ACA - Expanded Medicaid Is Working in Arkansas

LexusLover's Avatar
We won't know the full impact of the ACA for a few years to come. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It's another "jv" project of King Obaminable.
It's another "jv" project of King Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another piece of bullshit. You have no idea or way of knowing this, but you're willing to just spill more political diarrhea on the subject.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another piece of bullshit. You have no idea or way of knowing this, but you're willing to just spill more political diarrhea on the subject. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
"UnderConstruction" is a perfect name for you. When will your parents finish?
"UnderConstruction" is a perfect name for you. When will your parents finish? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I notice you didn't address anything of substance...
I notice you didn't address anything of substance... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
For his next act, LL will post the picture of the Twin Towers burning.

Again! And Again! And Again! And Again!

And so on and so forth!
LexusLover's Avatar
I notice you didn't address anything of substance... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I notice you didn't address BT's lack of "anything of substance" also.

Isn't that what you are about? No substance?
I notice you didn't address anything of substance... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well you're not finished yet, so there is no substance, lol

What a couple of dum dums. Jesus. Between the two of you there might be enough to count as one functioning brain... Barely.
What a couple of dum dums. Jesus. Between the two of you there might be enough to count as one functioning brain... Barely. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You Mad Bro?

You Mad Bro?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Why would I be mad? You're the one who thinks unicorns come out of Bush's ass.
Why would I be mad? You're the one who thinks unicorns come out of Bush's ass. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
That was a pretty dumb statement. Because I've never made any direct statement nor have I ever implied I was a George Bush supporter. You can say anything you want about George Bush just make sure you know what you're talking about, cause you will get called out on it.

flghtr65's Avatar
I personally didn't enroll in the ACA because I already have Health Insurance through my employment. As long as the ACA doesn't affect my current rate and coverage, I don't really keep up with it much.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
FYI, If your employer offers you a health insurance plan, then you CANNOT purchase health insurance on the government exchanges. The health insurance being sold on the government exchanges is only for people who Can't get health insurance from their employer or you have retired and you are not yet 65 years old. Yes, it shows you don't keep up with it much. You don't even understand the basic rules.
FYI, If your employer offers you a health insurance plan, then you CANNOT purchase health insurance on the government exchanges. The health insurance being sold on the government exchanges is only for people who Can't get health insurance from their employer or you have retired and you are not yet 65 years old. Yes, it shows you don't keep up with it much. You don't even understand the basic rules. Originally Posted by flghtr65
That's the beauty of having a career instead of just a job, you have a sound benefit package. Not only do I not qualify for the ACA but the ACA can't even come close to beating what I pay monthly in my Health premium. You're correct I don't keep up on every little aspect of the ACA because it really doesn't pertain to me anyway. But I do know enough that it has been altered since was first introduced which tells me the ACA has more than it's share of flaws.

That was a pretty dumb statement. Because I've never made any direct statement nor have I ever implied I was a George Bush supporter. You can say anything you want about George Bush just make sure you know what you're talking about, cause you will get called out on it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That sound... is me shaking in my boots. I'm glad I have your approval to say whatever I want. I know he's a lying piece of shit who not only got us into Iraq but even now he doubles down on it, lacking the pragmatism to see the error in his judgement. Just like in Vietnam, we stick our nose where it didn't belong because we have a superiority complex and think we know what's best for other people, regardless of where they live.
That sound... is me shaking in my boots. I'm glad I have your approval to say whatever I want. I know he's a lying piece of shit who not only got us into Iraq but even now he doubles down on it, lacking the pragmatism to see the error in his judgement. Just like in Vietnam, we stick our nose where it didn't belong because we have a superiority complex and think we know what's best for other people, regardless of where they live. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No I am afraid we didn't get to Iraq because of a mistake George Bush made. We got to Iraq because it was planned for us to get there just like in Viet Nam. Wars don't just happen they are planned. Incidentally Obama isn't doing squat to remedy are involvement in Afghanistan, because that's not on the agenda either.
