NCNS: Reese Foster

I'm also more of a short notice since I it works for me. Butt, if a lady does not confirm the day of, and you blow up her phone move on. Sounds like she did. It's not like you drove two hours like some do for a real ncns smh

If it's not meant to be, it's not gonna happen in this play world
How is it in NCNS if you called it off 45 minutes before the appointment?

You know she is a stellar provider, so why would you waste her time with a bunch of confirmation emails and text messages and phone calls?

These ladies have a life. When I schedule I always try to keep it simple. And I only schedule with upscale ladies such as Reese.

Me: Thursday 5 PM?
Her: Perfect
Me at 4:50: I'm in the area let me know when it's OK to come up

And I never have trouble with the provider responding to me. The ladies I have seen always get back to me very quickly and always make time for me. Imagine that
Bobave's Avatar
I said, that I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but in all fairness, I do have something to apologize for.

During our initial conversation about scheduling, I told him that 7pm would work for me the following evening. He called me and since I was with family, I did not answer. Then thru text, began asking me for a discount (more than once) and to be able to take pics for his review, since I had "neglected" him by not responding soon enough.

Instead of just telling him that I was no longer interested in the meeting, I stopped responding. I felt disrespected and felt like I didn't owe him anymore of my time. So for going silent, I apologize.

I never even gave him an address. So I am not sure how it could be a NCNS.

I thought going silent was more polite than saying, "Fuck off. asshole.", but I was obviously wrong. I apologize for my lack of judgement.

This will be my last post on the matter.

Y'all have a great rest of the week. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
What a seriously bullshit response. When you take all the chaff out, you agreed to a session at a specific time and then bailed without notice or any subsequent explanation. When there was subsequent flack, oops it was his fault. What a crock of shit.
Boltfan's Avatar
then she goes MIA for the rest of the evening. No biggie. I thought she had real life stuff going on. Originally Posted by slubby
Curious about this part.

How did you know she went missing after you confirmed the time? Did you keep trying to have a conversation after the business of setting a time was concluded? How is the rest of her night any business of yours?
In my experience, I typically text for an address an hour or so prior. I like being on time for things I schedule so I plan for driving, stopping to get cash etc. If I don't get a response (address or not) I'm not leaving my place. I don't consider that an NCNS on her part since I never least not to the point where I'm going to write about it on Eccie.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Boundaries are a beautiful thing...
txman123's Avatar
as i see it, slub and rf agree on the chain of events, including the agreeing to a date by both and going silent by rf.

i see rf's testimony:
"... thru text, began asking me for a discount (more than once) and to be able to take pics for his review, since I had "neglected" him by not responding soon enough"
as a potential mitigating factor, seems rf interpreted it as badgering and disrespectful.

not seeing the texts, I have no idea if it was badgering and disrespectful or not.

i am calling a dead ball. no penalty stroke or loss of down, runners return to last base legally touched.

clear the playing field, time in, play ball, tee it up.
Bonferroni's Avatar
If I ever wanted to be a White Knight, it would most definitely be for Reese Foster. But I do not think this is one of those White Knight kind of things. It appears the OP pushed a bit too hard, and Reese did not set up the next steps. i don't think this is a NCNS.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Jesus mother fucking Christ. This sounds like a juvenile version of an old Miller Lite commercial;"taste great,less filling"

The only thing the OP accomplished here was to draw yet more attention to a lady with a stellar LONG TIME reputation. Next time just write an ad for her. My personal opinion is that if you genuinely felt the need to work this out with her it should have been conducted privately. The OP isn't the first guy to get his briefs in a wad because a high profile quality escort ultimately decided to pass because of suspicious behavior.

Al Gore's invention started this shit giving whiney motherfuckers the venue to communicate this ridiculous bullshit because they got their feelings hurt just like the junior high school dance. Let it go dickhead, you've already made a big enough fool of yourself.

Obviously the manner in which you handled your business creeped the lady out and she elected not to see you. She said so. I've known her for more than 10 years. I believe her. Now shut the fuck up and for the love of Christ stop embarrassing yourself.
The only problem i see is: how does Slubby know she changed her mind if she doesn't tell him?

The appointment was made? Check!
Confirmed? Check!

Subsequent texts went unanswered. It is unlikely that Slubby started asking for discounts or pictures immediately after confirmation. The radio silence may have frustrated him into making poor decisions in texts that resulted in the cancellation, but this could have been avoided by RF informing him of her decision instead of just hanging him out to dry.
milfy2002's Avatar
The only problem i see is: how does Slubby know she changed her mind if she doesn't tell him?

The appointment was made? Check!
Confirmed? Check!

Subsequent texts went unanswered. It is unlikely that Slubby started asking for discounts or pictures immediately after confirmation. The radio silence may have frustrated him into making poor decisions in texts that resulted in the cancellation, but this could have been avoided by RF informing him of her decision instead of just hanging him out to dry. Originally Posted by petrifiedwood

If I'm reading her post correctly, the radio silence was a direct result of the requests for discounts and pics. His poor decision to start haggling came before the radio silence and thus brought it about.

If I text someone and ask them for a discount or special treatment and they don't answer me back and immediately start ignoring me I'm going to assume I've just been given the brush off. It's just common sense.

PetrusMaximus's Avatar
If I text someone and ask them for a discount or special treatment and they don't answer me back and immediately start ignoring me I'm going to assume I've just been given the brush off. It's just common sense.
I think he already knew the outcome of the dice, resulting to the creation of this thread.

Which I think is fine by me.

I see this event as breaking the rapport.
Boltfan's Avatar
The only problem i see is: how does Slubby know she changed her mind if she doesn't tell him?

The appointment was made? Check!
Confirmed? Check!

Subsequent texts went unanswered. It is unlikely that Slubby started asking for discounts or pictures immediately after confirmation. The radio silence may have frustrated him into making poor decisions in texts that resulted in the cancellation, but this could have been avoided by RF informing him of her decision instead of just hanging him out to dry. Originally Posted by petrifiedwood
Where in his comments did he state she confirmed?
  • shilo
  • 04-13-2017, 05:49 AM
What a seriously bullshit response. When you take all the chaff out, you agreed to a session at a specific time and then bailed without notice or any subsequent explanation. When there was subsequent flack, oops it was his fault. What a crock of shit. Originally Posted by Bobave
Perfect synopsis. This is a clear NSNC. Appointment was set and she chose to blow it off. Stellar reputation or not Reese is off me list. Good job Slubby of letting us know. Many guys would not have posted anything at all.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The way I see it if she didn't want to see him for whatever reason , she should have told him ( there I go thinking again)