Review Specials.

  • EZ.
  • 09-19-2014, 05:44 PM
Guys that have not written reviews have nothing to say about the quality of the reviews others have written. Originally Posted by diddleman
I have written my share of reviews but not on ECCIE. If all of them are good, what is the point?
As I stated before, I saw 15 positive reviews on a woman that only resembled her pictures. All 15 reviewers neglected that rather important information.

I'm not talking writing style here, I question the honesty.
  • EZ.
  • 09-19-2014, 05:49 PM
OldLLRP if you don't believe the reviews then don't read them. Use the other tools available to decide which providers to see. When I am trying to decide I read ALL of her reviews as well as looking at threads she started and posts she has made as well as any info which may be available in the men's lounge. I also see how she responds to an email or PM. No one should make a decision based on just a couple of reviews. My reviews, although I don't write many, are very boring but they are also factual. I don't write them for entertainment value.

I agree with some of the others. Write a few and show us how it's done! Originally Posted by gardo
I have stopped reading the reviews and have no intention of writing any. I look at the pictures and if I think the girl is hot, I will ask around about her.

I was impressed with some of the threads written by a certain provider. I talked to her on the phone and was completely turned off. I asked a couple of guys and they both told me that she had issues. Even another provider told me the same thing.
  • EZ.
  • 09-19-2014, 06:12 PM
Can you not even find ONE REVIEW that has SOMETHING you might be interested in? No truthful (in your opinion) statements?

Some of the ROS is overly long and I usually will not read them. But others are informative and I have seen reviews of a Provider that I have reviewed and I've found similar comments on looks, attitudes, atmosphere, IOP, etc. And that's what you want to see...several reviews of a girl...not two or three.

When the same ROS comments show up in several reviews of a girl, I tend to think there is merit to them. I don't care if it was a "Review Special" where the guy got a discount. Put them all together and form an opinion.

Most of the guys here don't write for a living and cannot express themselves in verse. But if you think they're lying why not say so in the comments instead of just blanketing all reviews as bullshit? And be prepared to back up your reasoning.

If you trust your friends (I trust mine as well) and only rely on them, that's fine but to come on here and bash reviews rings hollow for a guy who doesn't (or won't) write them. Reviews are just one of many useful tools here.

I'm your friends you rely on write reviews?

Two things here that are as useless as a dick in a convent:
1. People here that are full of shit.
2. People that don't share info but bitch about what IS shared.

Tell the're actually gonna start writing reviews but wanted to let everyone know they will be "By God Honestly Written" for a you...? Originally Posted by Prolongus
Again, I don't have an issue with the style but the honesty of the review. Most of my friends are from my ASPD days and no they don't participate on the board much less write reviews. I just got a text from one of my old friends Ragin Cajun. Hopefully, we will have a few drinks later. He was one of the most popular guys on ASPD and hosted the infamous HHs. He told me he hadn't logged on in months. For the most part, few participate and fewer write reviews.

Maybe someone that has the time, and an interest, will do an analysis of the number of positive reviews. It is my belief that the number will approach 100%. I guarantee it will be over 90%. Explain the value in that. It seems they are all positive or become an alert.
What if they had three recommendations: Yes, No and Not My Cup of Tea?
Yes: is obvious
No: maybe a Hygiene, up selling, fake pictures or even theft issues
Not My Cup of Tea: simply didn't click or YMMV
Hal-10000's Avatar
Here's a reviews are worth every penny/second spent on them.

On a more serious are informative; as much about those reviewed as those who write them.

To the OP; yeah, I feel what you're articulating, but here's the thing...there may well be a significant proportion of people on these boards who feel like the following: "I *really, really* like this lady!! I'm not going to recommend her to the boards because, I don't want your stinking, dripping, bigger-than-mine dick corrupting her (i.e. making me less glossy and awesome in her eyes)."
Just a thought...and no, it bears no resemblance to me...I promise! It was a friend of mine which gave me the idea... 0_o

Tank u, dat is awl.

~gzk (aka. Hal minus 1)
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Well, if one gets to the bottom line, is this provider recommended: yes or no?

would you recommend the provider?

If someone had issues and justify the issues, such as an unsafe environment, hygiene problems, upsell, etc., and would not recommend them based on those experiences, then they should put "no" for the recommendation.

I may be guilty of acting like I wrote a novel, but I try to get to the main points that I think that other men would want to know about before they made any decision.
As others have posted, take each review it with a grain of salt and do your own research. What one person may like and recommend, the next Joe may not.
Hal-10000's Avatar
Allow me to clarify my position; first, no I don't write reviews (for a variety of reasons). Second, thank you TallDallasGuy...
I find that more information is better than less information. I don't mind reading a friggin novel for a review; because it tells me the person who wrote it was willing to spend a significant amount of time writing a review (rather than, YES or NO). To those who write reviews (of all sorts), thank you.

Ravasher's Avatar
In my opinion if you saw a girl and the reviews you read before were not accurate and pictures are not accurate then you should write a review stating how you feel. If you want us to know how to properly write a review an example would be substantially more helpful than this thread. How are we to learn how to write a review if you do not teach us?
There always have been and will always be fluff reviews. I have no idea if these are more common now than the old board or not. Nor do I know if there are, as a %, more or less No reviews now. But, back then, it was a much smaller community. Guys who wrote less than honest reviews were much easier to identify. It was much easier to know whose opinion to trust.

So imagine you were on that board with what, less than 5000 members at its peak? Leave for 10 years and come back to a board with over 200,000 members. A board with dynamics that have changed almost beyond recognition. Fluff reviews are common. People have been so intimated that almost no one is willing to "tell it like it is". Gals, and even guys, use out of date or fake photos with almost no repercussions. And the first provider you see on the site has 14 reviews including photos in the ROS and not one person mentions the woman does not come close to matching the photos.

Would you be a little pissed and vent a little? Or maybe a lot? The fact a guy has not posted a review does not take away his right to call out those who mislead others by the shitty reviews they do. The less than honest descriptions or outright fake photos. He spent his money based in part upon what 14 guys said or, more importantly, did not say about the provider. He so wrongly trusted that someone would have pointed out her showcase photos had no relationship to reality.

Maybe far more guys need to call out the reviewers who pull this shit. Who gives a fuck what a WK says? Tell the damn truth and the average quality of providers will rise as those who scam guys by not using receipt, accurate photos leave when they cannot get work. Slam the guys who write these sham reviews and maybe they will stop. Everyone wins except those who pull this shit.

Some of you guys need to grow a pair or get them back form the provider who has them locked up.
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
Well, I can admit, I have no balls and can be a big pussy, but no provider has my balls!

All of the providers that I reviewed, and not reviewed, I would recommend. I have not had anything negative happen with them. However, I tried to do my research and select from providers that would match my personality, have the looks I like, etc.
Not exactly sure what a guy means when he says he does not review "for a variety of reasons" but here are some I have read and heard:

The review forums are flawed and not set up the way you think they should be.

You want to write an honest review but are concerned you will get flamed for it.

You believe you can't write (and don't want to embarrass yourself).

You don't think it's anybody else's business what you do BCD (Huh?)

You don't want to write a review because it will be a bad one and it will reduce my chances with other girls.

You don't write them because most people think they are bullshit anyway, AND...why add to the pile.

By not reviewing or expressing your experiences here, you undermine the purpose of this board: Information Exchange. Reviews are something I have always valued; they are not perfect and through the years I've learned to accept or reject info in them.

By not posting your experiences here, you are enabling a guy to have a date with a lousy Provider're denying a great Provider the benefit of continued success by not letting us know about her. My respect goes to the guys that do review; the ones that don't, not so much regardless of your command of the English language discussing other topics.

I wonder if guys that post on a lot of subjects but don't review or openly share info on Providers will think they've undermined their perceived respect if they do a.... LOWLY REVIEW...
  • EZ.
  • 09-20-2014, 06:46 AM
In my opinion if you saw a girl and the reviews you read before were not accurate and pictures are not accurate then you should write a review stating how you feel. If you want us to know how to properly write a review an example would be substantially more helpful than this thread. How are we to learn how to write a review if you do not teach us? Originally Posted by Ravasher
She enabled me to get P411 status and saw me before I had it. I wasn't going to stab her in the back.
Ok so you are bothered enough to start a thread bc none of your brethren "warned" you about this provider (via an honest review) yet you yourself refuse to "warn" your brethren about her looks (via an honest review)?

Did I get that right?

Many guys are not fortunate enough to be able to go to the SC everyday and window shop, so they study reviews and reviewers. Since you have outlined repeatedly in multiple threads that you can and do window shop at the SC, then why not stick to that?

I really don't understand the point of this thread. You have gone from bitching about reviews to saying you don't even read them or saying you write them on another site. Saying you wish you had been told about the looks of this provider but won't say who she is or post your own review of her. Idk, it just doesn't make sense.
May I suggest that if you don't want to write a,review, at least post in ML the relevant information. You said the girls skills were good but its her looks not matching her photos that is the concern. That is not aa efficient as a review but it is a way to let others know your experience.

My impression is as a % of members, only a small number write reviews. We can argue about why guys don't but the bottom line is get the info out somehow.

Telling the truth in an objective way is not stabbing her in the back. Its being honest. It may help others decide what to do. hopefully, it might even convince her to update her photos.
Dittychaser's Avatar
There is something dishonest about a guy that does not write reviews slamming those who do and doing it with broad brush strokes. I don't accept his premise that most reviews are dishonest. Some for sure but not most.

If he finds a particular review to be dishonest he should point it out and submit a review of his own to correct the misinformation. IE is information exchange.
  • EZ.
  • 09-20-2014, 08:34 AM
Ok so you are bothered enough to start a thread bc none of your brethren "warned" you about this provider (via an honest review) yet you yourself refuse to "warn" your brethren about her looks (via an honest review)?

Did I get that right?

Many guys are not fortunate enough to be able to go to the SC everyday and window shop, so they study reviews and reviewers. Since you have outlined repeatedly in multiple threads that you can and do window shop at the SC, then why not stick to that?

I really don't understand the point of this thread. You have gone from bitching about reviews to saying you don't even read them or saying you write them on another site. Saying you wish you had been told about the looks of this provider but won't say who she is or post your own review of her. Idk, it just doesn't make sense. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
No, I used to write reviews back in the ASPD days. It is obvious that the majority of people don't agree with me. It is perfectly fine that the overwhelming majority of reviews are positive. For me, I have no confidence in them. It is a sign of the times ...everyone gets a trophy.
Bottom line, It was my mistake. I liked the pictures. I asked my friends about her and nobody knew her. I saw her anyway. I won't make that mistake again. If I haven't met her in advance or get a recommendation from a friend, I ain't seeing her.