
I agree and I also have to take issue with another statement. Miss Priss, just because one participates in the Hobby does not make him a "perv".

If it did, everyone could be a perv. It takes years of practice and unyielding patience. Originally Posted by daty/o
He's not a Perv, I know that. My standards are high, he jumped through enough hoops to get the CWE, if I for one second believed that...I'd have cut him off. It just feels good to say, especially out loud in my highest octave when he's listening
Here's my 2 cents....this is a somewhat jaded forum because the underlining thoughts are hobbyist and providers should only coexist in this world. I disagree. I say make your feelings known and see where she is. If she's not where you are emotionally, move on. But if there is an inkling of the possibility you guys can work this out, go for it! There are some fantastic women in this biz and don't hold anyone's past against them less I look at myself. Follow your heart. Not our opinions.
Here's my 2 cents....this is a somewhat jaded forum because the underlining thoughts are hobbyist and providers should only coexist in this world. I disagree. I say make your feelings known and see where she is. If she's not where you are emotionally, move on. But if there is an inkling of the possibility you guys can work this out, go for it! There are some fantastic women in this biz and don't hold anyone's past against them less I look at myself. Follow your heart. Not our opinions. Originally Posted by baldbrotha
If you feel you may be becoming emotional attached should you stop visiting a provider. What do you'll think? Originally Posted by franoo2oo6
HOW ROMANNNNTICCCC!!!! I agree with baldbrotha
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Eccie-harmony.... That's a wonderful idea...

Knock yourself out if it sounds like a good idea. But most who have allowed themselves to get sucked into these situations would tell you "hell no, don't do it" and there are long drawn out drama fest stories to back up their positions.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm not saying with fact that you actually believe that but date a provider and in a fight, that may slip out. Get your feelings hurt and you may find yourself unable to avoid "hitting below the belt" - I myself recognize this as a major fault. I'm a mature adult and just as importantly as someone conducts themselves when showing affection is the way they fight. Fighting fair shows character, in that - I'm flawed. I'm working on it, hard to do when guarded. My instinct is to come out swinging ... Originally Posted by misspriss
It depends on the person. I would never be offensive to a lady, no matter what. It is against my DNA. Heck, I still cannot cuss in front of a Lady, and when I hear a lady cuss it hurts my ears. I've divorced once, had plenty of fights and never once offended or hurt my EX, even when she offended or hurt me.I just divorced. I've been brought up this way and nothing would ever change that.

Back the the original post. Sex is just a diferent word for making love. When you make love to someone, no matter waht , you bound to feel affection. I fall in love every time with all my girls! I just understand that there is a diference between true love and hobby-love. Both you and the providers are representing charatcers, like in a movie. Both of you can fall in love with that character. But remember, it is a character.

All my hobby girl friends can confirm that I'm in hobby love with them...
Luis you bring up a good point! Who we are in the other world is the same person or character in this one. If you're an ass in that world, you will be same is this one! Likewise, good guy there, good guy here. This persona we display is us. The only thing that we changed was our names! Lol! You have just as much of a chance that love will work here or there. No guarantees. Hell some of us may have dated a Provider and didn't know it! Lmao! Just sayin!
yaddayadda's Avatar
I call avitar theft...

When it comes to providers and clients: "It's a short short walk from a crazy fuck, to fucking crazy. "

But I love em.

Yadda Yadda
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 02-07-2013, 05:47 PM
I tend to be long winded so:

"Just tell me, fcker" version:
Stop scheduling sessions with her and see how real the connection is...

"Don't you have a life" version:
I think that this happens, to varying degrees, to most hobbyists who are looking for an experience beyond renting an orifice or three for an hour...

The better the illusions, the more it is natural to have some residual emotions... Once you understand this, you are empowered to keep your perspective and can avoid irrational decisions.

Lose perspective and you are headed for trouble... I've seen hobbyists do some crazy shit... Announce a provider's retirement... Stalk and annoy a provider until she quits the biz...

Keep perspective and you can use your time like a great book or movie... In the moment you are there, you feel for the character(s), you are invested... Then you close the book or walk out of the theater and get back to your life...

With that said, there was one provider that I started to think about more often than those times near our visits. We hung out sometimes, hit the strip club, flirted via text and such... I reached out to the community and got some great advice (I wish I recall who it was)... It was simple and a bit cynical but so true:

Stop scheduling sessions with her and see how real the connection is...

I stopped and she


It was great advice and an awesome way to keep perspective.
lol...thanks guys...all though i feel that you'll took it more serious then i did. never the less thanks for the responses. : )
:-) Drama can happen in any relationship, and not only love relationship...ANY relationship....provider/hobbyist or not. If you're with a man/woman who is a drama king/queen...drama is inevitable. In the end...we are all men and women...not just providers/hobbyists.
I believe it would be torture to know that the girl you were "attached" too was fucking countless gents the EXACT same way as she fucks you and the whole hobby community reads and discusses it. I can understand thinking you had feelings, but then coming back to reality would probably be more the wise. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
You would be correct "torture".

To fall for a provider knowing what she does is one thing.
Maybe you can be accepting of being 1 of 100-1000, it's all just a frame of mind.

Different still is the pain and anguish felt when you find the woman you've loved, supported and lived with for years has chosen to live the life of a prostitute. Even after that, torments you returning again and again with empty words of "I love you" while servicing dozens if not hundreds of men.

Weakness for the ones we love is a hard thing to overcome. Hard to let go when the posts and profiles are publicly put out there proving her love was a lie.

Or maybe it's just Me - not so Mello, on this one.
berkleigh's Avatar
I believe it would be torture to know that the girl you were "attached" too was fucking countless gents the EXACT same way as she fucks you and the whole hobby community reads and discusses it. I can understand thinking you had feelings, but then coming back to reality would probably be more the wise. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
I agree, however, it's also torture to the Provider.

Reality is that it's extremely complicated on so many levels and if you begin to analyze things, you over-think causing many mixed emotions and it becomes drama, possibly ruining everything.

I swore I would never, ever lose myself in the Hobby, but there is always "That One" ... it happens to all of us!

And it's fucking sucks to have those feelings

Good Luck to you!

Let me be clear that if she's the one and we feel that we have a chance at making this work, two things have to happen. You both get out of this world!
ManSlut's Avatar
I just want to become 'emotionally attached' to brownsugarbaby's ass...I don't think I could handle a physical attachment with it though.

The Passionate ManSlut
And then there was the movie Pretty Woman. You see what Julia Roberts did to my ATF Lyle Lovett. The Bitch.