Blatant discrimination and outright cruelty to a POST-op TS provider, in Austin TX of all places?

Thanks and up where? I already spend too much time in imagination land lol

LMx ,
Well said. I agree SL likes women, I've (most) of his 200+ reviews and yep he seems to enjoy but thanks for taking the time to market a very reasonable proposal. PS: I dig you too

I hope all of this calms down for you and you are patient long enough to find there are many, many people on here that like you for being you.

I read the reviews you have here. You have made an impression and you have some fans already. I'm sure more men really would enjoy you and what you bring to the table as a person and a lover once they get a chance to meet you. If you are ever planning a trip up this way, PM ahead of time

Time to go play! Originally Posted by mm-good
Mm good is in Dallas, I believe. He's quite a sexy and intriguing gent, one I'd like to meet someday.


You're doing a great job bringing out a bunch of nice, genuine sweet guys. Some will want to see you, so not...but that's no different than any other provider here. They are right, with time, people will simply love you for you!

Whispers's Avatar
Col. Zodiak, Eccie Addict, LaStang

and all the normal posters here.

Every once in a while someone leaves a door unlocked and a lost soul wanders off our intitution (CoEd) causing controversy in his travels.

Please accept my apologies and steer the young man back home where he can continue to frustrate the local Mods.

There is a slew of posts in areas you can access that others might not and no shortage of RTMS regarding how RB here puts the "queen" in DramaQueen.....

Opinions are vastly different and everyone is entitled to theirs. RB seems to not feel we have a right to ours. When push comes to shove, here in Texas where the legal system is concerned....... If you are born a man you are a man in the eyes of the court.....

RB here DEMANDS to be accepted as one of the guys..... err.. gals..... I;m not quite sure because when he gets upset it's "COme say that to my face" or "tell that to my glock" know.... typical guy sayings.... nothing lady like him at all....

Austin does not have a problem with TSs....... We have several in Austin that are never bothered in the least.

In Austin we don't do well with being told what we do or do not have to do by a noob....

So please show RB a little leniency for disturbing the peace here and send him back home and we will deal with him until he tires of us and moves away..... We are thinking Houston is more open...... I'm willing to pay for a bus ticket!
Still Looking's Avatar
RB and SL,

I think I've always treated both of you with respect. Do you both think I seem to be a reasonable and fairly intelligent person?

Please answer at your earliest convenience.

LMx Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Sure I'll agree with that.
Still Looking's Avatar
And thats just it, I COULD have kept my mouth shut and I WOULD be treated like any other woman here, but I extend my honesty and get nothing but rude horrible treatment. Guess I dont understand why doing the right thing got me all the wrong treatment. Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
RB here is your welcome post:

♥RocKin BraNdy♥ New in town and ready to ROCK you tonight!
Hi guys! So cool to be in this awesome town! Im super sweet, petite and tight in all the right places 5'6" 115lbs. Cant attach a pic from my phone it seems but ill be around!

You say nothing about being a TS. Posts 2-14 the guys start doing research and talking about you behind the scenes. Then post #15 your back page add link is posted and everyone finds out your a TS. That's when the games began. So you claim you "extended your honesty" but in fact it was brought up by hobbyist. I can't help but wondering had you mentioned it in your original post, if that welcome thread would have taken the course it did.

Finally in post #18 you confirm what the guys already found out:

True! Im just being honest like that, im still a blast tho! More fun than you might expect Hey I DO have first hand experience with that equipment haha. I will add that I was never a guy really but I WAS a female with the wrong goods at one point, all fixed pretty and tight for you guys now tho and im sure anyone whos spent time with me will tell you, im just a girl!

Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking - stop making nasty cruel statements about her Post Op status. It's unnecessary and cruel and just turns many of us off. Have the decency to address someone the way you know that person wants to be addressed. If you just can't stand to refer to her as a SHE, then just refer to her by name. She's legally a female. That's a fact. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
How about you post these "cruel statements" I've made? I have referred to the OP as RB. Show me where I call her anything other than RB? People reading your post not willing to go back and read the three threADS will assume what your saying is true. I call BULL SHIT!
Still Looking's Avatar
Thats not unreasonable at all, in fact I tried to call truce with SL already, altho burried in those threads somewhere. Ill also add I havent went into a single thread of his and said anytimg, and SL isnt the only one by any means, just the only one whos spoke up in this thread. I do appreciate your fair and level headed approach mynx, its the way I try to be too, but the stalking me to insult me stuff is just over the line. I jist want it to stop and I wont be in none of their business. Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
Please give me the link and post number where you did this?

Welcome Thread Posts:

My first post was #13

Post #14
Why cant I see 2 posts? Im lost..

Post #18
True! Im just being honest like that, im still a blast tho! More fun than you might expect Hey I DO have first hand experience with that equipment haha. I will add that I was never a guy really but I WAS a female with the wrong goods at one point, all fixed pretty and tight for you guys now tho and im sure anyone whos spent time with me will tell you, im just a girl!

Post #20
Nodobody guesses now if I dont tell.

Post #22
Opinions on the matter vary of course but when it comes down to it I am legal and can deny the whole thing if I wanted and I have a government issued birth cert and ID with an F on it. I go to female jail god forbid I did.Basically I was BORN female in the eye of the law, and science, all opinions aside.

Post #24
Im not, thats why im disclosing, so you are free to come to your own opinion and not see me if you dont wanna, out of pure respect. I wish that could earn me a lil? Look variety is a good thing! I do my best to make sure those with a mind open enough to see me thoroughly enjoy the experience. Let us have fun! No ones being harmed.

Post #29
Im thinking if you hang around my threads just to wait for a chance to crack a joke or say some other childish thing that it must be because you are attracted to me and just dont have the self confidence to admit it or act upon it, which I find flattering of course, but I thought you had to be an adult to join here?

Post #33
You are judging me, to say im a guy with his dick cut off? You really show lack of intelligence there, your ignorance is no reason to bash me. If you did some research youd see "dudes" cant just say hey I wanna sex change and have one, you have to prove you were born mentally a female. You havent even met me, and if you dont want too fine, Im here to please those that want to be pleased by me, but ill say this, if you did meet me then "hey thats a dude" wouldnt be anywhere on your radar, it would be too busy calling space.

Post #36
There is no debate that I am a woman physically and legally, I openly disclose my status, why LET it be a debate, why let members down talk and be rude to me? Why not just agree to leave it be and move on? Is drama just encouraged here?

Post #39
So none of these insulting comments fall under #4 of the forum guidelines? Allowing members to continuously repeat that im a guy etc when I openly disclose that I am a post op female is flow of usefull information? Can a person not of someones taste not post here with some dignity? If not imposing on others? I think youve answered that already so im done wasting my breath here.

Post #46
Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I could make a few for you I am sure, point is im not on your thread doing it. Take care! and keep the .02

Post #65
Thanks guys Ill get over it, I just wanna meet like minded peeps and have fun!

COED ThreAD started by SL

SL'S Original Post #1:
I'm not bashing you. I'm entitled to my opinion as are you. You were born a dude. Physically a male with a penis. You cut off your penis and now have something that simulates a vagina or a Pita Pocket as I put it. I have no idea what you did to convince someone that you were mentally a female. Your not a female. You may think you are and perhaps you might think your a frog as well. But I'm not going to kiss you hoping to find a princess.

As I said in the Welcome thread, I wish you much success and I would not judge those that meet you.

Post #9
How do I define that? By the F on my goverment issued , ID, Birth Certificate and passport, whi c h is inrefutable, you only know cause I had the respect to tell, and tbat gets me nothing but shit. Anyways im done fueling the lonely people who get entertainment from trying to bring others to their level. All ive got to say to the guys is WHAT ANYONE ELSE DONT KNOW WONT HURT EM, bring it! Im hot, tight, and ready and we will be just as descrete as you could ever need! Let me show you how good it can be! Muah!
Showcase coming soon!

Post #14
Now you are going to accuse me of having hiv? This is going too far. My very first posts here were concerning the issue, its clearly stated on my backpage ad, and its now even in my bio. I was simply saying hello in the welcome section. Im not trying to hide it from anyone, and HIV? Come on I guess theres not lines drawn here anywhere. I edited this for the sake of my business, offer stands.

Post #17
I was refering to the stement about providers not wanting to see someone thats seen me. No need for em to know... Thats what discretion is for.

Post #28
yeah and according to that link 90% of em were african american, gonna pick on those? Im not. Also those stats are because many trans GENDERED (non surgical) TG folk naturally have lots of anal sex, which I do not even offer. Chances are my man made vag actually has LESS chance of transmitting a disease than probably genetic females, and most certainly much less than anal sex... Whats the point of all this? Just hate to see me get a client that bad? Dude you must have better things to do than try to pick at me... What did I do to you?

Post #30
To put TS in my name would mean I have a penis (in the hobby world). Look im disclosing which I dont HAVE to do and I have the same rights as any other female in here. Keep in mind if I didnt disclose no one could question my being like any girl here. Im not going to see anyone without them knowing, and if any guys did just look at a pic and not read then they are asking for issues of some sort.

Post #45
Yeah and right before that it says im not going to see anyone without them knowing, I know how to make sure someones aware. My sex AND gender are both female now. I havnt tried too nor will I try to trick anyone. I have no need to. My goal is to provide excellent service for those that seek it. I think if my name was "Im_a_posp-op ts" I would still be getting picked on, you are just making an excuse for it.

Post #49
My words are being disected and turned around, and whos attitude wouldnt be bad after all the insults and disrespect I have received? I came here with a good attitude. Anyways its in my sig now.

Post #52
Actually AUSTIN has had a law on the book banning discrimination based on gender identity for years now...

Post #54
Cause greek is not TYPICALLY one of those said services I will do for a fee, not what I was referring to. Not to say I wouldnt EVER do it if the situation was right but it is very, very rare.

Post #58
Again those words were dissected! I was not referring to men not knowing my status at all and I have clarified this. I was referring to other providers knowing they have seen a TS. Im not telling them for one, and if a guy wants to see me and be discreet about it then thats our business.

Post #63
I was simply saying theres no reason anyone else has to know about someone seeing me or anyone else. I offer the utmost in discretion!

Post #68
Been discounting for them the whole time no issues with reviews here... Youre the one just catching on lol

Post #75
Im not saying fuck you to anyone, client discretion is a universal given across all providers, male/female, either/or. Are you saying I should out the guys who see me to the other providers lol? I would obviously never do that, so whats your recommendation wise one? Do tell.

Post #77
Nothing a shot of depo wont fix, for the most part.

Post #92
I never denied it! The very first posts I posted here was on the subject! I was contacted by some guys from that thread that said I should go say hello in the WW so I did. I have not had intent to trick anyone nor will I, and its very well disclosed now.

Post #94
Oh baby theres plenty of other stuff we can do thats um, a lil less stimulating nice sloppy wet bj by someone with soft lips that knows how to get the pressure just right? Someone who knows how to edge you like a pro haha? Oh trust me, youd enjoy your time clients tell me I look better than my pics btw, and yes voice and everything, passable. I am most def all female maybe you could come see me and clear some of this up haha, give ya a nice discount

Post #97 & #98
Thank you

Post #115
Nothing wrong with that bootiful, my gyno is a male as well on a side note to the haters my gyno commented he would not have known I was a post op FEMALE unless I told him, and hes a pussy doctor

Post #118
Yeah, they are just doing anything they can to keep me from getting business, stooping to trying to scare potential clients. When it comes to me I get tested regularly and as of nov 5th this year Im perfectly clean. Also to my amazement (didnt realize this till close to surgery) the surgery is considered to be cosmetic even tho its up in me. I basically have skin lining the cavity of what would have been my vagina naturally, now I dont know it to be fact but common sense would seem to say there is lil risk of transmitting this way, seems to be essentially the same as a hand job (in risk terms), but regardless I get tested anyway, try to once a month but sometimes I get a lil behind. All they are doing is just trying to keep people away from me, cause they know Im talented and im going to blow this thing up! Let em keep at it cause they are starting to enforce my point now.

Post #119
Yes visually lol, he was probably being a lil nice too but really, its very convincing. They come in all shapes and such naturally and I easily fall into the range that no one would be likely to tell without very close inspection. Im told it looks right, tastes right, and feels right. Hold up if the duck analogy hold true then I must be a duck! Or um, female I mean

Post #126
Funny thing is, Ill bet you money I can post that same pic on a "rating" site and not one guy will say that. Ive done it... Maybe you see cause you know but thats the only reason. Wanna send me a pic of you now?

Post #131
If I liked it enough to keep it in a jar I would have kept it on me, but im not a gay guy, gay guys like their junk, im a female.

Post #141
Have you seen it? Till then you are the blind one spouting off. Ill be glad to book ya tho even if just to look.

Post #145
More like they are doing this hoping to run off the "weird" ts off the board, just read the national thread about letting gays on here or whatever if you dont believe me. Also look what SL just said about my business. All this std talk and etc... They are trying to run me away by ruining my business. Its ok tho, I dont care if I dont get one call from this site I aint going nowhere now. Fact is business aint too bad atm. Oh and puts dick in their mouth and where? I dont greek if thats what you mean, and even if I did I dont think theres any debate about that "area" being natural, and no different than any other girls...

Post #147
I see the reverse there now, but yea I guess my slober is tainted. Im sure if the providers seen half the things some of these guys schlongs have been in I would be the least of their worries. lol

Post #150
Not so much WHAT you said, but the obviously fake intent of it, and nothing wrong with that either I dont guess, just called ya out on it is all.

Post #160
To address that, I am a size 8 in womens shoes and my feet are as soft as any girls...

Post #163
You can find that on my showcase, look closely beside where it says Age, forgot about you being blind.

Post #167
Reverse psychology wont get you a foot pic and theyve been in plenty of mouths but just not mine SL

Post #169
Ill tell ya what SL, despite this slam fest I want to show how good a sport I can be, so why dont you come to me for a quick meet and greet? Just a friendly hello, at least you could know who you were talking about. No charge of course. You seem to have the time on your hands so why not?

Post #192
So dont wanna come over for that meet n greet?

Post #208
Thanks beautiful!

Post #231
Mine does in fact get somewhat wet if I get really aroused, not enough to not use lube typically but it does (from my pee hole, between my clit and hole) secrete some on occasion. They do however have a costlier surgery which will provide a self lubricating vag,

After all of this you started:

STILL LOOKING "Im old, overweight, have no male goods to speak of so I make myself feel better picking on others thread"

I did not participate in this thread.

So where is this "truce" RB?
A different point of view from yours is not rude bashing. Objective and subjective statements are a point of life. How boring would we all be if we all had the same point of view?

Don't hide the facts, just be yourself. You surely understand you are not everyone's cup of tea?

The reason im so upset is because the mods werent doing anything about the rude bashing. Even seemingly encouraging it at times. Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
How about you post these "cruel statements" I've made? I have referred to the OP as RB. Show me where I call her anything other than RB? People reading your post not willing to go back and read the three threADS will assume what your saying is true. I call BULL SHIT!
Originally Posted by Still Looking
In my opinion, you made cruel statements in your first post that you stated. And you constantly call her a man and a dude, which is simply (now), legally incorrect. And I think you know, I will always defer to the LEGAL definition. Perhaps that's where the disconnect is here, I simply have a clearer understanding of the legality.

"I'm not bashing you. I'm entitled to my opinion as are you. You were born a dude. Physically a male with a penis. You cut off your penis and now have something that simulates a vagina or a Pita Pocket as I put it. I have no idea what you did to convince someone that you were mentally a female. Your not a female. You may think you are and perhaps you might think your a frog as well. But I'm not going to kiss you hoping to find a princess. "

Then, Still Looking, you created another thread in the beginning that said she was a man trapped in a girls body. Also not legally or factually true. And quite frankly, mean spirited...something that really surprised me about you.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised at you. I in now way let her off the hook for her bad behavior. I did not lay blame on you for the other board members truly horrible bevavior and you just come out and figuratively slap me in the face.

That's fine, I can see your motivation now. It's all good.
joesmo888's Avatar
I freaking hate bullies... they are bullies cause they are insecure in the first place.

I place bullies in the same class as predators, pedo's, wife beaters, and animal abusers.. send them to an island with no food or water and let them kill each other to survive.
Hun, you can't have access to the powder room because you joined NOT EVEN a month ago, and you have to be here 3 months. As for everything else, people fucking suck sometimes, just keep your confidence. Confidence is the sexiest thing anyone could have. Let me know if you need anything!
Still Looking's Avatar
In my opinion, you made cruel statements in your first post that you stated. And you constantly call her a man and a dude, which is simply (now), legally incorrect. And I think you know, I will always defer to the LEGAL definition. Perhaps that's where the disconnect is here, I simply have a clearer understanding of the legality.

I have referred to the OP as RB. In my opinion he is a man. He "claims" to now be a woman. I except that but I just don't agree. That's the difference. Legal definition? I have no idea what that means nor do I care when it comes to my preferences in whom I have sex with. This doesn't mean if I met RB at a social I would not shake his hand and treat him with respect just like you. If the only way I can show respect is to agree that RB is woman then I'm just going to have to be disrespectful. But I wish RB no harm nor do I want to effect his business in a negative way. And I mean no disrespect to both you or anyone else who disagrees with my out look on this issue.

"I'm not bashing you. I'm entitled to my opinion as are you. You were born a dude. Physically a male with a penis. You cut off your penis and now have something that simulates a vagina or a Pita Pocket as I put it. I have no idea what you did to convince someone that you were mentally a female. Your not a female. You may think you are and perhaps you might think your a frog as well. But I'm not going to kiss you hoping to find a princess. "

Then, Still Looking, you created another thread in the beginning that said she was a man trapped in a girls body. Also not legally or factually true. And quite frankly, mean spirited...something that really surprised me about you.

The thread title was tongue in check. If that title was disrespectful then I apologize to RB. But it will not change my out look or opinion on whether I think RB is a man or a woman.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised at you. I in now way let her off the hook for her bad behavior. I did not lay blame on you for the other board members truly horrible bevavior and you just come out and figuratively slap me in the face.

I'm not sure how I slapped you in the face? If I owe you an apology please let me know what I did!

That's fine, I can see your motivation now. It's all good. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
RB picks and chooses what he wants to talk about. I never received a PM from RB. Where is this truce he talks about? And truce for what? I just don't agree with RB'S outlook and that bothers it would seem RB, you and others. I'm just going to have to live with that. It's not disrespectful to disagree with people. I think RB should put his energy and effort into securing the market share that's interested in meeting a post op TS and stop trying to force those that don't want to do so to except that he is "now" a woman. I for one just don't care. As I have stated SEVERAL times... there is room for all of use and I don't judge those that want to see RB nor do I wish him anything but the best of luck.

Mynx your mailbox is full, if you didnt know babe.
Still Looking's Avatar
Mynx your mailbox is full, if you didnt know babe. Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
Put your mouse on her handle and see drop down and try email.
Whispers and SL - I think that both of you know that you are pushing RBs buttons every time you call her a guy, dude, man, etc. You do not have to accept that she wants to be identified as a female, however, there are ways to get your point across without pushing those buttons over and over again. However, as I stated, you know exactly what you are doing, so this is of no surprise to you.

RB - You need to take some ownership for the way you are being treated as well. In many of your posts you have shot back with the same type of rude and mean spirited comments that you are complaining about. I understand being upset, and I understand being picked on. But if you want it to stop, you have to rise above it in your response. Like it or not, you are the minority in a community that is already a minority.

This place has more clicks than a local High School. Some of the people will never accept who you are and will never address you as a female. You have to come to grips with that, wether you believe it to be right or wrong.

Keeping quiet and letting things pass you by is just as much a tool to fight back as a response is to someone that is being a bully. In fact, when someone posts something in order to get a response, a lack of response is the most powerful weapon you have.

Lastly - this will pass, and you will have the chance to run your business. Follow some of the guidelines that these folks have posted to you. Know that in my opinion the mods generally step in and look at both sides. If you are guilty of pushing the envelope and so is the other side, the mods will allow it to continue and work itself out. If one side stays in bounds and one party continues to cross the line, you will see them step in to help out.