Looks like I'm banned from Relax2013...

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Female PIMP's are the worst!

Funny thing is, is you're denying the truth and making excuses that it must of been someone else. Yet, you answer all of your phones the same way. I was as easy as calling a number I had on file for you restricted and then calling the number he gave me a few minutes later. Same exact voice, and answer the phone the exact same way. But you're right, none of your hobby phones are linked back to you. Because that was a Magic Jack and I believe the two I have on file for you a google voices. But that doesn't change the fact that was you.

And FYI I'm not on bad term with any of girls that have worked for me. Originally Posted by relax2013
So much for the last post being your last post! Face it Kendra, you are not any good on your word and you are a terrible person and it is becoming more evident every time you post. I do not have a Magic Jack phone, so you can twist it up however you want, but the fact is, you have nothing but your little theory and added with your vendetta/agenda against me, then the two obviously have to be connected, right?

I have spoke with many of the girls who are ex-Relax girls as well as your buddy at Nirvana that told me what kind of person you are. You are consistent, because they all called you the same term, of course, they are might be lying as well, but taking into consideration what I know and first hand experience with you, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably true that its a duck. So, you can say what you want, as well as the girls being all on great terms to your face, but once they leave and your back is turned, then usually the truth comes out.
Boltfan's Avatar
Jesus fucking christ. Take it elsewhere you morons. Relaxanus2013, you are an amazing tool. You really think a public argument with a troll like bigdog is going to help ANYTHING. My god you have to be the most ignorant marketing mind in the history of the sex trade.

You keep taking his bait like a dumb fish. You look weak. You look desperate. Walk away.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 04-20-2015, 03:10 PM
Maybe Relax should get a forum to hash all this out, Relax and Eccie are not affiliated right?

What's the point of dragging Relax laundry out here. The average Eccie goer will not have the full story, and will have a biased opinion. No way to benefit either party tbh.
Maybe Relax should get a forum to hash all this out, Relax and Eccie are not affiliated right?

What's the point of dragging Relax laundry out here. The average Eccie goer will not have the full story, and will have a biased opinion. No way to benefit either party tbh. Originally Posted by ktiix
No the two are not affiliated or Eccie would have times when they are not taking on any new members and when the guys write reviews, they have to be great reviews with no perceived negativity by the mods or face banishment from Eccie. It appears that Relax2013 is taking on new clients now, see their latest ad, perhaps due to all the bannings, they have time slots they need to fill.

I would tell my side of the situation between Relax2013, some of it with p4t, aka Janet, but mostly Kendra, however the point would be mute. I also have my haters that will say I am full of shit regardless, and as you said, many will feel it is not the whole story, (even tho I would tell the whole story and when/if I do, Kendra will read it, deny it to save face for her WKs and current clients, but she would know it is true).

Needless to say, after the posts and obvious lies Kendra has cooked up in this thread about me, coupled with her stupid poll and saying she will donate money for my banning on Eccie goes to show you her true colors and what kind of a vindictive person she is when she feels slighted. The fact that multiple guys have asked to be banned from Relax2013 is a very tell tell sign and far more guys have probably just shook their head and added Relax2013 to their personal DNS see list.
boomvang's Avatar
I'm sorry everyone. It was my off the cuff comment about the Relax web site that started this kindergarten shit storm. I'm in no way endorsing Davidfree. I don't enough about this to have an opinion I don't think I'll do the research to have one either.

My suspicions about Relax2013 have been set in stone though. If I lived over the back fence I couldn't patronize anywhere that is so consumed with punishing their clients as Relax2013 seems to be. I'm not talking about Davidfree. John Snow, remember him? The other guys that have spoken out about being BANNED by this place.

I can think of a place I would rather be BANNED from. I asked to put on the BANNED list. Now I want to super size it please. BAN me for life. While you're at it BAN me for my next lifetime too. I don't think they will last long under current management, but I might not live though the day. I could be reborn when a condom breaks in this place. Wouldn't be the shit? Start out your next life as a equipment failure in Relax2013. Karma is a bitch too.