
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well crap Frankie Fine just got added.
But its kinda a apology to you. or reads that way to me anyways
offshoredrilling's Avatar
as the mods keep deleting the link so all can read
Any other questions, mail me at,
for the link and read it

Hell I may be reading some of it wrong
I personally like the part about the mods needing to be replaced
Hell I may be reading some of it wrong Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
In what way?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-12-2013, 07:16 PM
XY in this letter says it is not him with the 300 handles.

but that he dos like it Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
And you believe him?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
And you believe him?

Seriously? Originally Posted by Doove
I did not say I believe or not that part

other parts
well I'm not a XY fan but YES
offshoredrilling's Avatar
In what way? Originally Posted by jackfengshui
you will have to read it

maybe HE/SHE with 300 handles will post it again
offshoredrilling's Avatar
as the mods keep deleting the link so all can read

Any other questions, mail me at,
for the link and read it

Hell I may be reading some of it wrong Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
mmmmmmm it was edited out by a mod

oh well
I did not say I believe or not that part Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
If you believe in that denial, then who is he? If you think that denial is a lie, then his credibility is shot.
trojantide's Avatar
Americans need to fight to make this trade legal. All this bullshit for nothing. Greed and power. Sorry Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Agreed. Non of this shit would be going on under decriminalization. Canada is not perfect (the 'living under the avails' stuff sucks), but leaps and bounds over the US.

Besides, maybe then FF would come visit us.!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If you believe in that denial, then who is he? If you think that denial is a lie, then his credibility is shot. Originally Posted by jackfengshui

I would say each would want to read it for him or her self.
And make up there own mind what to think or not
problem is to much crap in it that can not be posted
what can would get edited also, so not worth doing so

but it dos have a apology to FF
can I post that if I clean out most handles???
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-12-2013, 07:35 PM
Osd. I have no problem with you posting parts of it but remember you get too carried away I will consider you doing it outing yourself. you take the risk of being banned yourself. Do you really want to take that chance?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok, how about I clean out the text crap.
Post, you take thread into modville.
edit at will and put thread back
how dos that sound
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-12-2013, 07:39 PM
no no no no. I'm not going to make it that easy for you. You have to do your own heavy lifting
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-12-2013, 07:41 PM
Anyone who cares to read it can just ask for the link via PM or something.