Thoughts on writing vs not writing reviews on established providers.

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Echoing others here, I'll usually only write a second review of the a provider if I feel it provides some new information or if I just had so much fun that I feel like sharing. What I certainly don't do is write two reviews of the same provider if she has less than six or seven reviews because I think that actually hurts a provider's rep if it looks like the same five guys are posting all her reviews. Originally Posted by Centaur
But it could also let others know that she is worth a second visit. I know I personally like having regulars. Getting to know the guys I see more than once. I'm not a machine so do like to personalize the visits.
Sometimes I see profiles that have 10, 20 or more reviews in just ONE or TWO months and I kinda wonder about that person, as a provider or a hobbyist.
But in my opinion I think we need to have consistent reviews. If we go months without a review, I'm sure you gents wonder about us. Even though we may be low volume and only seeing regulars during that time, with only a couple of new clients.
In all honesty, what do you gents want to see? ALOT of reviews? Or just a handful of reviews? Do you want to see that the provider is actively receiving reviews? Or do you prefer her to be UTR with no new reviews?
Scarlett I most often send the review to the lady before I post it. I do this so she can correct any errors in the review.(addresses, phone numbers etc) Beyond that I keep in touch with those I have enjoyed. The several ladies that were a one time thing I still write a review but never see them again. Just how many times can I write a review on the same lady? Dallas is my ATF and I no longer write reviews for her. I try to keep in touch with those that I have experienced a good time with. Only once have I told a lady I would not review the session and it was because we just did not mesh.
fun2come's Avatar
As a PW WK I like to write reviews ..... it's fun and usually every visit brings something new I like to brag, errr, report about. Hopefully I even make it a little bit about the lady
and I (usually) do ask if it is OK to write a review .... and if she wants to see it up front, she is very welcome to it.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Do you follow that same logic with any other business that you spend your hard earned money on?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Who said my money was hard earned? You ARE right though that we should have the right to know a good provider has bad days (and unwisely schedules clients on those days). It should be treated as any other business IMHO, but then sex (and those associated STDs "feelings" and "emotions") tends to get in the way.
Centaur's Avatar
In all honesty, what do you gents want to see? ALOT of reviews? Or just a handful of reviews? Do you want to see that the provider is actively receiving reviews? Or do you prefer her to be UTR with no new reviews? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
I think a sensible hobbyist wants to see a pattern of many different fellow hobbyists being satisfied enough to write reviews. That tells him that the provider isn't particularly YMMV and is able to satisfy more than one type of hobbyist. An occasional fanboi is fine as long as he's just one of many satisfied customers, but looks less reliable without that ample company. In other words, the same sort of thing you'd look for in shopping for any sort of service provided.
If I discover a so-so or no review I review the reviewer.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Scarlett, interesting topic. First of all I commend you on never having had a No review, and please PM me so I can find out why for myself.

Here are my thoughts on reviews:
Review not written
1. If it was nothing special, unless the lady had a stellar reputation and I was truly disappointed;
2. If the lady requests that none be written;
3. If the lady is an established provider and I have nothing new to offer.
Review written:
4. If I was pleasantly surprised;
5. If she's relatively new and doesn't have a decent number of reviews;
6. If after reading her prior reviews I feel I have something new to add;
7. If it's a No, she definitely gets a review;
8. If I took a discounted rate in exchange for a promised review.
About a year ago I sent a PM to one of the mods (he's still a mod) and asked about showing the review to the lady before I post it. He told me that would be okay, and I've done that, as well as writing the review in the lady's presence immediately after the session.
The idea of immediate feedback during a session has to be taken with a grain of salt, because many men don't know how to be tactful, and many women don't take criticism well. The last thing I want to do during a session is ruin the mood by offending the lady.
I also think the ROS should be able to be viewed by the provider about whom the review was written. I think if other providers want to see, there should be some type of access for a fee, such as with premium access, that would allow ROS viewing (though obviously not Men's Lounge). This way you ladies could see what the competition is doing, and perhaps some of you would take some of that information to improve your services or expand your menus.
One last thing: I've never understood is providers who offer review specials only to have a hobbyist take advantage of the price and then not write the review, and the provider doesn't out the guy. We all know it takes time and effort to write a review, and I for one don't feel bad at all about seeking or accepting a discounted rate in exchange. But these schmucks who promise a review, take your discount, and then don't write one need to be outed. I suggest that you ladies who offer discounts make it clear that Bob Hobby has one week (or whatever you feel is appropriate) before his handle appears in a Coed thread. Hell, start a thread just to list the guys who do this. I'm sure it would be very entertaining.