Why aren't our right wing loons trumpeting the IG report?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Horowitz says in his lawyerly voice, that he couldn't find any "documentary evidence of political bias" meaning he couldn't find a text or e-mail stating "I'm doing this out of political bias" and when each person was asked "did you make these omissions, these mistakes out of political bias", their answer was "no, I did not" and that ends that other than to say Horowitz was "not satisfied with the answers he got".

Then when asked if he could rule out that all these people who lied and broke the law were motivated by political bias, his answer was no, he could not.

I accept for now ( until Durham has the final word ) that the "opening of the investigation" had the legal, FBI policy predicate for "opening the investigation". And that's were the lack of political motivation ended as evidenced by an FBI lawyer risking his job and his freedom because he will be prosecuted and found guilty of a very serious crime, just because he hated Donald Trump like so many others in the Deep State.

Horowitz knows there was bias, he is saying that he couldn't prove it with uncovered documents with an admission of guilt in writing. He leaves it up to us to read what he has written and use our own judgement as to whether the FBI made those 17 errors in applying for FISA warrants because they were over worked and merely tired or they were motivated by hate and political bias. I don't buy it and neither will the jury when more than just Klinsmith the FBI lawyer who changed the wording in a document that was submitted to the FISA court are put on trial.

Klinsmith the FBI lawyer . Originally Posted by HedonistForever
the lawyer will spill the beans

likely with a trail of bread crumbs all the way to obama
HedonistForever's Avatar
the lawyer will spill the beans

likely with a trail of bread crumbs all the way to obama Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I can see him "falling on his sword" and saying "I made this sacrifice to save the country I love" demonstrating once again the effect of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I doubt we'll ultimately get any closer to Obama as we see with Horowitz, without a document from Obama saying in the words of Adam Schiff "get dirt on Trump, lots of dirt and if you have to make it, do that" signed Barack Obama.

I still think Durham will bring us additional damaging evidence of the Deep State but it won't make it all the way to Obama without evidence from somebody like Brennan who if charged with instigating all this, getting immunity from prosecution if he names Obama as the one who told him to "do it".
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  • 12-12-2019, 01:05 PM
I can see him "falling on his sword" and saying "I made this sacrifice to save the country I love" demonstrating once again the effect of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I doubt we'll ultimately get any closer to Obama as we see with Horowitz, without a document from Obama saying in the words of Adam Schiff "get dirt on Trump, lots of dirt and if you have to make it, do that" signed Barack Obama.

I still think Durham will bring us additional damaging evidence of the Deep State but it won't make it all the way to Obama without evidence from somebody like Brennan who if charged with instigating all this, getting immunity from prosecution if he names Obama as the one who told him to "do it". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Wow....this is exactly wtf Trump is doing now!

Riddle me this Grasshopper...if the FBI had bias against Trump,why was Hillary's email investigation made public again right before the election and Trump's piss tape investigation not?
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  • 12-12-2019, 01:09 PM
the lawyer will spill the beans

likely with a trail of bread crumbs all the way to obama Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Maybe Rudy will spill the beans after his Ukrainian turn on him!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wow....this is exactly wtf Trump is doing now!

Riddle me this Grasshopper...if the FBI had bias against Trump,why was Hillary's email investigation made public again right before the election and Trump's piss tape investigation not?
Originally Posted by WTF

You're blatantly ignoring that the lame-stream media reported in August 2016 and in September 2016 that the FBI was investigating Trump; so, your question has no merit.
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  • 12-12-2019, 01:41 PM

You're blatantly ignoring that the lame-stream media reported in August 2016 and in September 2016 that the FBI was investigating Trump; so, your question has no merit.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Of course it has merit you right wing Trump loon.

Had the FBI. namely The FBI Director had a press conference naming an investigation into Donald J Trump getting pussed on in Russia and Putin having the taprs....you would have still voted for the human urinal but I doubt he would have won the election.

But the FBI did not do announce the piss investigation into Trump , they announced one into Clinton.

Which goes to so what a fucking idiot you or anyone else is who thinks the bias was directed towards Trump.

Have a good day
I B Hankering's Avatar
Of course it has merit you right wing Trump loon.

Had the FBI. namely The FBI Director had a press conference naming an investigation into Donald J Trump getting pussed on in Russia and Putin having the taprs....you would have still voted for the human urinal but I doubt he would have won the election.

But the FBI did not do announce the piss investigation into Trump , they announced one into Clinton.

Which goes to so what a fucking idiot you or anyone else is who thinks the bias was directed towards Trump.

Have a good day
Originally Posted by WTF
The likes of McCabe and Comey at the FBI are the ones who leaked to the lame-stream media the fact that the FBI was investigating Trump. It was public knowledge because of those leaks. Your question has now merit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow....this is exactly wtf Trump is doing now!

Riddle me this Grasshopper...if the FBI had bias against Trump,why was Hillary's email investigation made public again right before the election and Trump's piss tape investigation not? Originally Posted by WTF

well since you asked you rather dull blade in the kitchen drawer ..

Carlos Danger!

for someone who claims to be so knowledgeable you are quite the obtuse one, aren't ya?

Comey had no choice, the NYPD found copies of Hillary's emails on Weiner's laptop. they informed the FBI. for Conehead to bury it would have put the FBI in quite a dilemma yeah? they don't control the NYPD so how could they prevent them from making it public? about the only thing Conehead said that was true was that the revelation would have tainted Clinton had she won. So Conehead had to re-open it rather than allow the NYPD to eventually spill the beans and taint Clinton and Conehead. not that they need any help there yeah?

and there is no pee tape sparky. the Steele dossier was russkie disinformation, no better than a 4th rate pulp fiction spy novel, which is exactly what the russkie's intended it to be and laughed their asses off when it went public.

so have we learned anything here?

remember grasshamster you can only sharpen a dull blade so many times before there's nothing left.

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  • 12-12-2019, 03:13 PM
The likes of McCabe and Comey at the FBI are the ones who leaked to the lame-stream media the fact that the FBI was investigating Trump. It was public knowledge because of those leaks. Your question has now merit. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Had Comey had a full blown press conference announcing a investigation into Trump being pissed own you'd have a point valued poster.

Btw...There are some FBI agents nervous in the SDNY for contacting Rudy concerning the reopening of the Clinton emails.
Hotrod511's Avatar

Tweedle Dee
. Originally Posted by WTFag
Wells OP. Ask and yes shall receives. Looks like you worked the sleeping twat giant. Originally Posted by HoeHummer(Assup)
Tweedle Dum

TheDaliLama's Avatar

The one with teeth
I B Hankering's Avatar
Had Comey had a full blown press conference announcing a investigation into Trump being pissed own you'd have a point valued poster.

Btw...There are some FBI agents nervous in the SDNY for contacting Rudy concerning the reopening of the Clinton emails.
Originally Posted by WTF
Comey, et al, used the lame-stream media to trumpet the news. An intelligent person with both eyes open can see that.
Redhot1960's Avatar
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  • 12-12-2019, 07:06 PM
well since you asked you rather dull blade in the kitchen drawer ..

Carlos Danger!

for someone who claims to be so knowledgeable you are quite the obtuse one, aren't ya?

Comey had no choice, the NYPD found copies of Hillary's emails on Weiner's laptop. they informed the FBI. for Conehead to bury it would have put the FBI in quite a dilemma yeah? they don't control the NYPD so how could they prevent them from making it public? about the only thing Conehead said that was true was that the revelation would have tainted Clinton had she won. So Conehead had to re-open it rather than allow the NYPD to eventually spill the beans and taint Clinton and Conehead. not that they need any help there yeah?

and there is no pee tape sparky. the Steele dossier was russkie disinformation, no better than a 4th rate pulp fiction spy novel, which is exactly what the russkie's intended it to be and laughed their asses off when it went public.

so have we learned anything here?

remember grasshamster you can only sharpen a dull blade so many times before there's nothing left.

BAHHAHHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

So if the FBI had it out for Trump , Comey could have made some lame ass like you just did and announced an investigation into the Trump campaign. That was not done shit for brains...