be careful the mods are on patrol

Sometimes people get tunnel vision - members and mods.

You got a traffic ticket by a new mod. You should have blown it off as long as you have been around.

But ya didn't and now we get to discuss it. Discussion and transparency has a chance to be seen right here, right now on Eccie.

Forget right and wrong, please. Think about perceptions. Who's shoes are you in when you read and make a judgement about the situation.

Welcome Wagon used to be a very hostile place as PPE pointed out. Directive comes down to make damn sure it becomes and stays a nice place. Mods clean it up.

Many months later, a poser posts in welcome wagon where the community has some very advanced sills at spotting fakes. She is spotted.

Bob, one of the pioneer members of Internet hooker boards, admires the skills of his peers and kicks a little dirt on her. No real foul for a fake is it?

However, some gals are told to use fakes and not use their real pics. Or it could be the retired porn star, but I think we all pretty much doubt that.

Enter the new mod who is either just reading or has gotten Report to Moderator emails about that thread.

What is he thinking, perceiving? I got to keep the Welcome wagon a friendly place? I need to let the members know I am totally sold on this SHMB stuff and I will be an enforcer?

Does the probability that she is a fake matter? To whom?

He made a judgment call. You do not have to put a judgment of right or wrong on it.

But do take note of it.

Points are just a traffic ticket. The only people they really affect are the people who total misfits anyway.

Let's face it, if you are shunned by hookers and johns, how much lower is there to go and what kind of weirdo are you?
Good thing no points were given, just a warning.
Well I just got points from SP Hunter for saying I thought SweetAterPie's earlier avatar was funny.

The exact quote that earned me the punishment: "Funniest avatar ever."

So folks, be sure and censor your opinions and make sure they are in agreement with those who can bless you with points. This is an open forum for everyone to express themselves....well, within reason.

I'm not was worth every deliciously sweet point.
Well I just got points from SP Hunter for saying I thought SweetAterPie's earlier avatar was funny.

The exact quote that earned me the punishment: "Funniest avatar ever."

So folks, be sure and censor your opinions and make sure they are in agreement with those who can bless you with points. This is an open forum for everyone to express themselves....well, within reason.

I'm not was worth every deliciously sweet point. Originally Posted by Dannie

hmmm. Whole thread disappeared!
hmmm. Whole thread disappeared! Originally Posted by cpi3000

No way! Say it ain't so! I can't believe they'd do a thing like that. They would close it, but I just can't imagine making the whole enchilada disappear!

I just realized I got points for a thread that doesn't exist LMFAO
ANONONE's Avatar
The men and women of MOPS do keep this site clean!


No sense in whining about points or warnings...unless it makes you feel better that no one really cares?

Trust me, I am a pro from Dover when it comes to this topic.
Welcome back! Certain forums just aren't the same without your posts.
Boltfan's Avatar
(private)Like we don't have enough post whores here already,(private)

oh hi anonone.

Just kidding. Welcome back. Had I known you were going to join me in a short vacation...
Wayward's Avatar
Just wanted to take a moment to pet Dannie, say hi and welcome back to boltfan.... wait there was something else... it's annoying when you can't remember... it's fun to drop by Dallas and enjoy the floor show.
boardman's Avatar
Threads get deleted all the time around here. Just ask Dannie.
Since she was called on it so quickly it seems to me that the right thing to do would have been to delete that thread and advise the OP that she could post a new WW thread either with accurate pictures or with none at all. Or maybe a mod could have deleted the picture in the post and closed the thread with an explanation. Letting it run it's course wasn't good for any of the parties involved.
But I'm a cat, what do I know?

edit to add:
Welcome back A1 we had to create some of our own fun in your absence. BTW Is this the handle we can expect to see you continue to post under?
The mods have explained their reasons and the pitfalls for posting in the WW thread. Fair enough. And some of the members disagree and there is a valid point there too.

So why not reach a consensus and a solution so that the honest providers are vindicated and also the folks who mostly read the WW thread and not follow the Co Ed regularly are benefited.

All the mods need to do would be -- put a warning in Red Letters -- next the fake pic provider WW thread. They can just put a notice " FAKE PICS " in Red. That would solve everyone's concerns and also weed out those fake providers and allow the members to be safe too.
Just wanted to take a moment to pet Dannie, say hi and welcome back to boltfan.... wait there was something else... it's annoying when you can't remember... it's fun to drop by Dallas and enjoy the floor show. Originally Posted by Wayward
Love it...that is the exact reason I often visit the Houston forum.....welcome to Dallas!
ferdburf's Avatar
If you find a new provider in WW using fake pics due to Tineye, just make this post in the WW: "Wow, you're hot, you look just like (insert link to internet pic), and you even wear the same hot panties she wears." As long as you're welcoming and not being disrespectful or calling someone out, aren't you abiding by the rules? Everyone here will know (and see) what you're alluding to.
notanewbie's Avatar
but but but, I look sorta kinda a little like Brad Pitt.
Well I just got points from SP Hunter for saying I thought SweetAterPie's earlier avatar was funny.

The exact quote that earned me the punishment: "Funniest avatar ever."

So folks, be sure and censor your opinions and make sure they are in agreement with those who can bless you with points. This is an open forum for everyone to express themselves....well, within reason.

I'm not was worth every deliciously sweet point. Originally Posted by Dannie

Sounds like someone doesn't have much of a sense of humor....