Beto Crowds Double Trumps Rally Size in El Paso

You are entitled to your opinion.

But believe it or not, veterans don’t take kindly to being accused of treason. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The retort...from simple minds!!
I'm now beginning to believe the TM connection...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The retort...from simple minds!!
I'm now beginning to believe the TM connection... Originally Posted by bb1961
Which connection is that?

Spell it out clearly, bb1961, so nobody will mistake your words and nobody will have to FTFY!

You want to stop immigration? Or you just want to stop certain immigrants? We could start by sending Melania Cunt Face back to whatever shit hole she crawled out of. How about getting all the illegals out of Trump hotels, golf courses, etc. If this is such a big problem why did Trump fuck around and do NOTHING for 2 years? This is just part of the Trump theatrics Originally Posted by themystic
Same as your GOD Obummer did for 8 YEARS!!
I posted a link on your other BS post
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Which connection is that?

Spell it out clearly, bb1961, so nobody will mistake your words and nobody will have to FTFY!

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you don't know yer stuff, YR.
Which connection is that?

Spell it out clearly, bb1961, so nobody will mistake your words and nobody will have to FTFY!

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why don't you address his statements point for point...
You and EVERYONE on the left could marry logic...because EVERYONE of you have no relations to it...
You commented on a post of mind and didn't read the link thus STICKING YOUR FOOT IN YOU MOUTH like always!!
The HUFF PUFF...a forbidden topic...THAT ONLINE RAG SHOULD BE!!!
Maybe they'll layoff the rest of those worthless commies and bury that cesspool!!
Why don't you get your finger exercised and pound that RTM button that you are so intimate with!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why don't you address his statements point for point...
You and EVERYONE on the left could marry logic...because EVERYONE of you have no relations to it...
You commented on a post of mind and didn't read the link thus STICKING YOUR FOOT IN YOU MOUTH like always!!
The HUFF PUFF...a forbidden topic...THAT ONLINE RAG SHOULD BE!!!
Maybe they'll layoff the rest of those worthless commies and bury that cesspool!!
Why don't you get your finger exercised and pound that RTM button that you are so intimate with!! Originally Posted by bb1961
So that was a swing and miss bb1961. All you’ve done is melted down over the Huffington Post, which is as credible to you as Fox News is to me. Of course, we’ve got different ways of expressing that.

What is “the TM connection” you referenced above?

Pretty simple question.

And again, what does it have to do with the OP?
themystic's Avatar
So that was a swing and miss bb1961. All you’ve done is melted down over the Huffington Post, which is as credible to you as Fox News is to me. Of course, we’ve got different ways of expressing that.

What is “the TM connection” you referenced above?

Pretty simple question.

And again, what does it have to do with the OP? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
While you were on vacation I got them riled up a bit. Mainly for pointing out that they were phony Christians and going to burn in Hell. They think Im you and vice versa TM.
Why did the president feel like he had to lie about the involvement of the El Paso fire department in allowing extra folks into his rally? The fire department refuted what Trump announced, when he thanked them for allowing extras into the rally. They said they did nothing except enforce the limitations imposed by the building and had no contact with the president's organizers. Why did the president lie about that petty matter? Why did the president lie about the size of the rally protesting his rally, saying that there were only 200 or 300 there? Why lie about such stuff? He stands before television cameras broadcasting to the entire nation and his own supporters in the room and lies about things. What's up with that?
Little Monster's Avatar
Why don't you address his statements point for point...
You and EVERYONE on the left could marry logic...because EVERYONE of you have no relations to it...
You commented on a post of mind and didn't read the link thus STICKING YOUR FOOT IN YOU MOUTH like always!!
The HUFF PUFF...a forbidden topic...THAT ONLINE RAG SHOULD BE!!!
Maybe they'll layoff the rest of those worthless commies and bury that cesspool!!
Why don't you get your finger exercised and pound that RTM button that you are so intimate with!! Originally Posted by bb1961
How bout you go and fact check Asshole's speech he gave in El Paso and then come back and talk to us about logic..
Go on ahead and enjoy those lie filled speeches while you can for the next year and a half Midget, cause it will go by very quickly and you WILL lose yet again.
How bout you go and fact check Asshole's speech he gave in El Paso and then come back and talk to us about logic..
Go on ahead and enjoy those lie filled speeches while you can for the next year and a half Midget, cause it will go by very quickly and you WILL lose yet again. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Who is your radical left wing loon that is going to beat tell LM...
Midget...I got your Midget hanging!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Who is your radical left wing loon that is going to beat tell LM...
Midget...I got your Midget hanging!! Originally Posted by bb1961
That's exactly what you small minded Trump supporters do not understand. We could nominate a fucking Yellow Dog and that dog would still wipe the floor with Trump.

You seem to forget or just flat out ignore the fact that the only reason Trump is Prez in the first place is because the Bernie Sanders people acted like a bunch of cry baby bitches and didn't vote. You will not have that luxury this time.

Enjoy the next year and whatever months while you can. In the months before the mid terms you same Trump supporters were screeching about how you were going to win, and look what happened. You got your asses whipped. It will happen again.
That's exactly what you small minded Trump supporters do not understand. We could nominate a fucking Yellow Dog and that dog would still wipe the floor with Trump.

You seem to forget or just flat out ignore the fact that the only reason Trump is Prez in the first place is because the Bernie Sanders people acted like a bunch of cry baby bitches and didn't vote. You will not have that luxury this time.

Enjoy the next year and whatever months while you can. In the months before the mid terms you same Trump supporters were screeching about how you were going to win, and look what happened. You got your asses whipped. It will happen again. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I guess Shillary wasn't the "yellow dog" to win the race.
Now if Howard Schultz run...that will FUCK you in the ASS good!!
And your BOY Obummer got his ass whipped much worse in his mid terms...what about that SHIT..."LITTLE MONSTER"
You still have yet to tell us what radical left wing loon is going to beat Trump...
I guess that answer will never come from you..."LITTLE MONSTER"
themystic's Avatar
Why did the president feel like he had to lie about the involvement of the El Paso fire department in allowing extra folks into his rally? The fire department refuted what Trump announced, when he thanked them for allowing extras into the rally. They said they did nothing except enforce the limitations imposed by the building and had no contact with the president's organizers. Why did the president lie about that petty matter? Why did the president lie about the size of the rally protesting his rally, saying that there were only 200 or 300 there? Why lie about such stuff? He stands before television cameras broadcasting to the entire nation and his own supporters in the room and lies about things. What's up with that? Originally Posted by agrarian
Hes a liar and apparently his supporters are liars. They are ok with it. Now hes building a wall that will be harder to climb than Mount Everest. They believe that to. Howard Stern calls them morons
Hes a liar and apparently his supporters are liars. They are ok with it. Now hes building a wall that will be harder to climb than Mount Everest. They believe that to. Howard Stern calls them morons Originally Posted by themystic
Everyone hangs their hat on what Howard Stern has to say!!
Have you opened your cave to the illegals??
themystic's Avatar
Everyone hangs their hat on what Howard Stern has to say!!
Have you opened your cave to the illegals?? Originally Posted by bb1961
I would open my cave to people who were having a tough time. That's what Christians do. They help people. Since your not a Christian I don't expect you to understand the concept of helping others. I learned it from Jesus. You can read about him in the Bible. I know you base your philosophy on The Art of the Deal