Since when is being politically correct crossing the line, and is it pick and choose?

Guest101610-2's Avatar
OK first to Black Sedan... Meg was not saying race and weight are the same. What she said was, there are 3 main prejudice against people. If "you" aren't black/mexican/asian WHATEVER "you" don't get how they feel. If "YOU" are not fat/ugly (well stupid, never mind) YOU have no clue how it feels. In a base sense it is very much the same, regarless how "you" perceive it.

Meg has done nothing wrong but point out Sabrina took what could have been a golden "poor thing, we are so sorry" and turned it into a serious insult to about 70% of the lassies that would come running to her aid. SHE did that. If meg had not of pointed that out, I sure would have. Sabrina took the focus off where it should have been. No one else.

Learning experience for her, however... She has successfully alienated some powerful allies. Lord do I see myself in all the mistakes that have been made today.

More than half the women here don't fit the rule of 100 and 90% of the guys are overweight. Do you see sabrina? Take the blinders off, so you see us all.

NOW on the other hand, I've seen some seriously huge, way unattractive, mean spirited wives that would tell me why their husbands hobby... But that's another thread... (hopefully not though.)
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Well Sabrina may have missed her golden opportunity, but Meg and Jamie certainly did not. It just seemed like a continuation of a tag team vendetta. Trends IMO.
Tag team vendetta? I have nothing against Sabrina. I don't know her or Jaime. So again, WTH are you talking about?

Can we please stay on topic here. The issue is bias against race/weight/sex.
  • npita
  • 06-22-2010, 11:47 AM
on a sidenote, I'd be interested to know what some of these gentlemen posting look like. How in shape they are, and how attractive they are. Purely out of curiosity of course.
Given that you see clients, I would expect that you do have a fairly good idea of what a statistically meaningful average cross section of men looks like, so you can probably guess.
They are so quick to criticize a girl's body on here but if any of us were to judge their looks we would be tarred and feathered.
That may very well be true, but pointing that out misses the point. That's why many guys are paying you rather than the other way around. It's unlikely that George Clooney is going to call, so only seeing hot guys is probably not a good business model. If a guy is paying for a fantasy of some sort, I would think the only thing that matters is that you get paid for accomodating him, if it's something you feel comfortable doing, even if he's fat and out of shape.
LOL sweet, you have so lost me
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
npita, precisely why we hobby and they provide. We pay them for many reasons but mostly because they wouldn't fuck us for free, for a variety of reasons. We need pussy, they provide it. Don't know that the situation excuses some of what HH is talking about, but it is the most basic reason for hobby boards.
I like how we're made out to be bullies and bitches for standing up for what we believe in and trying to bring awareness to topics such as prejudice. I am not offended by the term BBW, Big, or even fat. I don't know how to make that any more clear. I was personally offended that she insinuated that he cheated on her because she was overweight. That's a bold statement to make with absolutely no fact behind it.

This thread wasn't about Sabrina's alert, this thread was started to bring awareness to PC terms and general respect. We're not ganging up on Sabrina. We don't hate her. We told her how we felt about how she says things and it's blown up into a huge ordeal. Team Vendetta? HA! Yeah you caught us. We are evil bitches who have nothing better to do than to pick on people. WRONG. Did you stop to think for a second that maybe, just maybe we have good intentions -- to make everyone on this board feel like they belong and they won't be criticized because of their height, weight, race, or gender. We all like different things. There is no right or wrong when it comes to what you find attractive, it's a personal preference. Just because you don't like a certain type of person, does NOT give you the right to make statements aimed to make them feel inferior.

The True Definition of a Bitch

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch.
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do
things my own way, they call me a bitch.
Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a bitch.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.
I am proud to be a bitch! It means I have the courage and
strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't
become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.
I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.
By God, I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to
squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch, so be it.
I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

First the race card. How dare anyone say anything negative about race. It's not allowed here and for obvious reasons. People become very hostile defending both sides of the fence. The recent alert of one of our well-respected members here was a perfect example. Because there was mention of his race, everybody jumped on the OP. Everybody let the OP know how they felt. The race debate is dealt with swiftly and harshly. Threads are shut down, mods come in and give points and/or vacations, or whatever is deemed appropriate. Ok, I understand this and agree with it. You get no argument from me.

As long as there is diversity, ignorance, insecurity and envy there will be prejudice. Discrimination has no bounds...look back in history and you'll find that to be true. Jews, Germans, Italians, Irish, African American, Hispanic, simply progresses from one group to the next. The only thing we can do to make things better, is to eliminate prejudice from our individual lives, and associate with others who are equally appalled by racism. No easy solution, and some race will always be a target.

Next the sex card. Men are king in the hobby-that has been made perfectly clear to us. We are merely whores on a silly whore board. We are called all kinds of bitches, cunts, sluts, whores, whatever the word of the day is. Rarely is anything done about it. Guys WK each other and pile on. It's almost as if the blinders are put on so nobody can see. Why is that? Why are the "men" allowed to treat us with such disrespect? Why is it that several women complain about the same person, or group of people, and it takes forever for something to be done? But if a woman does something to a guy, she is black balled so fast and talked about and run off the board. If a man calls a woman a bitch around here, he's told "don't do it again." If a woman calls a man an asshole or something, she gets a vacation or points. Why is the playing field not even?

Not so sure men are king, since without the ladies of the hobby we'd be "Kings without a throne" so to speak. Yes, there are a bunch of ass hats among us, but I suspect it's the few spoiling it for the many decent people. Again, that's just part of life. Picking and choosing your frinds/associations wisely, and looking the other way is the one way to navigate the shark infested waters in our individual lives.

Next is the weight card. I remember "over there" a big stink was made about the term TOAS and how it was insulting to the thinner women. I remember people being scolded for using the term. It wasn't ok to refer to someone as TOAS. Those women weren't told to grow thicker skin or to stop being offended. So why then, are there different standards when it comes to words describing ladies who do not fall under this category? Why is a lady "overly sensitive" if she gets pissed off when a guy says "why fuck a fat chick?" Why is it ok for a lady to describe another lady, whether another provider or not, in an insulting manner? Why the double standard? And why is the person who is defending against the insult jumped on and called a bitch or told to shut the hell up?

The weight card has many implications. Sad fact, we're so overweight as a population that the impact on healthcare costs is overwhelming. Healthcare coined the term "bariatric" to describe obesity, maybe to use a kinder, gentler term among other reasons? Medical studies, in general, favor those whose body weight falls within published limits for "normal." No disputing that. Is fat an ugly word? Sure, and it fits in with a lot of other ugly words used by people who discriminate. No exclusivity here...race, weight, religion, sexual persuasion all have ugly slang associated with them. Never going to change it, but once again we can control it within our individual lives.

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
I could care less about being politically correct. What I do care about, is treating people decently, with respect...people of all shapes, sizes, colors, levels of society and education... from any and all walks of life until they demonstrate they are not worthy. I learned a long time ago, NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, is in charge of making us feel a certain way. Rather, we allow ourselves to feel anger, sadness, happiness, guilt, etc. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Childish words? Maybe. But do they have merit? You bet!

We cannot control the actions of others. But we can control our own actions! And do our best to associate with those who share like values. (Ever hear the expression "Guilty by association?" It works both good and bad!) Seems like a really simple way to start making things better.

Just my humbly submitted opinion.

  • npita
  • 06-22-2010, 01:29 PM
npita, precisely why we hobby and they provide. We pay them for many reasons but mostly because they wouldn't fuck us for free, for a variety of reasons. We need pussy, they provide it. Don't know that the situation excuses some of what HH is talking about, but it is the most basic reason for hobby boards. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Could you please point to anything I said that could be construed as excusing any of the negative behaviour in question?
very well said Tony!

I choose not to be around those who have ignorant opinions of others. What some may not realize is that derogatory words and stereotypes tend to dehumanize people.

I need to study for midterms! So I'm off the board for now, it's been a good distraction although frustrating at times. I hope some people will just open their eyes.

hey Jamie I like you you are so fucking hot.Can anyone say titty-fuck
You girls need to relax!

LovingKayla and hotlips houlihan,

Sabrina wasn't insulting an "entire group of women," she was talking about one woman who attacked her in a parking lot. Try not to take things so personally. It might be helpful for you girls to join NOW. You can tell your story about how a fellow hooker called some chick "big," and it hurt your feelings.
Jasser's Avatar
hey Jamie I like you you are so fucking hot.Can anyone say titty-fuck Originally Posted by SWEETASHONEY1980
Thats the way it is shizzle10.If you attack one you have attacked 10 of them.pretty soon all of them will be making police reports.I dont know why the cops put up with their shit.Put their asses in jail they are breaking the law by takeing cash for sex.The truth is the cops fuck half of them.
No this is not assfuck but his couison titty-fuck