One of my favorite Bruce Lee scenes just got better...

adav8s28's Avatar
The DJIA went from 7,000 points to 19,000 points under Obama. The unemployment rate went from 10% to 5% under Obama. Ellen did post that she lost her property management job after the Wall Steet meltdown in 2008 and was flat broke during the Obama years. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Here is the link where Ellen said she was "broke" during the Obama years. How could this be? The DJIA gained 12,000 points during the Obama years, going from 7,000 points to 19,000 points.
Here is the link where Ellen said she was "broke" during the Obama years. How could this be? The DJIA gained 12,000 points during the Obama years, going from 7,000 points to 19,000 points. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I think Ellen stated pretty clearly she was laid of from her real estate job(guessing due to the shitty housing market and anemic growth in housing during the Obama years) and that she did not have money to put into the market. So you citing market growth doesn't apply, again, what's your point?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I wrote that the concept of a gun walking program to catch the mexican drug cartel started with Bush43. I did not say or imply that Operation Fast and Furious occurred while Bush43 was in office. Is English a second language for you?

The ATF agents in the Arizona field office started "Fast and Furious" in Oct 2009 and did not communicate with Holder when the guns started to walk. They the did not communicate the bad tactics that they were using either.

The IG of the Department of Justice put out a report that found Holder did not know about "Fast and Furious until 2011.

On September 19, 2012,[118] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[118] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[119]

You lie IBH. Liar,liar pants on fire.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
You'd be the liar. The evidence shows that Holder's office was in direct contact with the agents conducting "Fast and Furious" and Holder was caught lying about that fact. The "concept" under Bush43 FUCKING FAILED!. That Crew Odumbo started "Fast and Furious" on the heels of that failure shows exactly how fucking agenda driven and how fucking stupid Crew Odumbo was. Your disingenuous lies, deflection and avoiding the facts do not change the facts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I wrote that the concept of a gun walking program to catch the mexican drug cartel started with Bush43. I did not say or imply that Operation Fast and Furious occurred while Bush43 was in office. Is English a second language for you?

The ATF agents in the Arizona field office started "Fast and Furious" in Oct 2009 and did not communicate with Holder when the guns started to walk. They the did not communicate the bad tactics that they were using either.

The IG of the Department of Justice put out a report that found Holder did not know about "Fast and Furious until 2011.

On September 19, 2012,[118] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[118] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[119]

You lie IBH. Liar,liar pants on fire. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You'd be the liar. The evidence shows that Holder's office was in direct contact with the agents conducting "Fast and Furious" and Holder was caught lying about that fact. The "concept" under Bush43 FUCKING FAILED!. That Crew Odumbo started "Fast and Furious" on the heels of that failure shows exactly how fucking agenda driven and how fucking stupid Crew Odumbo was. Your disingenuous lies, deflection and avoiding the facts do not change the facts. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

so Holder lied to the IG or did the IG cover up for Holder?
I B Hankering's Avatar
so Holder lied to the IG or did the IG cover up for Holder? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
What say whoever wrote the Wiki article being used as ~evidence~ of anything doesn't actually cite the IG document in question but rather, instead, cites a lib-retard journalist's opinion about the IG report which is then used by a biased Wiki editor to whitewash Holder's role in the whole affair and used again here.
Thank you Eccielover,
I thought I had stated it clearly. Appreciate it.

I think Ellen stated pretty clearly she was laid of from her real estate job(guessing due to the shitty housing market and anemic growth in housing during the Obama years) and that she did not have money to put into the market. So you citing market growth doesn't apply, again, what's your point? Originally Posted by eccielover
themystic's Avatar
Thank you Eccielover,
I thought I had stated it clearly. Appreciate it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I hope Trump wins for your sake. That must be tough to be so dependent on who the President is. Your story is a remarkable turn around from being broke to thriving because of the President. By all means Trump 2020
adav8s28's Avatar
More BS numbers the only reason the unemployment went from 10% to 5% was the 4% you say Odumbo gained were the ones that drop out of work force Originally Posted by Hotrod511
You are referring to the U6 unemployment percentage rate. Both the U6 and the U3 went down under Obama. The U6 went from 17.1% to 9.2% and the U3 went from 10% to 4.7% under Obama. H511, you don't know your stuff. You're just posting BS with nothing to back it up.
adav8s28's Avatar
I think Ellen stated pretty clearly she was laid of from her real estate job(guessing due to the shitty housing market and anemic growth in housing during the Obama years) and that she did not have money to put into the market. So you citing market growth doesn't apply, again, what's your point? Originally Posted by eccielover
The Wall street meltdown and housing market crash started with Bush43 and Dick Cheney. Your time lines are off. The point is Austin Ellen went from eight years of "broke" to paying cash for a house in two years? Only in Hollywood, "Dorthy and Wizard of Oz" is more plausible.
adav8s28's Avatar
You'd be the liar. The evidence shows that Holder's office was in direct contact with the agents conducting "Fast and Furious" and Holder was caught lying about that fact. The "concept" under Bush43 FUCKING FAILED!. That Crew Odumbo started "Fast and Furious" on the heels of that failure shows exactly how fucking agenda driven and how fucking stupid Crew Odumbo was. Your disingenuous lies, deflection and avoiding the facts do not change the facts. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
More lies by IBH the evidence shows that the ATF agents in Arizona kicked off or launched a second 'gun walking program' without any input from Holder or Obama. The second gun walking program did not have a name for several months after the ATF agents let the guns walk. The name "Fast and Furious" came to be only after the ATF agents observed the gun purchasers racing cars in their spare time. How could someone hear about something that wasn't even named for several months after the program was launched? You try to play politics with "Fast and Furious" because one ATF agent was killed by one of the guns that walked. The ATF agents made the decision on their own to not put the tracking devices on the guns. Fact Jack.
Hotrod511's Avatar
You are referring to the U6 unemployment percentage rate. Both the U6 and the U3 went down under Obama. The U6 went from 17.1% to 9.2% and the U3 went from 10% to 4.7% under Obama. H511, you don't know your stuff. You're just posting BS with nothing to back it up. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Fact Jack

try to keep up
I B Hankering's Avatar
More lies by IBH the evidence shows that the ATF agents in Arizona kicked off or launched a second 'gun walking program' without any input from Holder or Obama. The second gun walking program did not have a name for several months after the ATF agents let the guns walk. The name "Fast and Furious" came to be only after the ATF agents observed the gun purchasers racing cars in their spare time. How could someone hear about something that wasn't even named for several months after the program was launched? You try to play politics with "Fast and Furious" because one ATF agent was killed by one of the guns that walked. The ATF agents made the decision on their own to not put the tracking devices on the guns. Fact Jack.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
You'd be the liar. You're quoting a Wiki article written by someone with your political bent trying to protect Odumbo's reputation. The real evidence shows that Holder's office was in direct contact with the agents conducting "Fast and Furious" and Holder was caught lying about that fact. The "concept" under Bush43 FUCKING FAILED!. That Crew Odumbo started "Fast and Furious" on the heels of that failure shows exactly how fucking agenda driven and how fucking stupid Crew Odumbo was. Your disingenuous lies, deflection and avoiding the facts do not change the facts.

“'The documents reveal how senior Justice Department officials — including Attorney General Holder — intensely followed and managed an effort to carefully limit and obstruct the information produced to Congress...'” he asserted.

"They also indict Holder deputy Lanny Breuer, an old Clinton hand, who had to step down in 2013 after falsely denying authorizing Fast and Furious.

(New York Post)

Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010.

New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.