Trump has 5 - Count Em 5 Military Deferments

With every new thread this turd posts up, he just can't help but show how f*cking stupid he is.

And his trend is the exact same each and every time: writes idiotic post (ie: trashing Trump or praising Barry)....bumps it once or twice to make certain it doesn't get overlooked...receives rebuttal...he comes back & complains, cries, whines a couple of times....then Runs & Abandons thread for good. Total Loser Mentality...

Tsk, tsk... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
When these shrieking chimps get their asses handed to them in one thread, they flee from it and start another on the same fucking subject. Happens every time!
When these shrieking chimps get their asses handed to them in one thread, they flee from it and start another on the same fucking subject. Happens every time! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
a funny and apt description
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2017, 08:03 AM
The real issue is that the progressive left was correct in regards to Vietnam.

You numbnuts learned very little from that war and fell for GWB 's WMD'S war in Iraq. Another War the progressives were correct about. Stupid war.

I have no problem with Trump not wanting to fight in Vietnam. ..the rich will never fight in wars again since we went to a all volunteer military.
LexusLover's Avatar
The real issue is that the progressive left was correct in regards to Vietnam. Originally Posted by WTF
There was no such thing as the "progressive left" in the 1960's!

You continually show your ignorance.

"Progressive" was a bullshit label that was devised so that socialistic wimps, like you, could sound more "intelligent" and "advanced" in their political thinking, because "socialism" was often confused with "communism" and that gave them a bad name, even though that's what they were!

One just left office after 8 years! A socialist! And one almost got the nomination if it had not been for the dirty tricks of your candidate, HillaryNoMore!

What was wrong with "the Korean War" was the same as was wrong with S.E. Asia. Those were not fought to win, but wimps like you sitting back in elected positions decided they new "better" about how to fight a war than the warriors who were tasked for the job!

Then Walter Cronkite came along and started the propaganda war.

If the "Korean War" and S.E. Asia had been fought like a military confrontation to win some of the bullshit this country has to face today wouldn't exist ... just like had Bush I finished the War against Iraq it would have not been necessary for Clinton or Bush II to deal with Iraq's bullshit.....just like if Obaminable had taken ISIS seriously from the beginning Trump wouldn't have to deal with them today ... and 100's of 1000's of innocent men, women, and children would be alive today and living in their homes ... instead of being slaughtered and living in refugee camps.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2017, 08:15 AM
There was no such thing as the "progressive left" in the 1960's!

You continually show your ignorance.

"Progressive" was a bullshit label that was devised so that socialistic wimps, like you, could sound more "intelligent" and "advanced" in their political thinking, because "socialism" was often confused with "communism" and that gave them a bad name, even though that's what they were!

One just left office after 8 years! A socialist! And one almost got the nomination if it had not been for the dirty tricks of your candidate, HillaryNoMore!

What was wrong with "the Korean War" was the same as was wrong with S.E. Asia. Those were not fought to win, but wimps like you sitting back in elected positions decided they new "better" about how to fight a war than the warriors who were tasked for the job!

Then Walter Cronkite came along and started the propaganda war. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You still haven't found those WMD's have you

Trump told you it was a lie....will you finally admit you were wrong about WMD's or is Trump a lisr , like you?
You still haven't found those WMD's have you

Trump told you it was a lie....will you finally admit you were wrong about WMD's or is Trump a lisr , like you? Originally Posted by WTF
Before WMD's can be found we must first define what they are.

LexusLover's Avatar
You still haven't found those WMD's ... Originally Posted by WTF
ISIS did!

Now, about your "progressive left" bullshit!

You mean like this lying POS?

Notice the "body language" ... trying to hide his face!

The POS just got back from Paris ...

.. where he fraternized with the enemy as a "Naval Officer"!

Hard to teach an old Dog new tricks!

Fraternizing with the enemy again! About WMDs?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
5 fucking deferements and then he turns around and likens pussy chasing and avoiding STDs to being a military solider. This sicko loser has NO shame. Lol
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2017, 09:22 AM
Before WMD's can be found we must first define what they are.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I suppose in LexusLiar's case, that is a dick in his ass exploding!
Before WMD's can be found we must first define what they are.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Would that be like Slick Willy and the lyin liberals defining what " IS " is ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
5 fucking deferements and then he turns around and likens pussy chasing and avoiding STDs to being a military solider. This sicko loser has NO shame. Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
And hildebeest and her husband -- the draft evading Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator -- still didn't get back into the White house, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And there were Guardsmen who served in Vietnam. One unit was outstanding and perhaps the most "awarded" for their service there of all the "units" in combat. Originally Posted by LexusLover
true and one of my cousins was at that secret airbase in Laos that didn't exist. lol.

they called it the "base with no name"

I was too young for Vietnam. I registered with selective service when I was 18 as required by law. At that time I was scared shitless about joining the military or being drafted. I would have done anything I legally could to keep myself out the military. In fact I would do anything I could to keep my kids out of the military unless they wanted to join.

If I were asked today to give my life for my family or country I would willingly do so. I have the utmost respect for all those who joined, got drafted, served and died for this country. They did a job I was not willing to do at the time, and have balls much bigger than mine.

This is also why I have so much respect for LE. They do a tough, dangerous job that I am not willing to do.

How many on here would honestly NOT look for deferment at the age of 18, 20, 21, etc. You bitch about people who got deferments, but I bet most of you would not have willingly hopped on a boat to Vietnam.

It did not make me unpatriotic. It made me a normal kid scared to die.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
true and one of my cousins was at that secret airbase in Laos that didn't exist. lol.

they called it the "base with no name"

hahhaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
yes we were there

a local guy a year behind me that was missing a few yeas on his resume'
he said he was in Vietnam, then said actually Laos, I said that was illegal
he said he left a letter to his parents stating where he was if something happened to him
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There was no such thing as the "progressive left" in the 1960's!

You continually show your ignorance.

"Progressive" was a bullshit label that was devised so that socialistic wimps, like you, could sound more "intelligent" and "advanced" in their political thinking, because "socialism" was often confused with "communism" and that gave them a bad name, even though that's what they were!

One just left office after 8 years! A socialist! And one almost got the nomination if it had not been for the dirty tricks of your candidate, HillaryNoMore!

What was wrong with "the Korean War" was the same as was wrong with S.E. Asia. Those were not fought to win, but wimps like you sitting back in elected positions decided they new "better" about how to fight a war than the warriors who were tasked for the job!

Then Walter Cronkite came along and started the propaganda war.

If the "Korean War" and S.E. Asia had been fought like a military confrontation to win some of the bullshit this country has to face today wouldn't exist ... just like had Bush I finished the War against Iraq it would have not been necessary for Clinton or Bush II to deal with Iraq's bullshit.....just like if Obaminable had taken ISIS seriously from the beginning Trump wouldn't have to deal with them today ... and 100's of 1000's of innocent men, women, and children would be alive today and living in their homes ... instead of being slaughtered and living in refugee camps. Originally Posted by LexusLover

exactamondo!! lol in the case of Korea we walked away from a job half done and left the stalemate that exists today. in Nam it was at first to help the French as their old colonies began to fall. we were only suppose to "advise" then we got sucked into not only holding the S Vietnam army's hand, we ended up doing the fighting too. that's were it became another cold-war stalemate. regardless of Vietnam today, when we quit and wouldn't go all-in they became a victory for the Communists where at least Korea was a stalemate

we should have finished what we started politics be damned. the results of each show why. in fact, Truman should have threatened Uncle Joe with a few nukes and not let him keep as spoils half of fuckin' Europe.

imagine the world today .. if the Cold war didn't happen and Europe had been freed as it should after WWII? Korea would be united under democratic rule and all of Korea would be prosperous. No Kim Jung Asshole. Vietnam .. again if we go in at all .. it should have been to go to the Chinese border ala Korea and hold it. make the line there.