why do so many 100% aa Indies say their race is mixed


Haters are gonna hate, regardless of their "mixed" racial heritages....

BTW, he is still universally hailed as the first African American POTUS....
That's just like a lot of the providers use other girls pictures from Instagram & google, but no one talks about that lol. But as far as race goes , my Dominican blood is deeper than just good weave or the brightness of the photo
I didn't want to say that...

If a white man walks in the door, and can't tell by my light skin...I got the "white mans blood" in me somewhere, he is "slow"

Clearly Somebody was in the slave cabin at night...okay, actually it was the cotton field..I just don't want to state the obvious in my ads. I could say mixed....white/Indian/black I just choose to say black. You look every bit Creole...I always found you gorgeous.

Them other "mixed" chicks..attempting to profit off a race they are not, simply making up shit..like two flavor koolaid..which is so stupid..please, the only mixed thing on them is that wet and wavy hair weave, that Brazilian hair weave.

They are too stupid to know white men, at the end of the day...still know they are black....rolling eyes

So I stick with black...it's easier....

QUOTE=Adrienne Baptiste;1058161775]Pretty sure my ancestors didn't come here with ivory light skin like my great grandmama.

It was a lot of White slave masters fucking around in the slave cabins way back when.[/QUOTE]
[Andre 3000] Girl, you got some pretty hair...

[Woman] Aww, thank you baby you know, I got a little bit of Spanish in me.

[Andre 3000] Girl you ain't Spanish, that's Hawaiian Silky
SisterTwister's Avatar
The OP is not talking about just skin color. He's talking about the whole presentation. Skin color, talk, etc. But, more than that, it's about misrepresentation. The provider changed her cultural mannerisms when he met her, talking/acting one way before and another way after. Originally Posted by Billogoods
This is hardly unique to black or mixed women.
Actually most African Americans who are biracial... just prefer claiming Black/AA...not mixed
And as we all know in this country... mixed(half black that is)=Black

So if you're only interested in white and Latinas ....why are these AA/mixed women even in your radar?
I mean u said you know when they're NOT MIXED...and we should trust u on this...so why is it still a problem?
You should be able to spot them from miles away,right?

Phone calls and Jessica Parker voice?how does it get that far?

In the Hobby..it's all about marketing...
Clients go crazy over mixed ethnicities... so providers claim them

Black,white,Asian and Latinas girls all do it...

Mofos see Filipina, Creole and Egyptian and fill up a girls inbox with appointment requests

Not that serious
This is hardly unique to black or mixed women. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
true that. I know white women that are more getto than most black women and vice versa. You just cannot tell by skin color alone. One of several reasons I almost always meet a provider before bcd with her. Not only do I get to see what she really looks like but I get to make sure of other things I find important as well
This is hardly unique to black or mixed women. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
Wait! So, you're saying other women have purposely mislead us just to get our money?!?!

NO! That can't be true!! I just won't believe it!!

My world has come undone.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
you go girl...honest ads, good reviews.....you handle your bizness well! and I gave you Greif in the beginning .....you are good at what you do Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Thank you very much Tony! That definitely means a lot commingg from you because Yes we did start off kind of rough however the past is the past. I love all your post, you always make me laugh lol
[cue happy music]
It's a marketing ploy- heard it straight from many providers mouth. Guys tend to migrate toward a female that is "mixed" because it adds an exotic appeal. I agree with the OP a lot of the AA girls who claim they are mixed are not- yes some may have a great, great ,great grandparent of another race, but don't we all? I think if you are AA and you label yourself mixed- either your dad and mom should be of two different races since that's your direct offspring- but if both your parents are AA you are not mixed.

For example, President Obama by definition is "mixed" since his parents are of two different races, but had both his parents been black and lets say his grandmother or grandfather were a different race he's not mixed.
Years ago it was popular for an AA woman claiming to be "mixed" say she was mixed with some indian tribe- nowadays they are claiming "Brazilian" that seems to be the popular race to mix yourself with these days- just browse ads of AA ladies claiming to be "mixed" on BP and you will see what I mean.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I usually lurk the Dallas board but big ol' e-kiss for you for this amazing response!

I understand where the OP came from. But not all of AA companions speak like they're from South Dallas...especially if they're from Frisco. Do you know how many times I get hung up on because I don't "sound how I look"? The " around the way girls" urban ladies who behave in a non upscale manner cause the suburban black girl from Plano/Frisco/N Dallas to go through hoops to affluent Suitors to show she is able to be taken out through super eloquent marketing and presentation.

I stopped advertising as Dominican/Black heritage due to the abuse ladies had of it. I speak, read and write Spanish. I pronounce "por que" like a Dominican "pol que" and skip my "s" when speaking Spanish, I don't say " Como estas" , but pronounce it more like "Com tu ta(o)" ... because of my heritage there. I figure one would know upon meeting me speaking Spanish, and with the "mixed" bs going around, why advertise it??

As I said before, I relate to the OP in the sense above. But on the other hand:

As Lena acknowledged, there are Afro-Latinos/as (Sonríe yo existo!). These Afro-Latinos are no more mixed than the Afro Americans here - who ARE mixed (noting Adrienne's comment).

The Africana diaspora goes beyond the US (as we were all taught in elementary, The Nina, The Pinta and Santa Maria landed on the Island of Hispañola with African Slaves - present day Haiti and The Dominican Republic.) I know countless dark and kinky haired Latinos who identify as black first, and not "mixed".

At the end of the day it all boils down to the hole light skin vs dark skin/good hair vs kinky hair/who gets to work in the big house versus who is out in the field picking cotton and indigo slave mentalities many black American communities seem to be branded with.

All I know is I am a proud Ebony Woman! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
AlluringStacy's Avatar
That's funny I was just showing KaitlynDior the other day an ad of a provider claiming she was Asian and black . I'll be real she didn't look nothing Asian
KittyLamour's Avatar
I have contacted another provider who claimed Cuban on her ads, Just thought I'd introduce myself because really there's not that many Cubans in Texas. I'm originally from Florida... Needless to say, she was NOT Cuban or even Latina. I've noticed that when they post a foreign ethnicity in their ad titles, generally they are not.

I don't think it's any big deal though...Even though she wasn't Cuban she was still a cool person and I liked her...

It's who you are on the inside, not your looks or your ethnicity that makes a woman attractive.
  • DSK
  • 05-29-2016, 07:12 PM
As someone who has lived in sub-Saharan Africa for years and has traveled throughout Africa extensively, I can attest to the fact that most African Americans, even the ones who don't think they're mixed, are mixed. Notice I said most though, not all.

Even among White Americans, a good proportion have non-White DNA even if they look White on the outside. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
I agree, and it makes me believe we should stop the diversity/affirmative action programs if a good proportion of white people get discriminated against for being white, when they are not in fact white!!!