Day in the life of a typical Democrat

lostincypress's Avatar
Excellent followup. Prior to the 1960's, when America was a great country (to answer the other post) if you came here and refused to contribute, you starved, as well you should. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The one thing that brought ruin on this "great nation" was the proliferation of lawyers. Like leeches, they have sucked the very life blood out of the vitality and creativity of our nation. That said, "Prior to the 1960's....." includes a very dark and dangerous history when even those who wanted to work could not and adequate food was not a given. The 1800's were traumatic with 600000 dead in the Civil War...the Labor Strife of the late 1800's and early 1900's, the market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl of the 1930's, WWII, Korea....oh well, things were just great. and cover, as taught in schools in the late 50's, to survive a nuclear explosion....I'm glad that concept was never put to the test. Yes, it's like my military service from 67-71......when asked I always say it wasn't bad...........we tend to dismiss the negative memories and retain that which pleases.
The one thing that brought ruin on this "great nation" was the proliferation of lawyers. Like leeches, they have sucked the very life blood out of the vitality and creativity of our nation. That said, "Prior to the 1960's....." Originally Posted by lostincypress
Are the lawyers that you are referring to the very same lawyers who helped Texas AG Greg Abbott suck "the life blood and vitality and creativity of our nation?"

The fact that you are from Cypress, Texas you must know the Greg Abbott I am referring to. The very same Greg Abbott who made millions from a personal injury lawsuit and was against tort reform before he was for it.

Abbott got his millions and to hell with everyone else!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Who is "coming here" and refusing to contribute? The undocumented workers that I am aware of come here and work much much harder than most US citizens. So, what people are you talking about that are "coming here" and refusing to contribute?

And, by the way, what do you contribute? Somebody who lives in Highland Park (supposedly) and who (supposedly) has the wherewithal to simply pack up and move to Tel Aviv on a whim. I'm betting any contributions you might make, assuming you are not completely full of shit, come in the form of a capital gains and/or inheritance tax.

You're an internet persona and full of shit. And, we all know it. Originally Posted by timpage
Fuck yes I make money off of capital gains. It is called investing your savings, which I worked for and earned. You see, I bought and sold commercials buildings for many years, and I'm selling off the last of them. Thanks to deficit spending and printing money, we have inflation every year, and usually though not always real estate tends to go up, especially when you know what you are doing. I've also made my friends plenty of money when they invested with me. Yes, I have also inherited money - don't you want your children to have the couple of thousand dollars you will leave for them when you die?
It has been estimated that legalizing illegal aliens will mean 1 trillion (in total, not per year) more in tax receipts over the next ten years. That must mean they aren't paying them now, nor are their employers. They also bring their families, get free medical care, free schooling (paying rent on a cheap apartment doesn't cover 10 grand per year per child educational expenses)
Let's face it - illegal immigration benefits corporations that want cheap labor, and us fighting over it is a great way for them to hide the ball.
You liberals want a raise in the minimum wage - let's do it. If people have to mow their own lawn and cook their own food and raise their own kids, your country would probably be better off. Fewer fat people, and fewer illegals.
Lawyer was drafted into the Army when he got to the firing range he told the Sarg "I don't know one end of this rifle from the other" Reply was doesn't matter how you hold it you will do the country a favor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He didn't serve in the army and is in all likelyhood too old to serve in Israel ... so he managed to duck service twice.

Fucking blowhard coward.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He didn't serve in the army and is in all likelyhood too old to serve in Israel ... so he managed to duck service twice.

Fucking blowhard coward. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We who pay taxes also serve - unlike the typical Democrat voter who takes money and benefits from the government and only gives back complaints in return.

Fuck You, asshole.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw. You're full of shit, Rocky. We who pay taxes PAY.

We who serve also pay taxes.

You think you're fooling anybody with your pontificating, preaching and assholier than thou prounouncements?

Naw. You're a fucking whining, mewling fraud and have ever been.

I don't buy the "terms" of your return either. Especially since virtually every one of your posts has been either racially or ethnically centered ... except for the odd post based on hatred of liberals.

Why no white slavery posts, eh?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Naw. You're full of shit, Rocky. We who pay taxes PAY.

We who serve also pay taxes.

You think you're fooling anybody with your pontificating, preaching and assholier than thou prounouncements?

Naw. You're a fucking whining, mewling fraud and have ever been.

I don't buy the "terms" of your return either. Especially since virtually every one of your posts has been either racially or ethnically centered ... except for the odd post based on hatred of liberals.

Why no white slavery posts, eh? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm telling you, you are going to look like an ignorant shithead when therock18 gets banned, assuming he has done anything wrong. I beseech you, prove it is me, dumb fuck!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If it quacks like a duck...

Prove you're not him, Rocky! Prove anything, you xenophobic, homophobic, race-baiting disgrace!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who is "coming here" and refusing to contribute? The undocumented workers that I am aware of come here and work much much harder than most US citizens. So, what people are you talking about that are "coming here" and refusing to contribute? --Timpage

Obama's aunt for one.
Obama's uncle for another.
and the Tsarnaev brothers
Poor JD snick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't think you had a response. Slamdunk! In your face!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
The one thing that brought ruin on this "great nation" was the proliferation of lawyers. Like leeches, they have sucked the very life blood out of the vitality and creativity of our nation.

That said, "Prior to the 1960's....." includes a very dark and dangerous history when even those who wanted to work could not and adequate food was not a given. The 1800's were traumatic with 600000 dead in the Civil War...the Labor Strife of the late 1800's and early 1900's, the market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl of the 1930's, WWII, Korea....oh well, things were just great. and cover, as taught in schools in the late 50's, to survive a nuclear explosion....I'm glad that concept was never put to the test. Yes, it's like my military service from 67-71......when asked I always say it wasn't bad...........we tend to dismiss the negative memories and retain that which pleases. Originally Posted by lostincypress
Someone knows his history. Unfortunately, a lot of our founding fathers and many of the greatest men in our history were also lawyers so that bit falls a bit flat. I'd argue that the lifeblood is mostly still there, but that is another post. Thanks!

Now I gotta get that time machine workin' so I can send JL back to 1950s Texas to see how great it was to be a hebe (or black, woman, hispanic, asian) then and there! Oh JL, I forgot, that was probably too feminazi for you and I need to grow some balls, huh?

Thanks to deficit spending and printing money, we have inflation every year, and usually though not always real estate tends to go up, especially when you know what you are doing. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well that pretty much proves you are a complete moron and not only don't understand macroeconomics, but seem to have no grasp of economics at all. Whatever the cause, please, please renounce your U.S. citizenship once you get to your little desert paradise and never come back. Buh bye asshat.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't see a finished, complete concept there AUX.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
The one thing that brought ruin on this "great nation" was the proliferation of lawyers. Like leeches, they have sucked the very life blood out of the vitality and creativity of our nation. That said, "Prior to the 1960's....." includes a very dark and dangerous history when even those who wanted to work could not and adequate food was not a given. The 1800's were traumatic with 600000 dead in the Civil War...the Labor Strife of the late 1800's and early 1900's, the market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl of the 1930's, WWII, Korea....oh well, things were just great. and cover, as taught in schools in the late 50's, to survive a nuclear explosion....I'm glad that concept was never put to the test. Yes, it's like my military service from 67-71......when asked I always say it wasn't bad...........we tend to dismiss the negative memories and retain that which pleases. Originally Posted by lostincypress
You left off a few very important events like the murder of Dr. King which set this nation back. LBJs Great Society which essentially destroyed the black family, and gave rise to Baby Daddies who take no responsibility. The rise in drug use and the Gangsta society, the full implications of which are yet to be experienced. By far the worst thing to happen to America is white liberals. They don't understand anything they create, thinking they are doing good, but they don't understand a thing about human nature.