1 hundo THOUSAND!

Trump Trump Trump! Originally Posted by lilylivered
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Ok, let’s see if I can give cogent answers to the two questions asked by rooster.

But first I’d like to address the wrongful observation that my last post was a copy and paste…it was not, it’s how I truly feel about our current situation.

1). How do I defend Trump’s comments about military men and women being suckers and losers?

There is no defending that comment. Pissed me off like a mofo. He’s says asinine shit all the time that pisses me off. Full disclosure…when I seen than comment, I damn near threw my beer at the tv. But, that would have been alcohol abuse.

On the other hand, being a disabled veteran, I’ve had a claim in for nearly two years and it’s still not completely resolved. If you look at the VA, they brag about how claims only take 4-5 months now because of the added infrastructure and manpower during Trump’s admin. Why has it taken so long you ask? Because the Biden admin has redirected VA manpower to help administer medical claims for the illegal immigrants he’s allowed into this country under his presidency. How do I know this? Not only has it been reported by several news organizations, but I was told personally on the phone by a VA representative. This right here pisses me off more than Trump’s asinine comments.

2) How do I defend the January 6th Insurrection?

There’s no defending that either. That was a terrible day for our country. I honestly wish it never happened. My first thought was…this in no fucking way going to help Trump. If anything it’s going to hurt him and give the Libs more firepower to go after him, whether you believe he was at fault or not. He did say to protest peacefully. But, he also should have acted sooner and stronger to shut it down. I also believe there’s a lot more to what happened that day than we’ve been told.

Cogent: adjective
(of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.

Just to be clear, that WAS a copy and paste…not that I needed to, I am college educated and know the definition.

A few other comments:

Regarding the world economy. And just to preface this, I’ve worked the majority of my career in upper management in the corporate world, and had full P&L responsibility (don’t know what P&L means? Look it up), so I do understand a bit about how the economy works. We have the strongest country in the world, the U.S. dollar is the basis for everything. So if our dollar is weak, it effects the entire world. WE as a country have control of the value of our dollar, no one else does. Our dollar today is in a very weak and vulnerable position. Why? Because our current administration has spent and over spent to the point that our dollar is worth so much less. Eco 101…it’s very simple folks…supply and demand is all it comes down to. Too much money with too little goods makes for higher prices. You cannot continue to push an influx of cash, printed by the government, into our economy and not expect prices to go up. It’s a natural cause and effect.

Sure, every country in the world is having problems with their economy. But, if we were being more fiscally responsible, the rest of the world would be in better shape as well. So yes, I do blame our country and it’s lack of being fiscally responsible.

Lastly, and I’ll get off my soapbox. Yea, Trump exaggerates all the time. That pisses me off too. But would anyone like to name a politician who doesn’t exaggerate…or better yet doesn’t lie to our faces day in and day out?

For these reasons I’m supporting Trump as our next President of the U.S. Another 4 years with Biden and his extremely dysfunctional & inexperienced admin will be a disaster for this country.

Hoping this was “cogent” enough.

MAGA Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
I can close on that. Perfectly cogent.

I think you are in absolute denial over January 6, though. He needs to go down for it. But whatever. I know I won't change your mind there.

I'll just warn you again....your grandchildren will wonder why TF you got behind this.

But I'm good with you otherwise. Would buy you a beer. Any time.

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Trump Trump Trump! Originally Posted by lilylivered

And to thinck I actually WITHELD beating on you before when I had a chance.

you don't effectively "beat on " anyone

that is a construct in your own mind
rooster's Avatar
You are a sad, bitter man, JB. I feel sorry for you. We crossed swords over stoopid shit when I was a Mod. I apologized to you personally and directly for it. And you looked right at my face and said we had no problem. Then you've been a dick ever since.

lilylivered's Avatar

And to thinck I actually WITHELD beating on you before when I had a chance.

. Originally Posted by rooster
Hostility over an opinion....sad
I guess only you can have an opinion...even sadder....
He did say to protest peacefully. But, he also should have acted sooner and stronger to shut it down. I also believe there’s a lot more to what happened that day than we’ve been told.
Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Someone told him to say "protest peacefully" so he could try to use it as his get out of jail free card. (He isn't and wasn't smart enough to have thought it up on his own) Trumps cult followers cling with desperation to those two words.
More to what happened is learning how deeply certain republican congressmen were/are.
You are a sad, bitter man, JB. I feel sorry for you. We crossed swords over stoopid shit when I was a Mod. I apologized to you personally and directly for it. And you looked right at my face and said we had no problem. Then you've been a dick ever since.

. Originally Posted by rooster
i figured other way around but

either way your off as uaual

just think your correct in your minds construct.

in normal life people have disaagreements just because 1 time we exchange apologies that is for that issue what the heck I am no robot dem that tows some party line no matter what .

feel better and try using less insults and made up beat downs
rooster's Avatar
i figured other way around but

either way your off as uaual

just think your correct in your minds construct.

in normal life people have disaagreements just because 1 time we exchange apologies that is for that issue what the heck I am no robot dem that tows some party line no matter what .

feel better and try using less insults and made up beat downs Originally Posted by JONBALLS
You always fall back on the same schtick, which is to accuse others of the very behaviors that you embody.

Everyone else is "way off." And too busy towing the "party line" to have any validity. And then...let's close our simplistic psychological evaluation with some insightful advice couched in a lame passive-aggressive "insult."

The only difference between you and people like lilly is that you hide your ignorance a little more effectively. Not much.
Cuz you don't fool many. Not even yourself, I'm thinckin...

I didn't just "exchange apologies" with you once. I routinely treated you with respect...both on and off this board...for a long time. But that meant nuthin. That's fine. And I am disappointed that I got sucked into this again. This isn't the first time we've had an exchange like this. You are obviously broken on a fundamental level, and I am foolish to waste the time.

But ENUFF of this stoopid self-reflection!!

Since I have now gotten it through my thick head that we ain't never gonna hold each others puds at one a the Major's parties....let's get back to it!

Let's not forget how this turd of a threAd started: by you crowing over a buncha ignorant goose-steppers partying on the beach with the most corrupt, fucked-up "leader" we've ever had.

And then you have the mutherfukkin GALL to berate me for insults? Whatta goddam hypocrite. Yer boy brought that to the mainstream, made it completely acceptable.

Fox, Breitbart, Newsmax, Info Wars...play you and all of his supporters for fools. And you lap it up, in between the commercials fer denture cream and 'rhoid cream (don't mix them two up!)

You also have the gall to accuse me of "towing" the Dem line. But I've made it pretty clear I ain't no fan of much of it, and I don't like my alternate choice for Prez one damn bit. But as Bill Maher said, I would vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue liquid to keep Trump out of office.

I will give Trump credit where he deserves. He has learned his lessons from history well. Cuz there ain't nuthin new here. He has used the same time-honored populist techniques used by authoritarians to dominate societies throughout our history: Cause distrust in technology and "Elite" professionals, promote disinformation/xenophobia/chaos. And....of course....make up a good culture war or three. Then convince everyone they need a "Strongman" to fix it all.

You thinck all of this will be "better." I don't just insult you. I laugh at you.

But hey....Feel better! (learn some fuggin punctuation, though, fer chrissake)

rooster's Avatar
Hostility over an opinion....sad
I guess only you can have an opinion...even sadder.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Ain't flyin with me any more, liver-spots.

Like I told JB, Trump made the hostility...and the insults...mainstream.

You can't have it both ways. If you support him and the way he acts, you got nuthin to say about that.

But you rarely do anyway. Not that is meaningful. Your whole personality is cut-and-paste.

C’mon guys…can we stop the hate amongst each other on here? Are we forgetting why we are all here? To get pleasure from a beautiful professional provider. Keep in mind, coochie isn’t blue or red, left or right, it’s all pink in the middle .

Maybe I can help with a hypothetical situation:

Ok so, for the next four years we’re gonna have one of two things. If Biden wins, we’re stuck with his incompetent ass that is dealing with dementia. Or, we’ll be stuck with Trump for another four years and his comments and posts that are gonna piss people off and the left is gonna go after him with everything they’ve got…wasting our tax dollars…again.

Question is: Who and what are we gonna hate each other for after the fact? Regardless of who wins or loses, neither one will run again (or can’t run again). Just not gonna happen. What is the mainstream press gonna do when they don’t have either one to attack and/or make fun of?

Point is, once the smoke clears, will we all be sorry for hating on each other? Hate is a strong hurtful emotion, and I for one hope we can all get past whatever happens in November. We certainly need to as a country.

I do know one thing, my TDL for CNY is growing almost daily, and very much looking forward to getting myself back to “the middle” and enjoying the “pink” that I love so much.

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I'm good with most of what you say, FB. But to say we will just be stuck with Trump's "comments and posts" is bullshit. That lying, corrupt douchebag is gonna fuck some shit up massively. Except for his rich buddies. They will be nicely taken care of.

I don't want Biden either. Or any of the Dem possibilities.

I look at this next election as damage control. Keep Trump out cuz he'll fuck shit up the worst. It's the best we can do. Then maybe we get better choices in 4 years. They almost can't be worse.

BTW....this is "The Sandbox" don't forget. It ain't about pussy in here. We can talk some shit.

Ok ok, no more talk about pussy in the sandbox lol

Oh…I almost forgot to mention. The stock market (Dow) broke 40K for the first time in our history this past week. So, those rich fucks seem to be doing pretty well under Biden as well. Just sayin’…
now i have whitnessed extreme TDS but never

doubled dipped with JBDS

and gotta say its feeling even alittle more creepier than the usual ...
dont just take my word for it rooster

bring all this distress to a professional and

feel better .