I must be a nerd....

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let's not forget another favorite of the gang

Battlestar Galactica Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Mmmm Caprica Six...
A show about virgins? Plus, the one guy was the bitch boi in Roseanne. Originally Posted by pyramider
The chick he was married to on Roseanne also has a recurring role. Sara Gilbert.
Yea, you're a nerd because I have no clue what that is about bwahahaha. Originally Posted by London Rayne

what?! How do you not know about the Big Bang Theory?! it's one of my all time favorite shows for SURE ..i have such a crush on Sheldon (though i'm not sure why, seeing as he wouldn't have sex with me and I'm a slut...
hell who are we kidding, he would TOTALLY have sex with me, realize what he didn't understand before and what he had been missing...then his genius would probably fade along with his "future" nobel prize... after that he I'm guessing he turn suicidal from losing rare intellect he so very much values....
fuck that! I couldn't do that to him! guess I should stay away and spare the tragedy...i'm a good person like that plus i guess the fact that he's not real might put a damper on my original plan anyway ... )

any who's awesome knows about the big bang theory!
just saying

oh and obviously i'm a nerd ....and super bored today lol
The chick he was married to on Roseanne also has a recurring role. Sara Gilbert. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

and don't forget amy was blossom!!!
jbravo_123's Avatar
and don't forget amy was blossom!!! Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar
Amy Farrah Fowler is hilarious.

Although, my favorite parts of the show are any time Penny and Sheldon have to interact with each other.

I also absolutely despise Leonard.
Amy Farrah Fowler is hilarious.

Although, my favorite parts of the show are any time Penny and Sheldon have to interact with each other.

I also absolutely despise Leonard. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
I know right!
My fave leonard/penny moment was the christmas hug! after giving sheldon the "spock" napkin

but the BEST (in my opinion) was when leonard's mom is was in town (a couple episodes...all equal in awesomeness!)

Her and sheldon are frigging made for each other ...it's creepy...and cracks me up!

Or and of sheldon's past interactions with Will Wheaton (funny I think he was like my first crush when he was on star trek!)
jbravo_123's Avatar
I know right!
My fave leonard/penny moment was the christmas hug! after giving sheldon the "spock" napkin

but the BEST (in my opinion) was when leonard's mom is was in town (a couple episodes...all equal in awesomeness!)

Her and sheldon are frigging made for each other ...it's creepy...and cracks me up!

Or and of sheldon's past interactions with Will Wheaton (funny I think he was like my first crush when he was on star trek!) Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar
Hah yeah Leonard's Mom + Sheldon = comedy gold!

Sheldon's mom is pretty hilarious too though.

BBT shirts are really popular at GenCon and I'm always tempted to pick up a "Wesley Crushers" shirt.
Hah yeah Leonard's Mom + Sheldon = comedy gold!

Sheldon's mom is pretty hilarious too though.

BBT shirts are really popular at GenCon and I'm always tempted to pick up a "Wesley Crushers" shirt. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
OMG i want one!!!! lol for real!
I like the episode where they went to Bakersfield ComicCon and Leonards car got stolen. The ladies argued over who was worthy to pick up Thors hammer. YOU DON'T KNOW HIS LIFE! Lol tff
http://youtu.be/aQttrkzWOo4 Originally Posted by proudoftexas
I am so guilty of this. I did it with Lost, Dexter, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad. I'm always watching "just one more."

As far as being a nerd, I used to be one. In high school, I was a mathlete, on the chess club, and couldn't get a date till I was in my early 20's. In college I maintained a 4.0 and was always on the dean's list, but never was invited to any of the parties so I had plenty of time to study.

I watch Star Trek TNG religiously and had a huge crush on Captain Picard. I wanted to be his "number one!"
jbravo_123's Avatar
I am so guilty of this. I did it with Lost, Dexter, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad. I'm always watching "just one more."

As far as being a nerd, I used to be one. In high school, I was a mathlete, on the chess club, and couldn't get a date till I was in my early 20's. In college I maintained a 4.0 and was always on the dean's list, but never was invited to any of the parties so I had plenty of time to study.

I watch Star Trek TNG religiously and had a huge crush on Captain Picard. I wanted to be his "number one!" Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
We just started watching Breaking Bad on NetFlix. It's still weird for me to see Malcom's dad in that role!
Just saw Warm Bodies last night with my 16 year old niece.

It's not tough to imagine the elevator pitch:

"Beauty and the Beast with zombies, targeted towards teenagers. Pow! That. Just. Happened!"

The first half is a ton of fun, with the male zombie character trying to woo a hot live woman, instead of eating her brain. And, of course, love is all that's needed to make the zombie human again. The highlights are hearing his thoughts as he cruises around zombie like. "We're walking so slow. Why are we walking so slow? This is going to take forever!"

Second half falters as they try to tidy up the story with a happily ever after ending, but it's fine. John Malkovich is utterly wasted, but that will be lost on the intended audience.

I will say the movie is designed to overpopulate the friend zone. Awkward male teenagers have the idea reinforced that the way to a woman's heart is to attentively take care of her every need, and they'll live happily ever after with their fantasy woman regardless of anything else.

Tough to recommend seeing it in the theater unless you have kids you're taking in the 12-20 range, because they'll get a kick out of it, and it's not a painful movie to watch at all. But it's definitely worth checking out on cable/netflix etc. when it makes it there. Cute movie. REALLY good soundtrack.

Definitely a nerd movie.