Harris quits

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
While he is having gay sex with Buttigieg he could proclaim that he was "born to do this". Originally Posted by friendly fred

maybe his 2024 campaign slogan will be "born to bend over"

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Beto will announce he’s gay tomorrow. Originally Posted by bambino

Beto's 2024 campaign slogan "I was born to bend over"

She should have never started. Back to the Ghetto Kamala
Beto's 2024 campaign slogan "I was born to bend over"

BAHHAHHAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Amazing how close Texas came to electing a gay Senator who wants to abolish private gun ownership.

The end could be near.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Speaking of abolishing gun rights and free speech Bloomy your man,,, that and free schools and TAXs
HoeHummer's Avatar
She should have never started. Back to the Ghetto Kamala Originally Posted by nigsub
Thank you YR!
Thank you YR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are welcome
adav8s28's Avatar
[QUOTE=oeb11;1061871459]The Warren line is funny.

In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

Not quite Einstein. An object appears white because all the wavelengths of visible light are reflected. An object appears black because all of the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed. Reflect and absorb are the key words. Back to Physics class for you. You should take Rick Perry with you.
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 08:26 AM
Dummy - the physics are accurate - as are your objections as to the composition of reflected light.

Think One found something to quibble with - go read the Soylent Gren New Deal and while thumb is in mouth. That would pacify One.

Still complainging about Perry's GPA - as if it mattered a whit about anything
Fool cannot see the forest for the trees, or understand any concept of context.

The Warren line is funny.

In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of visible light.

Not quite Einstein. An object appears white because all the wavelengths of visible light are reflected. An object appears black because all of the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed. Reflect and absorb are the key words. Back to Physics class for you. You should take Rick Perry with you. Originally Posted by oeb11


White light contains all colors in combination. Black is a total absence of light. The first person to realize that white light was made up of the colors of the rainbow was Isaac Newton, who in 1666 passed sunlight through a narrow slit and then a prism to project the colored spectrum onto a wall, according to Michael Fowler, a physics professor at the University of Virginia.
rexdutchman's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar


https://www.livescience.com/50678-visible-light.html Originally Posted by adav8s28
Numbnuts, your livescience link did not say anything different than what I posted. Why can you see the individual colors of the reflected light in Newtons experiment? When the light passes thru the prism it's not traveling at speed of light (something like 186,000 miles per second) at slower speed the human eye can see the individual colors ( the longer the wavelength, the slower the speed thus the seperation of colors). Same reason you can only see a rainbow for a very short distance. The reflected light regains speed back to the speed of light. You trying to school someone in Physics would be like Rick Perry trying to school someone in Organic Chemistry, where he got an "F" at Texas A&M
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Numbnuts, your livescience link did not say anything different than what I posted. Why can you see the individual colors of the reflected light in Newtons experiment? When the light passes thru the prism it's not traveling at speed of light (something like 186,000 miles per second) at slower speed the human eye can see the individual colors ( the longer the wavelength, the slower the speed thus the seperation of colors). Same reason you can only see a rainbow for a very short distance. The reflected light regains speed back to the speed of light. You trying to school someone in Physics would be like Rick Perry trying to school someone in Organic Chemistry, where he got an "F" at Texas A&M Originally Posted by eccielover


"For all of Gore's later fascination with science and technology, he often struggled academically in those subjects. The political champion of the natural world received that sophomore D in Natural Sciences 6 (Man's Place in Nature) and then got a C-plus in Natural Sciences 118 his senior year. The self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet avoided all courses in mathematics and logic throughout college, despite his outstanding score on the math portion of the SAT. As was the case with many of his classmates, his high school math grades had dropped from A's to C's as he advanced from trigonometry to calculus in his senior year."

"When John C. Davis, a retired teacher and assistant headmaster at St. Albans, was recently shown his illustrious former pupil's college board achievement test scores, he inspected them closely with a magnifier and shook his head, chuckling quietly at the science results.
"Four eighty-eight! Terrible" Davis declared upon inspecting the future vice president's 488 score (out of a possible 800) in physics."

butt all liberal DemonRats are intellectually superior! right??

  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 08:54 AM
a..... - fixated on Rick Perry - to what end????
Does any of his TAMU GPA matter in any form or fashion in the real world -

No - only the fabricated fantasy of foolish DPST's!
Who also see themselves as the arbiter of what is right and wrong in physics.

Yet DPST's are unable to "See the Light"!!
It is humorous watchinig a.... desperately holding to a point of view staked out in futility!
rexdutchman's Avatar