OH SHIT!!! Even Chicago Tribune says Obamacare is a Shit Law and Obama is acting like a Communist!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You read like you write: always leaving an important part out.

Like the scrotum in your mouth.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In other words, you don't have a clue how to respond so you're resorting to your typically stupid ad hominem comments.

This bullshit you and your idiot cousin have posted up is nothing more than the latest right-wing echo chamber attempt to delegitimize a law proposed by a POTUS elected twice by the people of the United States, passed by the house and senate of the United States which is also elected by the people of the United States, and deemed legal by the Supreme Court of the United States. So,in recognition of the overpowering force and logic of those obvious truths, the next step in the absurd string of arguments made by the knuckledraggers against the healthcare law has got to to be that "Oh, it's not the same law that all those things apply to."

Have I told you to go fuck yourself today Professor? If not.....go fuck yourself. And, the next time you need me to blow up one of your silly arguments......you just let me know. Originally Posted by timpage
Respond to what monkey boy? snick?

If we have to go back over history; the SCOTUS did not "deem" it legal, to get around constitutional restrictions the SCOTUS reclassified the fine as a tax which is legislating from the bench. Another little problem in your brain, anything can be reviewed even if it is a law or else slavery would still be legal and women would not have the right to vote.
Agencies implementing acts of Congress have considerable discretion in the scheduling and application of a law. ( Heckler v Chaney 1985) Secondly, why does the word "exemption" continue to be used when the "waivers" are for one year and are primarily for the adjustment from limited lifetime benefits to no limit. Exemption implies FOREVER. If you are serious about understanding the "tax" implications read the Supreme Court decision. It is explained in a manner anyone with elementary reading skills can understand. Congress did pass the Affordable Care Act.

Waivers granted for one year to allow adjustment to Plans...." 722 self-insured businesses, 417 groups of small employers joined in collective bargaining agreements, and 34 unions.
The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to phase out by 2014 the annual limits. The rule posed a challenge, however, to employers with "mini-med" plans, which charge extremely low premiums but offer truncated benefits and low annual caps. To keep workers from losing coverage altogether while their employers searched for an alternative, HHS granted waivers that let hundreds of mini-med plans keep lower caps in place until 2014." Originally Posted by lostincypress
Do you think this only applies to Obama and his administration, or any future president and their administration as well?
Gotyour6's Avatar
What a fucking moron! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Another great response.

You are amazing
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Worst law ever to have been "deemed to pass".

Even Odumbos supporters don't like once they passed it and found out what was in it.

Worst tax ever levied on a relatively small number of people and the highest ever that affects the middle class and young people the worst..

Amazing how the left will blindly support their leaders while they are fucking some of them in the ass harder and deeper than themselves.
I B Hankering's Avatar
er, Corpy! you're a bit behind the times on that one.

Dumb, dumber and dumberer have spoken! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Tell that to the families that were denied in their time of need, you dumb-fuck golem jackass!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The article looks like it failed to mention the final cost of the product. My assumption is that the final cost is yet to be revealed or reached and as indicated by the statements that 93mil is a chunk of change one can only assume that it is not the total cost.

This money spent of course had to be borrowed and will forever saddle or children with more debt.
The same government that just recently denied military death gratuities to the families of fallen service personnel now controls your health care.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/...d-of-shutdown/ Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The republican controlled congress? Well damn it they should have had it in the bill .
Only the poor pay taxes....Leona Helmsley
I B Hankering's Avatar
The republican controlled congress? Well damn it they should have had it in the bill . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
READ THIS AGAIN, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: "The same government that just recently denied military death gratuities to the families of fallen service personnel now controls your health care."

Now keep drinking your Odumbo Kool Aid, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, and keep pretending that everything is and always will be hunky-dory with the government in charge. Afterall, your Odumbo meat-puppet did promise you a health care system that would work just as well as the United States Postal Service. l

Read it again In Bred Hankering the house passed a bill to pay the troops left the families out so had to pass another bill to cover them .Pompous Buffoon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Read it again In Bred Hankering the house passed a bill to pay the troops left the families out so had to pass another bill to cover them .Pompous Buffoon. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's still the same government that now controls your health care, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Walked that shit back quick. What you were implying was Obama. Take your time looking up the word implying.
Anyone (individual and small businesses) who applies for Obamacare will have a complete history of yourself on file with the IRS; that means your IP address, tax, SS, medical and other family history...

You think they won't target you?

You are crazy.

But if you are an employee of a large corporation; you are relatively UTR because they won't be collecting that information for persons insured under group insurance.

Obama and the Democrats want to enforce this mandate against individuals and small businesses.......because most of this group are conservative, evangelical, or otherwise anti Obama and Democrats !
I B Hankering's Avatar
Walked that shit back quick. What you were implying was Obama. Take your time looking up the word implying. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Odumbocare is Odumbo's legacy, you dimwitted baboon. BTW, look up "misconstrue," Ekim the Inbred Chimp, because that's exactly what the Odumbo White House, Secretary of Defense and DOJ did when they claimed the DOD couldn't pay death benefits.