stds and the community

Thank you Papi, that's some good advice. Its very appreciated.
  • mdub
  • 10-23-2015, 08:06 PM
I do not think this is correct. I am no doctor, so I could be wrong but there are enough credible sources that seem to back up what follows: You cannot get HSV2 from someone that has HSV1 (and vice versa). However, you can get HSV1 below the waist from someone that has HSV1. While usually HSV1 infects the mouth region and HSV2 the genital region, they can be infect both areas. SOOOO...technically you could get HSV1 of the genitals via oral with someone that has HSV1 of the mouth. As well, you could get HSV2 of the mouth by performing oral on someone with HSV2 of the genitals. Originally Posted by NTXReggie
I do not know the difference between hsv1 and hsv2 other than location one being the mouth and two being the genitals. But this where I got an explanation.

There are risks and I try my best to mitigate those risk as I don't have any std issues and want to continue not having any std issues. Of course there is always abstinence which would insure that I do not ever encounter an std.
ND's Avatar
  • ND
  • 10-27-2015, 11:05 AM
This is the best thing I have ever read on the topic of STD's

tldr; Chances are you will not contract an STD even if another party has one and If you do it is not the end of the world and is curable/manageable.
  • !VI!
  • 10-27-2015, 11:44 AM
see.... it's not hard to just be honest...

if it's a issue with health you can just talk to them, you can still have your "job" with out the risk of burning every other provider and hobbiest in the tri-city....

but some are asymptomatic .... so regular testing is also good to be on the up and up... just be real guys.... but it's also a game of trust between all party's involved...
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Legalization = Taxes.

No! Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
I pay taxes in all the money I make. You should, too. I have no sympathy for tax cheats. NONE!

Increased tax compliance with legalization is just another advantage.