Yet you do it.
That is the paradox, people that do it to you either think they are justified in doing so or think they are not doing anything wrong. Just as you do. It is the big paradox of life. When more folks grasp this concept the world will be more understanding of others.
Originally Posted by WTF
I have encountered that problem too in many ways in my life. I don`t mean you, Lauren, with that statement, but i see where WTF comes from. Some people do not intentionally lash out on others, yet they make statements in their life about others or - about themselves - that is a big fat lashing out towards others. It would be too personal to make an example but i say something from my experience: I am a sexpositive person risking my life and my reputation to be open and honest and supportive of sexworkers. That said
i have gotten to know people who are not sexpositive and completely heteronormative , yet they have the ignorance to present themelves as sex positive (because it sounds cool??) while hiding behind societies back. These people - as well as the so called feminists who screw men for jobs instead of getting into university and a real job with a real resume ( i have encountered more than one so called feminist escort doing so - it makes my toes curl) - drive me nuts and crazy and i think its so offensive that it drives my blood to boil. There are people out there really working hard and then some brainless ignorants pretend its all a game of words?
Usually these people are not so easy to laid open too, since they tend to hide behind a whola facade of how great they think they are and make everyone believe they are. Except when you "know" their bullshit because you had the chance to look behind the facade.
I mean here on the web everyone can write anything. Who knows? Maybe i am a catholic nun in reality. But i am talking about real people in real life.
ps. I have written in my blog on wordpress on that matter. feel free to comment if someone is interested.