What is too big for providers?

ZedX79's Avatar
You don't pay these ladies to cause them pain do you? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
If they're into that.....
punisher's Avatar
Personally anything bigger than 5 inches is too big for me. But if the guy knows how to be gentle then we can still have fun. Originally Posted by mikkifine
So it's ok if a guy has only a hard two-inch dick and you can still have fun? What's your number again?
Sarunga's Avatar
Thanks GP...for the info about the four stages of sexual response. Good stuff.
Houston007's Avatar
I give it all I can, but I won't be banned by any provider because of this!
You are paid to please, not complain. However be upfront about what the expectations are depending on size and both sides are happy. Originally Posted by ZedX79

Amen to that
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
About three years ago, there was this guy in Dallas who was seeing different ladies because they would see his cock and go NO. No. No. So he got this great idea that since I'm a larger lady, that I could accommodate a larger cock.

It doesn't really work that way but anywhoooo ... I gave it the good old college try. It didn't work. I'm guessing that I'm as normal as anyone else but it just didn't.

And he was getting turned down by ladies in Dallas. A friend of mine called me for a reference and she refused to see him. It was a shame because he was nice but women wouldn't see him once the word got around.

But one of the reasons why it didn't work for us is often if a guy is preternaturally huge, their cock doesn't get very hard. I've only seen about four guys who would fall into that category .. and when I see it my mouth tends to water a little bit but if the truth be known, women don't want to have sex with a guy who is so huge that he's much wider than a coke can.

I like big. Oh yes. Love it. But not like that. I feel sorry for those guys. It's a curse. At least if you're small or average, women love to give you oral (can't get your mouth around the above situation) and you can still have intercourse most of the time.
Randall Creed's Avatar
That is so very true.

If you're huge, as in beyond even what would be considered 'big', odds are you've never had that killer blowjob, where she just sucks the living hell out of you. I'll tell ya, y'all are missing out. There's nothing like having your dick WORSHIPPED by a woman who knows what she's doing. I've learned over the years that the base of my dick is VERRRRY sensitive. Getting a hot, wet mouth and slippery tongue on it......ohhhhh, fuuuuck!!

That area might be the best bet for guys that can't fit into normal sized mouths. She can work AROUND that area instead of trying to take all of it in her mouth.
See, if I were Bill Gates or some other rich guy, I'd realize that there's no really reliable penis enlargement surgery. BUT. I'd have enough money to get everyone else's dick made smaller than mine. That they can do. And, honestly, that's all we really care about. We don't want to be huge. We just want to be bigger than everyone else.

Reminds me of an old joke: Guy goes to a provider and when he takes his pants down he has practically NOTHING, just a tiny little matchstick of a cock. She laughs and says, "Who the hell are you going to satisfy with that?"

He looks at her and says, "Myself."

That's 3 years of therapy in one joke.
never encountered this problem...

sometimes I have to ask where the rest of it is though
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
That is so very true.

If you're huge, as in beyond even what would be considered 'big', odds are you've never had that killer blowjob, where she just sucks the living hell out of you. I'll tell ya, y'all are missing out. There's nothing like having your dick WORSHIPPED by a woman who knows what she's doing. I've learned over the years that the base of my dick is VERRRRY sensitive. Getting a hot, wet mouth and slippery tongue on it......ohhhhh, fuuuuck!!
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Can I get an AMEN!?!?!

sometimes I have to ask where the rest of it is though Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
yeah.... I hear that a lot........... but then after I tip they always say "Its a really good size...."..... damnit!

carkido45's Avatar
Well I can't sleep tonight so I guess I will respond to this..lol

I can only speak for myself. Personally men who are too large can be painful for me. A lot of factors come into play. I need to be properly aroused in order to take in more, but if he is hitting my cervix I experience sharp pain. So as Latnremedy said above ground rules have to set, and hard thrusting or vigorous thrusting just isn't going to happen. The pace needs to be slow with the understanding that if he is unusually large he cannot expect to cram it in hoping to have the vagina fully engulf him. It may not be physically possible.

Having a baby is a whole other issue, and involves major hormonal changes that allow the woman's pelvis to separate and expand at the hips. Not to mention giving major elasticity to joints and muscle etc. That is the only time a woman's body can handle something that large to pass through the vagina. So comparing sex and saying a woman's vagina can handle anything because her body is designed for childbirth is not accurate.

Just for giggles here is some information for those who wonder about arousal and vaginal expansion for women:

There are various stages of physical response during arousal and sex. Researchers have identified four stages of sexual response: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. This is what happens in your body when you're sexually aroused.

Stage 1: excitement or arousal
When a woman becomes aroused, the blood vessels in her genitals dilate. There is increased blood flow in the vaginal walls, resulting in fluid passing through them. This is the main source of lubrication, which makes the vagina wet.
Her external genitalia or vulva (including the clitoris, vaginal opening, and inner and outer lips or labia) become engorged (swollen) due to the increased blood supply. Inside her body, the top of the vagina expands.
Her pulse and breathing quicken, and her blood pressure rises. She may become flushed, especially on her chest and neck, due to her blood vessels dilating.
Stage 2: plateau
Blood flow to the lower third of the vagina reaches its limit, and causes the lower area of the vagina to become swollen and firm. This is called the introitus, sometimes known as the orgasmic platform, and it undergoes rhythmic contractions during orgasm.
The woman’s breasts may increase in size by up to 25%, and blood flow to the area around the nipple (the aureola) increases, making the nipples look less erect.
As she gets closer to orgasm, her clitoris pulls back against the pubic bone and seems to disappear. A woman needs continuous stimulation in this phase to build up enough sexual excitement for orgasm.

Stage 3: orgasm
Orgasm is the intense and pleasurable release of sexual tension that has built up in the earlier stages, characterized by contractions (0.8 seconds apart) of the genital muscles, including the introitus.
Most women don’t experience the recovery period that men do after an orgasm. A woman may have another orgasm if she's stimulated again.
Not all women have an orgasm every time they have sex. Foreplay is an important role in orgasm occurring in most women. It can include stroking erogenous zones and stimulating the clitoris.
Stage 4: resolution
This is when the woman's body slowly returns to its normal state. Swelling reduces, and breathing and heart rate slow down Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Yes this just recently happen while I was with a provider she just keep rubbing her clit I don't know if anything I was doing was working on her but she definitely knew what was working for her to reach multiple orgasms
tyboy1's Avatar
never encountered this problem...

sometimes I have to ask where the rest of it is though Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Now that's cold, stop talking about me like that.
damn staxxb...with all them curves....i figured you had the perfect body for monster dick. if it makes u feel any better, ill bring my lil wienie over to help ease some pain.
damn staxxb...with all them curves....i figured you had the perfect body for monster dick. if it makes u feel any better, ill bring my lil wienie over to help ease some pain. Originally Posted by windowshopper
I do have the body to take a nice size dick and I dont complain either...Sometimes too big is not good tho...I like all sizes, but there is a thing called being toooo biiiggg... Being too big is not always good, pretty painful, more pain than pleasure
staxxb sure does have a nice body with some serious curves....