Cruz to Run

LexusLover's Avatar
Cruz is anti-immigrant which translates to anti-Hispanic for virtually all Hispanics. Originally Posted by timpage
That is not an accurate statement of fact. Perhaps wishful thinking, but not factual.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
That is not an accurate statement of fact. Perhaps wishful thinking, but not factual. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is pure fact my friend - Ted Cruz is viewed by Latinos as an Uncle Julio or whatever the Latino version is for an Uncle Tom - there's bo debate that he is not respected in the Latino community.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Right, someone that has been a US senator and the secretary of state for the United States of America has less experience and qualifications than somebody who has been a US senator for what? 18 months? You're on Pluto..... Originally Posted by timpage
KInd of a chicken shit move Timmie. You co opt what I wrote so that I when I put it in quotes it doesn't show up. Chicken shit! Have you always been such a lazy coward?

I NEVER said that Harvard graduates were hard working, great people. I just said that Cruz is a Harvard grad and since the left finds that so credible, you can't argue his education. I also pointed out that he has transcripts, classmates, and teachers who remember him unlike some people.

Since you brought it up, what has Hillary been successful at other than being elected?

As far as where Cruz was born, the law says that he was born in Canada to one American citizen. He is an American citizen and he has the papers to prove it. Your little butt buddy never would show his papers until long after the election and no wonder, he'd made a career (and committed fraud) of impersonating a Kenyan exchange student.

No, here is the real take away. The DEMOCRATS have four viable candidates right now; Hillary, Biden, Warren, and Brown. All of them are extreme left wingers. So who will go farther left to win the nomination? How far left can you go that you don't turn off the squishy middle. That is what they do on that side of the aisle, they go left to establish themselves as the standard bearer. I'll even throw in O'Malley and Webb to make Tampon handy. O'Malley is a mystery but Webb is too moderate to get the nomination.

Cruz has already staked out his position. He doesn't have to shift anywhere to win the GOP nomination


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is pure fact my friend - Ted Cruz is viewed by Latinos as an Uncle Julio or whatever the Latino version is for an Uncle Tom - there's bo debate that he is not respected in the Latino community. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What a racist thing to write WE. Do you know who Uncle Tom was? He was a brave man in that book. You've probably never read it have you. You just it the name as a weapon against better people than you.

If you don't have the brains to figure it out, the Spanish version of Tom would be Tomas.
gfejunkie's Avatar
How does he get around the niggling little fact that he is a Canadian? Originally Posted by DSK
Canadian Candyass Cruz Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Unfortunately the Canadian Born Tea- Party psycho is eligible to run since one of his parents is a naturalized citizen, but it really saddens me that the constitution allows a foreign born person to run for POTUS hopefully they will amend that loophole. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

The 'birthers' (like cockroaches) are coming out of the woodwork these days!
LexusLover's Avatar
It is pure fact my friend - Ted Cruz is viewed by Latinos as an Uncle Julio or whatever the Latino version is for an Uncle Tom - there's bo debate that he is not respected in the Latino community. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
May be no debate in your head.

Little Timmie's statement was, and still is:

"Cruz is anti-immigrant which translates to anti-Hispanic for virtually all Hispanics."

Cruz did better in Texas than Romney in 2012, but he didn't fare as well as Cornyn, who got roughly 35% of the Hispanic vote in Texas.

"virtually all Hispanics" ... And I said that is not factually correct.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Hmmm... Let's see...

1. Harvard law graduate.

2. Only been Senator for a short time.

3. Questions about his birth certificate.

4. Questions about his ethnic background.

Yep. Looks like he's qualified.
JCM800's Avatar
Maybe Cruz has an upcoming book tour and reality show to promote.

Didn't someone else already try this?

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe Cruz has an upcoming book tour and reality show to promote.

Didn't someone else already try this?

Originally Posted by JCM800
Yes ...

Back to Cruz:

"In 2013, Sen. Cruz proposed amendments to the “Gang of 8” bill that would strengthen border security, expand green card opportunities, increase high-skilled “H1B” visas, prevent illegal aliens from receiving welfare benefits, and enforce the rule of law."
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yes ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah... It kinda sucks to be in the Clinton reality show...
Okay, we knew that Uber Cunt had trouble understanding English...I'll try again. What are Hillary's accomplishments, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, for being president. Anyone can hold a position. Any one could be a quarterback of a NFL team but were they successful? Anyone can be appointed to be a general but were they successful. Hillary has attempted a few things in her life; the healthcare task force which turned out to be a massive debacle that cost the democrats both houses for the first time in 40 years. Senator where she sponsored no meaningful legislation and she voted FOR the Gulf War (which all democrats said was a major mistake). As Secretary of State she fucked up the whole Russian "reset" campaign, stood by during the Arab Spring in Iran, watched as Iran got closer to a nuclear weapon, first said Assad was our friend before betraying him and calling him an enemy (which she failed to remove from office), and she lost four Americans at Benghazi and then pushed the lie that it was NOT a terrorist attack and it was caused by a video.

So what has she done that turned out to be positive? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You didn't use the word 'accomplishments' in your initial question. You asked what qualifies her to be president. You can go through any politicians backlog and pick out the bad things. They all have them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah... It kinda sucks to be in the Clinton reality show... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Speaking of .... "Monica is BAAAAAAAACK!"

And looking hotter than ever .... "the other woman" is ready for a job!
LexusLover's Avatar

1. Harvard law graduate.

2. Only been Senator for a short time.

3. Questions about his birth certificate.

4. Questions about his ethnic background. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

You can go through any politicians backlog and pick out the bad things. They all have them. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Which of 1-4 would be "bad things"?

This thread is about Cruz isn't it?
What a racist thing to write WE. Do you know who Uncle Tom was? He was a brave man in that book. You've probably never read it have you. You just it the name as a weapon against better people than you.

If you don't have the brains to figure it out, the Spanish version of Tom would be Tomas. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Per usual, you danced around the real question the post brought up and educated us all on how in touch you are with old-ass books. And for you information, not all african-american people identify or agree with Uncle Tom and the way he was portrayed. Here's a quote from James Weldon Johnson, who I'm sure you know.

"For my part, I was never an admirer of Uncle Tom, nor of his type of goodness; but I believe that there were lots of old Negroes as foolishly good as he; the proof of which is that they knowingly stayed and worked on the plantations that furnished sinews for the army which was fighting to keep them enslaved"

You're lack of nuance on most subjects does you a great disservice. Everything is either THIS or THAT with you. And the world simply doesn't work that way.

P.S. what the fuck gibberish were you trying to spit out in the portion I placed in bold type? Every fucking post with you...
Which of 1-4 would be "bad things"?

This thread is about Cruz isn't it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
We could start with telling little kids their world is on fire. I foresee this turd placing his foot squarely in his mouth numerous times. And to think that because he is Latino, he somehow has the Latino wrapped up is typical white-bread thinking. That's why the republican party has yet to figure out how to attract the Latino vote. They voted for Obama and he's not Latino...