I have. Couldn't get laid in a cat house with two fistfuls of tuna. Originally Posted by Luvdatpuddy
Ahhhh, you're cute! I think you have some unassuming game, there.
  • Annef
  • 09-19-2013, 07:06 PM
Hmmmm....sounds like "Talk Like a Pirate Day" has come a little early. Okay, sorry, now what were we talking about here? Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
that just made laugh out loud. And, I never LOL, I swear, only with you, baby.