This person has lied.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Rush Limbaugh

People "can't go fishing anymore because of Obama

There are "high administrative costs" when you donate to Haiti relief through the White House Web site

"President Obama . . . wants to mandate circumcision
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Michael Savage

Elena Kagan is "a New York City radical, Marxist lawyer through and through
  • Laz
  • 12-29-2011, 09:45 AM
Now you have proven they all lie. What a deal, we have to choose the lieing asshole we dislike the least. Makes you want to puke.
Munchmasterman's Avatar

It's only a lie if it contradicts one of Munch's ill-thought out opinion. If it agrees with him, it's the truth, if not, it's a lie.

Makes it simpler that way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchmaster your post would get more respect if you also listed all of the Democrat lier's. Originally Posted by Laz
Respect? That's a good one.

I'm not listing all the repub lies. Why would I list all the dems?

First off, anyone can add names.

Second, have any of the people who post threads labeling liberals or dems various types of liars ever posted similar threads about conservatives? No, they haven't.

Should those people balance their threads? Will they?
Don't hold your breath.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Moreover, COG, is right...lets just GO to the site. No need to cut and paste the site here.

BHO thinks he's his own deity. The media agree.

Good point. I think Munch just wants to start cut and pasting a site onto this one and is looking for any rationale to do so. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not bringing the site here. Bringing some things from the site here.

Poor call on the deity statements. Do you have a link? Oh. That’s just your opinion. Never mind.

Just want to cut and paste? That sure was thought out. Wrong.

Bottom line is that if you don't like the thread, don't go to it.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Now you have proven they all lie. What a deal, we have to choose the lieing asshole we dislike the least. Makes you want to puke. Originally Posted by Laz
You didn't know that?

Since we have established that, it probably comes down to whether they repeat the lies.

Giving people the benifit of the doubt, once could be a mistake.

Repeating the lie is not a mistake.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, you've posted what they said, how are they lies? Haven't seen the evidence that says they were lying.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not saying they aren't lying, but Savage's statement is an opinion, can hardly be called a lie. I'd just like to know the countervailing truth, if any.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ok, you've posted what they said, how are they lies? Haven't seen the evidence that says they were lying. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

First you bitch about cut and paste...

Go look it up, asshole.
It's at politifact.

And of course this from a guy who never proves what he is trying to, by link or logic.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-29-2011, 02:09 PM
COG is more confused than a bastard child on fathers day
pyramider's Avatar
I don't get it . . . There is not a politician anywhere that has not lied. They all lie.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't get it . . . There is not a politician anywhere that has not lied. They all lie. Originally Posted by pyramider
Of course.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gee, Munch, you sure hate when asked to back your story. Why is that? I didn't even disagree with you, and you attack me. I think you have issues.
  • Laz
  • 12-29-2011, 04:42 PM
You didn't know that?

Since we have established that, it probably comes down to whether they repeat the lies.

Giving people the benifit of the doubt, once could be a mistake.

Repeating the lie is not a mistake. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes I did know they all lie. It disgusts me as much as it appears to disgust you. I just wanted you to post democratic liars also so that you would have to acknowledge it is not about the party it is the system that has been allowed to evolve. What really disgusts me is there is no need to lie about Obama. His record and policies are so bad the truth is all that is needed.