My money's on joe bloe

I B Hankering's Avatar
No, using his line of thinking we would outlaw the item whose sole function is to kill people. Originally Posted by Doove
Cain had no guns when he murdered Abel, and David used a rock to slay Goliath; thus, demonstrating that absent guns, man will kill man. A three gallon insect sprayer filled with gas and a couple of road flares would have killed as many or more in that theater than your doppelganger in Colorado.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, Doofie. Why would we want to disarm a population? Just think, had there been just one person in the theater with a concealed carry permit and a firearm, the attack could have ended much sooner, and with much less injury and loss of life.

I think we should use Switzerland as an example. Very little gun violence there. Why? Because everyone has a gun.

joe bloe's Avatar
I support abortion, assisted suicide, gay marriage and free use of soft drugs.
It would solve so many problems. What do you want more you fool?

Oh almost forgot, I'm against guns for all. with decent gun laws there would have been no shooting in Colorado and many other places.
And I support play girls, that should be legalized.

Joe Blow doesn't even know what the word "decent" means.
I consider his moral standards far below what would be the least acceptable.
Joe Blow is against abortion, but wants every fool to carry a gun. Decent isn't it? Originally Posted by waverunner234
No I don't think everyone should be allowed to have a gun; not if your crazy, not if you're a convicted felon. Not every kind of gun should be legal. There are laws against machine guns, that seems reaonable to me.

I have no problem with gays being allowed to have civil unions. I'm against same sex marriage, because it encourages a life style that is not healthy and is detrimental to the culture. There has to be a reason, that in ten thousand years of recorded human history, same sex marriage has never been allowed by any culture.

I'm not against abortion in every case. Abortion in cases of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life seems reasonable to me. I am against partial birth abortion in all cases; there is never a legitimate therapeutic reason for partial birth abortion. Roe vs Wade should be overturned. It was never a legitimate ruling. Overturning Roe vs Wade would not end abortion. It would simply let each state make their own laws, as the Constitution requires.

I have no problem with physician assisted suicide. In some cases, when a person is near the end of life, and is in severe pain that can't be adequately controlled with medication, physician assisted suicide should be legal. It seems barbaric to force someone to endure severe pain for no reason.

I have mixed feelings about legalizing drugs. It does seem reasonable to legalize marijuana. It makes more sense than filling our prisons with nonviolent offenders. Depending on what mood I'm in, some days I think it might be better to just legalize everything, and let people take whatever they want. If you're stupid enough to destroy yourself with drugs, so be it.
What do you call 12 murdered and 58 wounded? A typical Chicago weekend.

Too soon?
waverunner234's Avatar
No, using his line of thinking we would outlaw the item whose sole function is to kill people. Originally Posted by Doove
Thanks Dove, I couldn't have said it better.

Many people (mostly people from Texas) say: guns don't kill, people do.
But without guns people would not have such a very easy opportunity to kill.

COG said, this guys was gonna kill anyway, so COG, let me ask you, how do you kill and wound so many people without a gun? Throw them into the Grand Canyon? Or throw them all of the highest building in Wichita?

Smart guy if you have a real answer to that.
waverunner234's Avatar
No I don't think everyone should be allowed to have a gun; not if your crazy, not if you're a convicted felon. Not every kind of gun should be legal. There are laws against machine guns, that seems reaonable to me.

I have no problem with gays being allowed to have civil unions. I'm against same sex marriage, because it encourages a life style that is not healthy and is detrimental to the culture. There has to be a reason, that in ten thousand years of recorded human history, same sex marriage has never been allowed by any culture.

I'm not against abortion in every case. Abortion in cases of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life seems reasonable to me. I am against partial birth abortion in all cases; there is never a legitimate therapeutic reason for partial birth abortion. Roe vs Wade should be overturned. It was never a legitimate ruling. Overturning Roe vs Wade would not end abortion. It would simply let each state make their own laws, as the Constitution requires.

I have no problem with physician assisted suicide. In some cases, when a person is near the end of life, and is in severe pain that can't be adequately controlled with medication, physician assisted suicide should be legal. It seems barbaric to force someone to endure severe pain for no reason.

I have mixed feelings about legalizing drugs. It does seem reasonable to legalize marijuana. It makes more sense than filling our prisons with nonviolent offenders. Depending on what mood I'm in, some days I think it might be better to just legalize everything, and let people take whatever they want. If you're stupid enough to destroy yourself with drugs, so be it. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You keep amazing me, but this time to the better.
I'm honest and realistic enough to realize that and just know that if I am wrong about anything, I am not afraid to tell you that I was wrong.
If I am wrong, so be it. Gives me a reason to think and try to find out how I can be right.

It's a thing I learned in my trading business and have to apply about 24 hours per day 5 days per week.
joe bloe's Avatar
Thanks Dove, I couldn't have said it better.

Many people (mostly people from Texas) say: guns don't kill, people do.
But without guns people would not have such a very easy opportunity to kill.

COG said, this guys was gonna kill anyway, so COG, let me ask you, how do you kill and wound so many people without a gun? Throw them into the Grand Canyon? Or throw them all of the highest building in Wichita?

Smart guy if you have a real answer to that. Originally Posted by waverunner234
A home made bomb, which Holmes could have easily put together, would have killed even more than gunfire.
waverunner234's Avatar
But I have another question



No I don't think everyone should be allowed to have a gun; not if your crazy, not if you're a convicted felon. Not every kind of gun should be legal. There are laws against machine guns, that seems reaonable to me.

I have no problem with gays being allowed to have civil unions. I'm against same sex marriage, because it encourages a life style that is not healthy and is detrimental to the culture. There has to be a reason, that in ten thousand years of recorded human history, same sex marriage has never been allowed by any culture.

I'm not against abortion in every case. Abortion in cases of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life seems reasonable to me. I am against partial birth abortion in all cases; there is never a legitimate therapeutic reason for partial birth abortion. Roe vs Wade should be overturned. It was never a legitimate ruling. Overturning Roe vs Wade would not end abortion. It would simply let each state make their own laws, as the Constitution requires.

I have no problem with physician assisted suicide. In some cases, when a person is near the end of life, and is in severe pain that can't be adequately controlled with medication, physician assisted suicide should be legal. It seems barbaric to force someone to endure severe pain for no reason.

I have mixed feelings about legalizing drugs. It does seem reasonable to legalize marijuana. It makes more sense than filling our prisons with nonviolent offenders. Depending on what mood I'm in, some days I think it might be better to just legalize everything, and let people take whatever they want. If you're stupid enough to destroy yourself with drugs, so be it. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I must be dreaming... That post was omg! Logical.
You sure you're a douchebag republican?
Almost sounded libertarian . Good for you,
Exercising that little brain.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think IB already answered that, Wave. There are IED's, simple mixtures of household chemicals can create very deadly gas, simply a number of ways for an insane person to kill people. The unabomber didn't shoot anyone, neither did McVeigh.

The manner of destruction may affect the timing and location of the event, but it won't stop an insane person intent on random killing to satisfy a deranged mind.

You miss another point completely. American citizens are allowed firearms to protect themselves. Weapons of all kinds were prohibited in that theater. Who took the weapons in? The only person who got a weapon into the theater was the one who disobeyed the law. The law abiders were disarmed before they arrived. Had the law allowed for responsible citizens to carry weapons, the chances are that the devastation would not have been as near as great.

Banning guns will only harm those who obey the law. Law breakers will still find guns. Law breakers will still use guns, And knowing that the law abiders will not have guns will only empower the law breakers to use guns more frequently to commit crime.

It bears some resemblance to our marijuana laws. The ban makes it harder for people who need the weed for medicinal purposes to get it. Some clown on the street can find weed anywhere, but if you're sick, and need it, and not part of that culture, you risk all kinds of danger from both having to deal with criminals, no quality control, no standards, and possible arrest. Whereas if weed was legal, standards would be in place, and there would be many fewer instances of weed being laced with PCP, or whatever.

Again, explain to me level of gun violence in Switzerland. How does that work? Why does that work?

And there is a further case to be made for gun ownership, self defense of our homes from intruders, and government. Before we organized our military, the militia was made up of a bunch of guys with guns. The bartender, schoolteacher,preacher, justice o' peace, blacksmith - all ready to be called up in a national emergency, and conversely, ready to be called out if government began overstepping their bounds.

In light of the massacre, the best thing the government should do is to increase the number of responsible citizens obtaining and using a concealed carry permit.

But banning guns is a typical liberal response. It will effectively accomplish nothing, except put responsible citizens in danger, but it will make them "feel good" because they "did something".

God save us from counterproductive "feel good" regulation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But I have another question



Originally Posted by waverunner234
Geez, you conceded defeat on the gun issue before I even got my response posted. Well, glad to have a convert.

I think if you want to discuss marriage, you should start another thread. What you're doing is called "hijacking."

But it could be a fun thread.
waverunner234's Avatar
Geez, you conceded defeat on the gun issue before I even got my response posted. Well, glad to have a convert.

I think if you want to discuss marriage, you should start another thread. What you're doing is called "hijacking."

But it could be a fun thread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Especially since I really begin to love threesomes.
waverunner234's Avatar
Here is what I meant to say and predicted last Friday.
waverunner234's Avatar
Here is what I meant to say and predicted last Friday. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Shit ......................Wrong forum
joe bloe's Avatar
I must be dreaming... That post was omg! Logical.
You sure you're a douchebag republican?
Almost sounded libertarian . Good for you,
Exercising that little brain. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Except for their isolationist foreign policy views, I am pretty much a Libertarian. Unfortunately, I don't think the Libertarian party can ever be the majority party, because they would end the redistribution of wealth, that the Democrats and Republicans both practice.

The sad truth is, that once you govern outside the Constitution, which we have been doing since FDR, the majority of the people will vote to loot the treasury. I vote Republican as a lesser of two evils choice.

Harry Browne, who ran for president twice on the Libertarian party ticket, once said that when you vote Republican instead of Democrat, you're just voting to go to Hell more slowly. Once the Constitution no longer limits the size and scope of the federal government, our only choice is between the fast lane to Hell or the slow lane.