Those 50 “Intelligence Experts” Who Lied “For The Greater Good”

bambino's Avatar
An interesting interview with Jack Maxey who is behind the recent NYT revelations regarding the laptop. He's about to publish the index of the laptop and the NYT is trying to get ahead of whats about to come out. Long but very much worth the time. Originally Posted by texassapper
It’s been dripping out already. But with most things Biden, I can’t post it on Eccie. So there you have it.
texassapper's Avatar
It’s been dripping out already. But with most things Biden, I can’t post it on Eccie. So there you have it. Originally Posted by bambino
They are having police sit in on the discovery, viewing only NON images to start with.... once those are dumped and indexed, they will start on the images...because if they start their first, by law they will have to turn it over to the police.

Interestingly, it's been given to the FBI, but it hasn't been logged into evidence... because well then they'd have to actually do something about the diddling.
They are having police sit in on the discovery, viewing only NON images to start with.... once those are dumped and indexed, they will start on the images...because if they start their first, by law they will have to turn it over to the police.

Interestingly, it's been given to the FBI, but it hasn't been logged into evidence... because well then they'd have to actually do something about the diddling. Originally Posted by texassapper
Keep in mind, this is the same FBI that backed the Russia Hoax 100%.

Don’t trust ant of them. There mantra is…”Swamp first, Country second”.
... And WHERE are those famous American secret reporters
that I've heard so much about... Woodward and Bernstein??

Where did they go??

... Surely blew the lid off the Watergate thing many years ago,
but are nowhere to be found when the "Trump/Russia Collusion" story
is shown to be bullshit - and now the Biden laptop is shown to be REAL.

Gotta wonder IF those two phonies really did uncover Watergate.
'Cause they surely slow on the draw uncoverin' anything else.

Or maybe just payed shills of the Democrat party. ...

#### Salty
... And WHERE are those famous American secret reporters
that I've heard so much about... Woodward and Bernstein??

Where did they go??

... Surely blew the lid off the Watergate thing many years ago,
but are nowhere to be found when the "Trump/Russia Collusion" story
is shown to be bullshit - and now the Biden laptop is shown to be REAL.

Gotta wonder IF those two phonies really did uncover Watergate.
'Cause they surely slow on the draw uncoverin' anything else.

Or maybe just payed shills of the Democrat party. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They are paid shills for the Democrats, but they did uncover Watergate.

They just ignore anything that sheds a bad light on anything liberal, socialist, progressive or democrat.

Their interpretation of the First Amendment is…….”the Parties Agenda first, Country second”.
They are paid shills for the Democrats, but they did uncover Watergate.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
watergate was an overrated political dirty trick made into a national circus of a crisis by dimocrats and their news media

republicans have too much of a conscience, which is a good thing, only in this life you get run over by the conscienceless

watergate was a piker's trick compared to the russian hoax
... And LOOK at how absolutely corrupt the FBI/DOJ are.

They push and defend A LIE - the "Trump/Russia Collusion" story.
And the FACT Hillary payed for it - and they KNEW it was fake.

But then LIE to the American people by claiming Hunter's laptop
is FAKE - when they know it's REALLY HIS.
And they sway voters to rig the election.

THAT surely must be what passes for Truth and Honesty in America.

#### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
... And LOOK at how absolutely corrupt the FBI/DOJ are. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yup... time to disband the national praetorian guard.
Yup... time to disband the national praetorian guard. Originally Posted by texassapper
That is a good characterization.