Marriage Anyone????

If I ever did get married (something I've never particularly wanted for myself, even when I was a little girl), I can say with certainty I would never ever ever have a wedding. I think they look so humiliating! Getting dressed up in a puffy white dress that symbolizes virginity (yeeeeah) and having everyone stare at you for hours? And having my grandparents and extended family and childhood friends all in a room with the friends I've made as an adult... what a disaster that would be. I'd have to have two ceremonies, a G-rated one and a fun one.
Black Sedan's Avatar
My ex first told me about this saying: "Marriage is much like a besieged medieval city -- those on the outside desperately want out and those on the outside desperately want in." Very true.

For a serious look at what's wrong with the concept, look at this web site: Originally Posted by TexTushHog
In a rare exception, I disagree with you, TTH.

I'd marry again. This time, to somebody else who is capable of a lifelong committed partnership.

I think to truly experience love, you have to lay it all out on the line; become completely vulnerable, emotionally.

Of course, I need an extended break from that... ;-)

Now, the details of marriage and expectations will change in response to social conditions. ... Originally Posted by Laurentius
ain't it the truth.
Here is an example:

How infidelity has become accepted and even expected in Russia.

This is, IMHO, the end result of an essentially materialistic view. Both capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin in that they evaluate persons in purely economic terms. When this happens, men keeping mistresses becomes par for the course.
John Bull's Avatar
... what a disaster that would be. I'd have to have two ceremonies, a G-rated one and a fun one. Originally Posted by Natalie
May I come to the fun one.
Just be careful; in my state, having a child within the first 18 months renders a pre-nup null and void!

You are out to protect your assets, right, Carrie?? Originally Posted by ClairJordan
Carrie, I wish I'd had one the first time around, so no prob. Clair, I can't have any more kids, so Carrie is definitely safe on that score. Her assets AND her figure are both safe!

As for me - a total win on every count!

Isn't fantasy wonderful? But if Carrie ever does marry, her husband is a lucky guy.

Thanks for making my day to both of these amazing and wonderful ladies - Luv Ya both! Muuaah x2
May I come to the fun one. Originally Posted by John Bull
You can even perform the ceremony, if you promise to keep it exciting.
John Bull's Avatar
You can even perform the ceremony, if you promise to keep it exciting. Originally Posted by Natalie
I do! I do!
I do! I do! Originally Posted by John Bull
There goes JB, saying those "words" again.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Here is an example:

How infidelity has become accepted and even expected in Russia.

This is, IMHO, the end result of an essentially materialistic view. Both capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin in that they evaluate persons in purely economic terms. When this happens, men keeping mistresses becomes par for the course. Originally Posted by Laurentius
This article sure seems to be getting around

It is makes very general assumptions about entire country based on very tiny segment of population. Sort of like saying that all Americans live in high rise buildings, prefer take out to home cooking and commute on average 1h a day to work. Reality is while it is norm for New Yorkers, it is hardly descriptive of small town in Montana or Oklahoma.

That said, there is some truth to the observations made by reporter.

Russia is a paradox in a sense that while being Cristian country, it has never abandoned its pagan ways. Another factor to consider is that for centuries, population consisted out of peasants and nobility.

We all know that peasants have extremely practical and natural attitude to sex. Children see mating and birth of farm animals from early days.

Nobility on another hand both idolized purity of young bride and encouraged promiscuity of married couple. Men and women of means could and did engage in extramarital affairs. Divorce was not an option, but living in different wings of same house and having lovers was perfectly acceptable in society.

Behavior and attitude described in that article is prevalent among modern "nobles". Every day people don't really engage in such behavior simply because they don't have means to. Marriage is a lot more popular there then in USA, while infidelity and prostitution are more tolerated. Seems strange? Not really. Women are less likely to end marriage over infidelity, ESPECIALLY if husband did not have an affair but rather had encounter with professionals.

Regardless of social class and personal situation, Russian women generally don't fret over why men cheat. They don't ask why or how or when. They just react based on each individual situation.

Wife of a factory worker most likely will find something very heavy in her kitchen and inflict severe bodily injuries.

Wife of an bank president ... will go out and buy something expensive then go to Bahamas with young bodyguard for a week.

Wife of office clerk most likely will kick him out for a week or two.

But not one of them will be spending next 10 years in therapy trying to figure out what's wrong with her.

This article sure seems to be getting around Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Yes Ma'am!

BTW, have I mentioned recently how incredibly hawt you are? But, oh yeah, where were we ...

Behavior and attitude described in that article is prevalent among modern "nobles". Every day people don't really engage in such behavior simply because they don't have means to. Marriage is a lot more popular there then in USA, while infidelity and prostitution are more tolerated. Seems strange? Not really. Women are less likely to end marriage over infidelity, ESPECIALLY if husband did not have an affair but rather had encounter with professionals. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Is that really any different than here? Certainly, the word "courtesan" originated in Western Europe a few hundred years ago; and I would hazard a guess that most American professionals are paid by the equivalent of "nobles" here.

I'm certain there are plenty of wives of very wealthy man who tolerate infidelity so long as it doesn't come with public embarrassment.

Did I mention how totally hot you are? Oh, yeah, we were discussing ...

But not one of them will be spending next 10 years in therapy trying to figure out what's wrong with her. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Hah hah hah! We have a therapy CULTURE. Modern American wives often need just as much therapy if hubby didn't cheat. Cheating husband is just one more reason.

Actually, cheating is as high among women as men in America; it's just that women are more seldom caught.

But cheating is largely preventable -- but it takes work. For explanations as to how, see "His Needs, Her Needs" and "Kosher Adultery."

ForumPoster's Avatar

Is that really any different than here? Certainly, the word "courtesan" originated in Western Europe a few hundred years ago; and I would hazard a guess that most American professionals are paid by the equivalent of "nobles" here.

I'm certain there are plenty of wives of very wealthy man who tolerate infidelity so long as it doesn't come with public embarrassment.

Did I mention how totally hot you are? Oh, yeah, we were discussing ...
Originally Posted by Laurentius

You did but feel free to mention again

On serious note , it is different.

If you read on line forums dedicated to marriage and relationships in America it seems that women consider affairs with "civvies" to be somehow better than engaging services of professional. Mention a pro and replies are all "oh my god! He is a murderer who is trying to kill his wife and children by engaging services of dirty diseased whores"

Russian women don't consider sex with a pro to be cheating. Its "just sex". Of course, they still going to rip him a new one ... but they won't loose much sleep over it.
