some a ya cock suckers wills defend ...this

Willie Wanker's Avatar
BTW: If anyone is still looking for a home security shotgun locally, Dick's Sporting Goods in Webster has the Savage Arms Stevens 320 in stock. It has butt stock and a pistol grip,l 18.5 in. barrel, both 12 and 20 gauge are available.
ben8888's Avatar
"Swan Dive" is the the name of the place. By "Club vinyl". I just rode by east ave just now. Some spots boarded up. One bar had a BLM sign out, and still open.

Good idea. Maybe the looters will skip your business if you visibly have a BLM sign on your window. Originally Posted by 12InchClock
You mean like they skipped all the black owned business when they busted up the whole city earlier this year......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! !!!
ben8888's Avatar
I vote bring the military into the cities like they did during the draft riots during the civil war... It was simple they disperse and act right or you were shot on the spot... Guess what the riots ended instantly.....
ben8888's Avatar
They flat out Targeted White people...
lilylivered's Avatar
BTW: If anyone is still looking for a home security shotgun locally, Dick's Sporting Goods in Webster has the Savage Arms Stevens 320 in stock. It has butt stock and a pistol grip,l 18.5 in. barrel, both 12 and 20 gauge are available. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I dont buy anything from Dicks
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I dont buy anything from Dicks Originally Posted by lilylivered
No problem. It's hasn't been easy finding anything in stock locally, so I thought I'd post it. Not my favorite place either.
12InchClock's Avatar
I dont buy anything from Dicks Originally Posted by lilylivered
No pun intended.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"Swan Dive" is the the name of the place. By "Club vinyl". I just rode by east ave just now. Some spots boarded up. One bar had a BLM sign out, and still open.

Good idea. Maybe the looters will skip your business if you visibly have a BLM sign on your window. Originally Posted by 12InchClock
LOL after the news not news TV10 has a story of 3 bars hit last night Kissing BLS ass n bending over to take in the ass.
Instagram from Swan Dive, Ox and Stone, and Daily Refresher
well I been to one once but now never again
offshoredrilling's Avatar
TV 8 Rochesterfirst got a live cam going right now
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rats lost link just as protesters made 1st strike attacking RPD
can't get ether TV8 or 10 to work as both had one going
12InchClock's Avatar
On east ave now. Only bar open is Murphy's Law. Ironic.
Unfortunately the club named "Riot" happend to be closed.
Only about 5% of the usual crowd because everything is closed. Police still out as usual.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well gave up and went to bed
dang it
so watched clips in news story's this morning
I took note of clips of times I did have raw footage last night
not a one showed the few muggings by Ahem peaceful protester unprovoked. just mug em for the fun of it
most of the mugged white, but a few that looked Hispanic and black
if not news workers, yet look out of place not into it
well they be equal opportunity muggers them Ahem peaceful protesters

Why I like the raw news cams ^^^^ see what cut out,. boring to watch but worth it

NYS troopers helped out RPD
Monroe County Sheriff, not sure but looks to have be told stay the fuck out of the city

6 months later nothing from city NYS or the County Medical Examiner
till the shit hits the fan

A few on ROC city legislation side calling for independent evocations into all of it
And City of ROC is all Dem, so not all Dem's buying into this bullshit was it cover up or rush job hang the cops to give in

TV News stories make it sound as cops attacked 1st, Clearly a LIE watching the raw footage
yet on 1180WHAM radio even a X TV reporter that's a Dem says protesters attacked 1st
Be careful girl ya not going to get reelected that way and may not be safe

Yup Rachel Barnhart said that and she was hit with a pepper ball with a few other Dem/s LOL

then she tweets

I’m really worried someone is going to be killed. RPD must stand down and allow protests. Only intervene when absolutely necessary and not with a damn army. This was dangerous and unnecessary. We don’t have to follow the script every night. #ROC
google her or Rachel Barnhart (@rachbarnhart) · Twitter

for more of her dumb ass tweets
girl you said they 1st throw bottles and fireworks rockets at then
then Cops are to stand down and take it errrrr dumb ass bitch
offshoredrilling's Avatar
On east ave now. Only bar open is Murphy's Law. Ironic.
Unfortunately the club named "Riot" happend to be closed.
Only about 5% of the usual crowd because everything is closed. Police still out as usual. Originally Posted by 12InchClock

how much was boarded up ????

or was it only broken windows from night before ????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
reading more new news stories

RPD and NYS troopers blocked roads for them as the marched place to place for there safety
throw bottles at cops
pepper balls and or spray
commercial-grade fireworks shot at cops
duh pepper balls n spray and tear gas
ahem peaceful protesters cry excessive force by RPD

Will the protesters pay for the broken windows on City Hall ????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
one of the things bothersome in the news now

back when the first set of riots n looting
named n age who arrested and where from
most from ROC or nearby town, even a few nearby county
a few from so far away mmmm why the fuck in ROC

this new set of riots
name age only, nothing on where from
WTF are we not to know Pro fuck ups from far away are here like before
Just from watching the raw live feeds I could tell some pros at this time

LOL some in a pro non peaceful protester uniform
Black hoodie with A,,, er forgot name emblem with a black BLM mask or just a black mask
each of the mugged stared with one of them fuckers pointing out Who ta mug

all at a time this year Local GOP kinda coming out of internal bickering
Local Dem after David Gantt died and different sides of that party more n willing to throw each other under a Bus now just for the fun of it